Deadline for In$erîioma- WILMHTTE IPE or all three IWNNETKA TALK ani Thursday Telephones: W.ilmette 14300. Wlunetka Greenleaf 40 or Sheidrake 1314-1217. LOB? AND FOUND Lest March 6- WHITE -SPITZ DOG, Tan mnarkings. Winnetki 2926. 3LTN45-ItP LOSÔT, TUESDAY EVENING,, MARCH 5-Smail red-brown- Pomneranian maie, pointed ýfaee, ears. Answers, name 'Tim- ite." Wearing collar. Child's pet. Mr. Lundlberg, 435 Birch St., Wlnnetka 1614. _____3L45-Itp -Classitied advertlsements wil be ac- paperi; wýn;lý 9 P.iX. for., Paint, Paper .5 Rms., $34M5 y à P. M. for, GLENCOEN NUWS AgIA R CZVSN O 2m 200 Winnetka 500 after e P. IL).. CEILINGS CALC., $1 ,UP finiTs, D pNaSintel, Up lmwamllPaPer cleaned, 75t; bathroom ena.mOed, $5 up; kiticheu nte 6U BUSINE"s SEVICt 6 ra ar. u's1>ed vrnlshed, $,. Stueco ildhoutalde pitlng,. porches,, $15r. Plastering, Stucco. CernentW iiu 5e. Refs. Fr0.e stirnates. IBASECMPNT-WHITEWASMING Materials furnished. «e.A. Thursby Wiimeëtte,3387 WILMETTE 3413 16LTN4fi.4tal 42LTN45-îtp PAUNTINU AND PEcmmATNS 1 rlIrJKttP wAU4WOODI. IST CLASS. DRY. ALL SPLIT, LOOS.4 Greatly reduced price. Winnetka 1128. 16LTN4S-1tu - . Z R Xwb!r4îMLX- i N X-a 1 t 1IV0 DOGl LOST,- FEB 21- BOSTON BULL - saves You 30% and tlme by doing on Smaie.. Medium 'slmed. Black, with your premises. Eigtfmates frfie. W rite both fr-ont le, chest, neck and rear feet B-102, Box 40, Wilmnette, 111.' white. 'Chldren's pet ý Reward. Wil- 1OLTN42--4tp mùette 2546. 3LTN4S-ltp___________________ L08T-IRX$ 1 ETrEIR, MALE, DEECP CLOCK RXEPAIBIN0 rod; 8 months old. Wlnnetka license. Reward. Ph. Winnetlcs 2%2. LO< EPERTI, CRI, HALL, 8/T'N45-ltc antique elock repairing. Learned trade -~ in Europe. (Formerly with Tiffany and LOST - WIRE-HAIRED TERRIER. Fild's.) Will cali. Yree estimate. David Colored white, black and brown. Jhassn phone Diversey 2041.' Nlaine*'Nipper." Reward. 95 Church t0LTN45-Stp, Road, Wnnetka 3226. 3L45-ltp ________________ IOT-RIlDDISH BROWN CHOW dpg. Child's pet. Reward. Phonie Wilmette 2378. 3LTN45-Itp COLLETTE SOEURS DESIGNERS AND MAKERS ACODUNTINO -oný-rp-Sit--ot ACCOUNTÂNT DESIRES I NC O ME O ia-ope-etle-le tax work, part time accounting, boo0k- 833 El,» St. Winnetka 1011 keeping, collection of accounts - eve- 22LTN45-4tp niîhge. Àeas. Write B-105, Box 40. Wil- COATS, SUITS, DRESSES. ,A L S mette, 11 6LTft2-4tp alterations and reniodeiing. $3 day. - Tour homne orimine. Refs. Phono Wil- ANTiSuES mette 2718. 22LTN45-4tp SALE OF ANTIlQUES Designs, mits, opie and alters Beginnlng Monday, March 18, gowns, wraps, suit., coats, in your and, continuingone week home. Ph. Wilrnette 855. 22LTN44-4tp The JessieWren. Studio, Of AUP DiC Antiques 389 Liure1 Ave. Highland Park, Ill. .Directly'opposite PublieiÀbrary EsPeciallY 10w prices to reduce.a large stock of choice antiques Glass, fine china, pewtor, lustre, mirrors, prints, dower chests, trays,. figurines, India shawls, old silver, fine vases ln pairs, and many other choices peces. Complote, sets pattern glass (ribbon, ploat and panel, etc.). - Tasted Real Milk? M a ny people haveni't - or have forgotten how it tastes. Pasteurization, When proper- ly handied, does not destroy the milk fiavor. Mellody Parmas offers Grade A nIllk, that will bring you a new taste thrill. Won't yon try it?