--y1 «IUUB..... *.,* * .... UOIO arib I3oichu .........'.Sehiominger Mihrmo.....o............ &3hlesigr T.ur Yisro.I.......... .. Thatcher Tzu Ysrel- ** »'** *.... Lndsman Kedusha. ........ ........ Flderlein May the Wordsý. 1.. m.... Landamlan Ànthem--uýI Wato for the Lr" SoIo-.Lea'sMendebbaohn..Norrîg Soo--'Le'nGesang"'....Rubuasteià Mise Lucilie Loýng Va'Anachnu ............... Binder, Largo.........Perlman Elohenu ........... Sal Supplanting the regular session ýof the Religious school this -Strday morning, tbe congregation will- hold its Purim carnival during the; after- moon beginning at2 o'clock. Tbis âIlI conistitute a Joyous froiic, including a variety of carnival features and a play by the Alumi Players directed by Milton Klee. Proceeds will go to the cbarity fund of the Religious, 8chool. Mns. George Fraser and daughters, Miss Doris and Agnes, 645 Abbots- ford road, Kenilworth, returned lust week,. motoring home from Ft. Lau- derdaleFIa., where tbey spent a Mr. and Mrs. Fred' Bullçy, -220, Sheridan road, Keniiworth, returned Monday of last week from thé south. They motored from Winter -Haven, Fia., 'were. tbey viited .forfive weeks. Miss Caroline C lark, daughter -of the Ralph Clarlçs, 620 Forest avenue, who attends Monticello . Seminary at Godfrey, Ill., is returning on March 22, for her sprinoe vacation.. pality, and tw provide for vOIuntary coopération between the police de- partuients of the various municipali- ties throughout' the state, A statute embodying this plan, drafted by Thomas A. ,Mattbews for the associ- * ation, ýwili be submîitted at the pres- ent session of the legisiature. In effect, every cbief of police, andi * any of bis force designated by Min, will be given auhrtytnake Wi- vestigations and arrests anywhere ini * the entire state. Ail municipal police departnents will be ,organized witb a supervisor *for each district of the state, so that in, case of need,, police- men. can be ioaned from one city to another. Cooperation. between tbe departments woulId be %,oluntary. The proposed, statute provides also that when a policeman is called upon for duty outside b is, municipality, hie would stili be entitled tQ *ail benefits under civil service iaws, compensation laws, and disability and pension pro- visions, as thougb bis, service were rendered within bis own çity' or vil- lage. The Sub urban ,Area Police commit- tee has been working tipon the prob- lem, of securing better cooperation between:police departments for some time, and as. a result of its delibera-' tions bas presented recommendations for this law to facilitate such cooper- ation. The proposed plan wili not cai',for any additional salaries to be paid by the state, andit will give the L OGA N-HO WARD P. T.A. Tuesday morning, -March. 12, the Adolescent Study, group had as its speaker Mrs. Virginia, Byington 'of the National College of Education. Thie Pre-School circle met at the LE.' SOLEM Mrs. E. J. Brown of Decatur, Ill., and Mrs. William Jackc of P~eoria will arrive today to visit Mis. Brown's sister and Mirs. Jack's sister-in-law, Mrs. Alfred )McDougal, 235 Abbots- ford road, Kenilworth. Two, The Wilmette Park District Coi (oaci for aix-arterni e * eners Dr. Fred O'Donnell is iiow con- valesclng at his home, 2M2 Lake avenue, f rom a major. operation wbich he underwent. recenitly at; St.. Francishopa. Mr. and Mrs. Jayý Metcalf of Grand Rapids motored to Wilmiette Tues- day to spend a, few days with Mr. and Mns. Hilton Ira Jones, 153 For- est, avenue. 0o -Mrs. Robert J.,Allen of Seaford, Dela, arrived yesterdiy in the vil- lage, to spend- a nionth with her. daughter, Mns. Harry B. Buruside, 1515 Lake ave nue. THE WItMETTE PARK DISTR ICT NOTICE 0F ELECTION.. Notice, is hereby given that the regular -The Wilmette Park District Election is to be held in The Wilmette Park District on Tues- day, April 2, 1935, for the purpose of voting for the followi ng offices: One The Wihnette Park District Conunisuioner <to M.-Ianu necpired term for four yemr)