ances, as teme VCtU ii nu~aiOtl Western university Waa-Mu show. Tickets for ",Good. News"' are now, on sale at Chandler' s, the Co-o0pe Tommy Airth's, Lyoin and Healy's, in Evanston, and telephone reservations miay be made by callingUniviersity 6300. * The complete cast for 'Good News". f ollows: Tom Marlowe .......... Walter Merrili @#Bee" sauuders... -Ballard.Bradley Bobby RandalI.ý ......... Bob Brubaker BIIh Johnson .......Ed Barsumin iepooche, Kearney. .. . 1hilip von .A.rnon Charles Kenyon ......... kobert Schott Patricia. Bngbam.... Jecquelin Wieland Constance Làane. . . . Elizabeth Sterbeniz Babe O'Day...... ...... Harriet Walker Sylvester.... ........ Gordon Sargent .....n...... John Phaleèn Blist...... Morris Clark Millie ..............e Solfronk F10................. irginlia Torcom Kel ... .KoI Potter Pitti -ohrmanne Melba ý..........MlaDhmn The Campus trio- * Robert Bast, Ove Jorgenson, Donald Thorpe Radio announeer. ..Murray McLean specialties ... . MeGraw twins, Ed Stack Girls of Tait collee-- Alice Bauman, Mildred Boehni , Mar- inn Rtirtutt- Btv Phanmn. Eloise T h e Performances will begin Proniptly at 8.30 in the theater of the National College of Education. MODEL LEAGUE DELEGATEý Miss Florence 'Seliery, dauùghter1 of Roy ýA. Sellery1 of 908' Ashlapd ave- nue, Wilmette, was one of, seven stu- dents to represent Colby Junior coi- lege -in New, London, N. H., at 'the Model League of Nations at Mount Hol1yoke college March 8 and 9. The Colby delegation represent ed Finland in the league, and was one of -sixteen countries to have a place in the 1. L.O0. Miss Marian, Pomeroy, 1-16 Ninth Street, bas returned from a month's ivisit with Miss Katherine Symes in Sanford. Fia. The two motored to Miami. for a week during their stay : i the south. FRENCH LICK 1h N D1 A N A "DIDN'"T STOP'WORK TeHome of Pluto Woter HEADACHI WUNT- $0 QUUCKLY" BUU VYAILU M my Notli SLpr PeP6 -Many prominentnorth shore young eople appear in the cast listing Of iis year's Waa-Mu show. Walter Merrill, 116 Greenwood ave-I il&- i..,. .ru1vste Anart of TomE Sherman avenue, Evanston; Janet; Seidel, 1114 Hinman avenue, F- am)8 ton; ]Betty Tlhompson, 554 Sheridan squre, Evanstn;Vgna Weber, 244Payner street, Evanston, and .ind your own.' *.but corne now to TD.TAGGART, Prosldent 'iEverybody and his brother phoned me this aternoon. I thonsgAi rd go mad. Then my head began to ache. Ooy, how il throbbed! You know-right <bove the eyes. Ordinarily I just give ap when oeof those hits me but thot new secretary of mine is right on the job. She pulled a box oj HEXIN oui o/ her purse ani brought me a glass of1 water. 1 didn't, even stop work my heeudache weiat so guickly." Sre ÀAddres# ............... . . ca Gf.....................ettr..............i ~rnmmumummuB uuflh1u..ImmUIWn