IW 065imrmn Ave. Unm. 3444 uiOMiANCE IN Mn oTdd I.e.EIt.nuaeal Aet But., Nareh 14 Opea st 18 Noeon &nia'»roralk-loyie Tatbot la Thrillng Air Xyierry nMURDER UINTHE CLO VOSU N"yt.ry Iguutain" at Mainèe San., Mon., Tuei., Mar. 17-18i-19 WAMSNEM IAXTEA MT8NA LOY 381ROAOWAY SULLRI Wed, Thur.,, w-ai k Legion, at Waukegan, Monday even- ing, Marcb 18. Rabbi Charles E. Shulmanof Nortb '$bore Congregation Israel,'wilI bé tbe s peakter . of tbe eveninig., His subjéct WinI be "Fears of- the 2tb Century." W. 0. Eubaniks, Higbland Pr agent an naran of the prograni commit- tee, will be toastmaster. Paul , Mendel, ticket agent at Edison Court, Wautkeian, -lS. presý-- dent of tbe Pepper*club, wbicb was organized to prtomiote better personal service1 by ther members to their respective n orth shore communties. Water R. Voss, ticket. agent at Racine, is vice-president, andý Don Zealan d of Waukegan,- information clerk at 223 S. Wabash avenue, Chii- cago, is secretary of tbe club.; of Highland Park Higb scbool, wull Iead the club and its guests in group singing of popular airs. Following HATCH OUT THRILLERS H. S. Kraft, Guy Endore, bfrector Tod Browning, Samuel Ornitz and Bernard Schubert baskin l the sunlight and batch out blood-curdling, hair- raising tbriller ideas for movie-goers' Warner B.sler and Myrna Loy, u'ho star in "Broadwauy Bm" o'a the Valencia theater Sunday, Mon- day ansd Tuesday, March 17-19. The film, lieU oftirnforgettabfe scepies, shows wlsat happenh "en Raxter stakes ezerything on a gai- tant' race horse--and Myrna Loy. March Valencia 1 day, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. "4And no word, however. strong,"l says Photoplay magazine, "1could de-ý flué the essential strengtb of the Francis Yeats-Brown story, as Para- mount. bas brouight it to if e... It is one of. thé best pictures ever to corne out ,of, the Paramount Gary Cooper plays, Captan Mc- Gregor, whose awkward, soft-hearte- ness so often proves b is undoing to, the keen deligbt.'of Lieutenant For- sytbe (Franchot Tone) wbo always, stops laugbing, bowever, just in time, to snap into action.. Richard Crom-., well portrays the Colonel's son, whose youth and -inexperience figure prom- inently in the story. Sir Guy Stand- ing is tbe Colonel-the film shows wby Cooper calls-im ii"014 - Ram- rodY' C. Attbrey Smith is excellent in the role of major, a man of under- standing and dignity.: These men carry on their shotilders tremendous responsibilities witb gai- lant .bumor and quiet beroism. Dialog, direction, pictorial grandeur and intelligent production tnake this picture definltely one of the most im- portant of tbe year. Thrsday [a»t Dayl R ING CROSBY 08HRUIS USMY NIART" %44~ production No. 5 which1 azine predicts wvili coni4 under the-titie of "The: ;reta Dorge ette Goddard is bis new 1leading wonian Friday of tbis week, tbe Valencia in the film. off crs "Happiness Abead," tuneful and Peppy movie about a wealthy miss and: A former Wilmette resident, 'Raipli a wiiidow wasber. Tiiey're Josephine Bellamy, plays the role of bridegrooni Hutcbinson and Dick Powell, respec- in the new Samuel Goldwyn picture, tively. "The Wedding Niglit," featuring Anna Plenty of. tbrills aloft punctuate Sten. Cary Cooper portrays ber truc "Murder in the Clouds," starrinff Lvle and more opulent than usuai. Mary Brian and Thomas Beck carry the love interest. Another outstanding attraction wiii be this montb's issue- the second in this new series-of "The Marcb of Time." Men's Club WiIl Hold Final Meeting Mar. 19 BEN ERtICKSON WIImtt. 4un Ph.., i