Ktitcheu K1iozer .,t.5c FOR WARX BREAKFPASTS QuakerCOata 3 PK.S. 25c WiL.SONS CERTIMSD ChlckenalaXiug,ý 29* ANPICKED SWEËErHEART :,souap Flakes . 9 SULKV WAY CcadyBoro.. 3 Fo.l JERSEY BRAND Ccoru flalqs . 7c ~DN IDE N ECARGEJ *An overwhelming inajority of the thousandg who shop regu- Iarly in Jewel Food Stüres-no longer rush front store to store in search of deep-cut prices. Tlsey are regular Jiwel. custonierS because they cati depend upon .constant reasonable prices with no hidd e ver- Charges to malce up forIle of profit on. deep-cut snecials. 0 Out ef the 10 to 20 items afamily needa in. the, hom e eVery week, very few aie purchased at 'lspecial" -or"lbargain" pic. Jsw't it,. therefore, more logical t o consider t he total, cost of the.complet <hopping list" rather thaï the. penny or two that. might be sQaved on. one or two advertised bargains? 6 Jewel's Policy of a fair priifor everYthing in addition to a widle range of specials every week in one of the big, reasons for its sensational, increases in, customers and sales. Macaroi .... S STOKELY FINSUT Totuoto 3 u1o . :so 10 KNOX A CeIoetine giP19C SEUSI40LE Toilet Tissue 3 ROLLS 9 PURE Cou. sug«ar.5 LUS. -25C BLUE, JEWiL IVAPORATEC Nîlk ** 4,C. 25 FANCI BLUE ROôSE lRice . M. ,., *e. OLD UMEDAL. CERE9SOTA. PILLSBURY INO HIDDEN OVERCHARGES Çrcbmectt. ..8iA 23c A tunely lerten suggestion No. 1 saze con 45c MORO SELECTD QUALII-Y Tuna Fish 2S Z Cs2 5C Ail hght meat* - tender and flolcy unusually fine flavor SWISS FOOD DRINk Ovaltine. M.L.:57c Littie Orr>bdn Anrie's Favorite Medium Can 31c IELLOGGS-YOUîR CHOICE. NESTLES PURE CHOCOLATI, citOICE OF "LOmo, SEMI4SWEET OU MILK 2.m.OI DNS15 Tomcato Juice 6 CANS 39c Starft the day rîgbtt ÉfiLdbby*s Tomato Jwce TASTI BRAND Margarine 15~ lc Comparable to the ns talwprîce SALERNO SALTNES - GRAHAMS OR COFFIE SALE '*A Btend for Evr Tas«e. a Piice for Ev ery Puse- Blue. Brook 17 Blue Jewel ' L..2c Royal JeweI ,Ls-49c APPLE SALE Thursdlay, Friday andi Saiwda EXTRA FANCY Winesaps 4 L8s.l19C PLORIDA VALENCIA Oranges,»., 19c EDWAFRD$ CRÂPU IULLY 13-OZ. J AR 15< 1115 C asfrai Avenue MARCH 21, 1935 il SANTA CLARA PRUNES MEDIUM SIZE 2 CELLO BAGS 1 9c 7~u Lewd~<ema4i On 'Sale not o.,ly for thia Weelc-Bu but until N ext Wetf. Night, MaTCh 27 e e !n - -à LGE. PKO.23c