A,1l Club Members Working for the Spring fes. tival seems to be the pleasai duty of every :member of thc Wilmette *Woman's club. fronm our charmning president, Mrs. A E. Klunder, to the newest mem- ber.. Mrs. John B. Boiddie, as chairman, and Mrs. Clifton L. Darling as general he ad of the ways andmeans activities, havé held several commiittee.meet-' ings, to complete tbe elaborate p lansgon forward tongo make this one of the most entertain- ing benefit affairs ever staged at the club. 'Wednesday, March 27, wilI be the opening date andi Il in the inorning the time. Each afternoon andi eve- iiing 'tlere will be varied programs given which wiIl include dancing. singing, and acting by different groups oif both local talent andi pro- fessionals. The Old South will be- featureti on "Plantation Night" with a minstrel andi play, and sonue old- fashjoned square dances will add to the hilarity on the second, or "Pion- cer Night" wben a drama will be stageti., A jolly cruuise on the briny deep wiIl- be the fanciful flight for lu betwor"Man te"'ntera un FIn aybor Man tee"nt.ranm features will be time for enjoying a cupof tea, having your fortunetoIt?, k or playing bridge. And of course. V there will be 'ail sorts of attractive bargains at the various booths, in- cluding fancy and serviceable aprôns, household utilities, novelties andi white elephants. A food? table will be presided o'ôver> byMrs. E. C. Lingel, whose assistants are Mesdames J. J. Downey, R. W Hallet, W. H. Hayt, E. B. Hutchitns. R. J. Lascelles, G. W; Rose, S. D. McPherron, Lloyd Yost, J. S. Barcus, W._F. Crawford, A. J. Woodcock. F. Forest av'enue, Wilmette, is general chairman of the SPring festival <51 the Womnan's Club of Wilmette- Moarth 27, 28, and 29. The three- do,> ezent, tuth ils many f eat -e,, is a pro ject of the urGys and mem~s commit tee for the building fund. Mr mea. mond metteu Sprin el#bifi The. philanthropy department of the Woman's Club of Wilmette is meeting Friday, March 15, to sew for the Mary Barteinie Home and Service council. Sewing is froun 10 o'clock until 4, andi is open to ail women in the village, re-, gardless of membership in the club. Mrs. E. G. Low is chairman of the department, Mrs. F. O. Ebeling is chairnian of the work for the day, and Mrs. F. F. Parry is the luncheon chair- man. Assisting Mrs. Ebeling are Mrs. GA-orge D. Conlee, Mrs. Ralpb. F. Pot- The Women' Palmer bouse. The annual reports from. the chairmen will be read at 10:30 o'clock and election of officers will take place from 10:30 to 112:30. Mrs. A. O. Larson, -state chairman of con- servation of the Illinois Federation of. Women's Clubs will speak at 12:15 on "Conservation." Luncheon' will be.ev cd at 12:30.sev to Hear Sng0o Members Saturday Songs written by north shore comnposers Will be presented by, a group. of profesesional, artists Saturday afternoon, when the Nortbern Illinois branch of -the, -~:'y:National. League of American Pcnwomnen.méets at the borne of 'f 4 ~Mrs.. Harry D, Briggs, 324 Sheridan' road, Kenilworth. Iii, each case, the composer will he at the piano. The prograni will begin at 2:-30 wvith a group of compositions, written by Mrs. Floy Little Bartlett, of Win- netka,, sung by Miss Ruth Braun of Highland Park, lyric soprano, with Mrs. Bartlett accompanying her. The second group is one of original comn- positions of Miss Emma Menke ,of Unw oMà Undeo.ý. Chcago, played by Miss Alice rs. Clif ton L. Darling, as Guernsey, prominent Chicago violin- ist, with Miss Menke at the piano. îs anddumays comnmitte chir- Songa written by the hostess, Dorothy of the Woman's Club of Wil- Bell Briggs, will be given by John e, is aiding wtith plons for the Dragomeyer of Chicago, tenor, Wlith ng festival to bc held in the Mrs. Briggs at the piano, andi last on the program will be compositions of. oite March 27, 28, anid 29. Mis Helen Watson of Chicago, for-, mërly of Evanston, sung by a tira- matic soprano, Miss Hulda Blankce of * Chicago. k County Women's Mrs. H. Norman Copthorne of Winnetlca hati charge of arrang-ing s fo Meet Monday the afternoon's progtam, and she andi Miss Helen Watson are assisting the Cook County Federation of hostess. Mrs. Floy Little Barlett andi îs Clubs will -hold its annual Madame Sturkow-Ryder will pour at onMonday. March 18, in the the tea table. Hope Summers fo R. ad. for-Alpha Xi Deltas The North Shore alumnae of Alpha Xi Delta are meeting on next Wed- nesday, March 20, at the home of Mrs. Ralph Huck, 918 Jutison avenue, o! 'uftrir club. n soprano. j>uring y' Mrs. Roger F. 5ht e anti Mrs. Léona tKenilworth will po will be hosteýsses. J. Ptaidar of The new board Phlanthropy Sewing aet cool Womans Club March 15 Club