ý ,.IQUALITY DECORATING * OU> FLOOR RMOU~SHED WITH * e lcie machine, sPeciai winter rates. efnace your work through the Fed- oral HOUslng Act. Quaiity decorating la true economy.. FrREDBROBERG. BRIýARGA4TE 1081. DECORATE NOW ~SPEC. REDUCÉlD PRICE3 THI month oniy. Rr». paPered $3 Up; Ceil- ing cale. ;1 up; Paper% cleaned 75c; kitchen painted $6 Up, Antique walis .washed and starched. $2.50. Best of ref. furn. LOUIS--:.WIL. 5034, WINNETKA 2511. 42LTN45-ltp A QUALITY DECORATING SERVICE Lakeside Decorating CO. Priees consistent wlth good workman- ship and fine mnaterials. Estlmates and refs. cheerfully furnished. Key- atone 5076 (Reverse charges). 42LTN45-ltp Painting-Paper Hanging VERT REASONABLE Phone Winnetka 3328 42LTN45-~Ite i%7mT3Io1 I DEOQATOR WITII 20 y.are. experlence, paper hanglng, paintlig and csielablning. Pries Y- aonable- Work guaranteeo. Cali C. Z Lumley, Giencoe 73. 42LTN45-4tp pu»s WÂNTED-GO)D IHOME AS ,HOUSE pefor 2 Medium salzed doga. One aie dog and one terrier. Good dis- position. Write.B-123, Box 40, Wlmnette, Ill., or phone Greenleaf 3052 after 5 P. m. 44LTN45-ltp Scottish Terrier PunniAc IMONEY FOR, LOANS NOW .AVAILABLE FEDERAL 1H0M!ILOAN BANK mortgages. iMonthly amortized bIanis on forth shore homes. Borrow U.p'to. "(e% of value. To run from à to 15 years 1. por Information cali Mr. Cllfton, ýWII- mette 863. 641.TN4-tfe LOANo LOARSt ON AUTOMOBILES- Confidential service, legal rates MOTOR 1L0AN CO. State Bank BIdif., Evanston. Gre. 3200.. 6SLTN3§-tfe SEMPLOYMWENT AuzENcIE Frank's Domestjc Bureau 421 Richmond Rd. Kenilworth 2nd FI. Village iHall Kenlwort> 5221, Wiî HAVE REGISTERED WITH US the best of domestlce employees on the North, Shore. Cail Frank's to secure experlenced and reliable help. 66LTN45-ltc EXPERIENcED HELP WE SPECIALIZE IN HIGH GRADE domestie help, ail nationalîties. No charge to employers. References in- vestlgated. Un<Ier State supervision. Reinhart's Empi. Agency 748 Elm St. Wlnnetka 3899 68LTN28-tfe DOMESTIC HEU>P EXP. ANI) WELL RCMMENE No Charge tô Emplyer Lindgren Empl. Agency Etblishedl 25 years 709 Elmn St. Wlnn. 1047 68L.TN19-tfe COMPETENT HE.L p No- CHARGE TO EMP.LOYER EMfilInt Servicefor Fiorth Shore Homes iVE INVESTIGATÊ REFEREXNCE8 WUI ARE T"M ORTIINAL Paulirie's Empi. Agency WILMETTE 2171 Fourth and Linden Opposite ' "Tom.., 68LTN26-tfe Also Inured permanent math proofing. - 34V.~,*..v& .., 16LTN45-ltp.LAUTNDR ORK $JLEeTRIC W E L D I N G , BOILER Will eall for and deliver. l3es weldlpg autoniotivo machine abhop ami references. Phone Wilmette 9ý parts job6or*. 34LI PAVLIK BROS. - XER CEDWHITE LAU: PHONE KENILWORTK 290-820 otide.,.Bost ref.. Call for and 1OLT3U-OtpPhono Gleënco.e 555.3 -721-723 Mi.n ailure Craftsrnen EXPERIENCED COLORED j vishes general, housewot fi,, treet Univelty 7210otUme. Aise day work, Iaungîry 5SI;TN45-lýte ing.Uni. 6882 68L