THE NORTH SHOR'IS M WILU MUTI-4 GREJENLEÉAF -3230 HOLLYCOUIT 3800 LNN4COLN - 0509 Five teIeph<>nes are Bt your service, and through thefr use, thon désiring Safety and Satisfaction in their movi*ig or storage nerds can become acquainted with details, or a representative wili gladly oeil at any appointed time and furnish. an estimate ofcosts. -Thereis no obIigatiôn. STORAGE WAREII@USESINCe IESTAUUSHEib D 1893 SERVING THE ENTIRE NORTH. SHORE 4031/2 Linden Avenue. WiImette 0'~~' - - March'is a fickle month----- Ev.n Me. W.olher Mon crosses bhis fingers wh.n h. makes a fore-' cast for March. B' ut, if is a safe b.t 1hat you WiI n.ed more coal u» ý to k..p your home comforlabI. d vuot foiephon. Iuring the chilly days of early Spring. Why now? Y.aa will gel the. higiiest grade fuel, a careful, courfeoUs GUARANTEED COAL-COKE FUEL OIL deIiv.ry, and a guaranlee of safisfaction @psumers Compaqy wilh èvery In .; WILMETTE 1300 I WINNETK 3386 GLENCOE 75 Brng eh.., c.uforw cm IaUy daye. Be mi» t. bave a suf. Sebsut supply on ha&d.Oraw. Tossowl TULEp.PUoNEz ~WILNETT Briargate 3m382-aW9 Unive.ity 710 2738 W. PRailoasi Av. shoulsi b. doue a . W havacopete Nue.t. emr. for your .v.wy m»004 Il Il l' j r Il