Topic for Juniors Clara MacGowaii, newly elect- cd president of the Chicago Su ciety-' of' Artists, and assÎsta-nt professor of art at Northwest- ern university and:but. recently returned froin New~ York where she hadlber first one-artist*show in tlheI)elphliic studios,.will give the prograni for the junior aux- ii.y of> thé, Woinan.'s Club of Wlnsette' Thursday evening, March 21l.-Dinnier will be served at 6:45 o'clock, the prog*rani will be at8. Miss MacGowan. in fber talk stressing. principles in interior dec- oration, will describe the beautiful city apartment of Mrs. Aima Reed, director of the studios in which ber pictures were displayed. She ivili mention as well the development of modern ;nteriors comparing those of today with. the first desi ns ini the new types. She, too, will discuss. particular problems of mnembers of the auxiliary. Miss MacGowan received the. de- gree of Master of Fine Arts from the University of -Washington in Seattle. Subsequent to this she made two trips ha n-artist show in Vienna and, Paris and several in Chicago. She has also exhibited, -in important group shows ini the city4 including the Art institute, the Art club, and Chi- cago Society of Artists. Under her directioni stu dents in the advanced class in design. at North- western university executed a series of block prints, depicting the history of Chicago, published as a volume in 1934. JAs announced in last week's issue of SWJmE'rTE LrvFF, theré will bc a joint Smeetinig of the Womnan's Club of Wil- mette and the Xilmette Garden club. Mrs. D. M. Galieof 1115 Elmwood aeu will take reservations 'fro t ý garden club members for the luncheon. The Garden club will have charg of y the. morning progranfi. t will present F. Isel of the Pfund-Bell Nursery at EIm- hurst,.talking on "The Outdoor Living' Rom"adMrs. Charles Di Ewe, Speaking on "ArtisticArranigemenits." Luticheon 'will be served at 1 o'clock. An illustrated tak.on :"Gardens of the Flowery Kingdom." b) Herbert C. hie.will be. the afternoofn prograni inig 4t 2. An exhibition of Canm- er'pitings will be *part of the pro- Mrs..Virtgil WVescott wvil l e present, and. will have a table in the entrance hall to seil tickets for the Flower show on the Navy pier April 6-14. If members wiil pgrchase their ti.c- ýVîS Adaaid Bai ofWismtka kets at this time, they wjll. not only . siis daad amnBail wof Wi ea have them at a reduced price, but %vil1 manne'quins at the tee an d f a.sion be given a printed guide to the exhibits, show n tie Be»jann- M'rsîs s av ing. ini alil t,-fite vnsb studo Modey fcuring tatheir tickets: in .advanceth stdoMnd ferona . Gatrden cluba.iitiüs SPoitsored by the Guild of thse anu s Kenii-worîh Union chsurch, the evit»ii: ls unique and !IEunus«J) settisig lis open Io ail who are terested. » Mrs. Faxon vv'm Give. Mns. E. V. L. Brown of Winnetka will be. the speaker at the, Most im- portant meeting this year of Kas- kaskia chapter, Daughters of the. American Revolution. The date of meeting originally announced - as' been changed to Tuesday, March 19. Luncheon will be served at 12 o'cloc k atthe ChIcgo Historical society, North Clark street and West North avenue, and Mrs. Brown, will review *'Our American Cousins.", "Preview" of Novel The Milis, Çollege club of Chicago wjil feature Mrs. Lloyd .Fakcon of Winnetka in a ieview of the conîing novel, *"Even in Laughter." Wednes- day aftemnoon, March 20, at 2 o'clock ini the Sigma Alpha Epsilon niernorial, Sheridan road, Evanston. "Even in Laughter," which is by- Constance. Cassady and Ruth Card- well. both of Maywood, i s a ýfirst novel and.'willJ not be on sale unitil April 15. t has a Chicago setting and is being featured. .by Bobbs-Merrill. Both authors will be present at the reading. Mrs. Cassady has had one ôther. book publshed-a child's cook. book Fashion Show Tea' On Mondlay, March 118, at .3 'coc. at the BeËn'janiin Marshall studio i.imte h stage w ili le set for W'hat Proni.ises to b an unusual.1% l)eat.tiftlI tea and fashion shiow.-, giv en hy the. Union' Churcb guild of Kenilworth. The whole. Studio. will be ýopen. for 'inspec- tion. The pool bas'been i lled, andl somne of the young irl1i I1atest nmodel bathing suits will he s; and diving. Tehp~ from Geneva, .Ill., whichi is giving, fe style show, will bring only* its lovelie§t models for adtlls and children. Everyone is invited to' be present and tickets can be obtained at the door or from mexubers of, the guild.' 1Among those modeljng will b: Mrs. Harold flarnes, Mrs. Edward Wolfe. Mrs. Willis Litteil, Misse.% Barbara 'Burch, Helen Smith, Ada- laide BaIl, Marion Hedriclc, jean Mc- Graiv. Mary Ellen McGee, florothy Ani Henderson, Prudence Johnson, Joan Ketcham, Isobel Johnson. Nanc Starrett, Nancy* McCloud, Carolyn Johnson,, Mary Qlmstead, Suzantt ,Olmstead, Peggy Harriman. jean El- rod, Edie Loti Wat-kins, and Masters Freddy Mc Dougal and Jackie',argû-. "Design in Garden" Is Topic .1 Cenfer Monday Colored slides will illustrate the talk M.' J. Fuller of the University of 1111 - nois- will give Monday ýmormn gi gat 10:30 at% the North, Shore Garden cen- ter, Winnetka Commu nity House. -This program'r is arranged by the North Shore Garden club, which has charge of the. March mneetings at the center., MrFuIler's talk is entitled' "Designi in the Garden," and stresses the use bridge party, w~ The- committee is compoeed of Mrs.-nients, Friday, Tiomupson Wakeley, Mrs. Frank Ket- o'clock. A suj clum,. Mss. Warren Hathaway, and 'given atthe cl bm.. Allait Gilbert. at 5 0'clock. Williams and Mrs. T. E. Re ,progràm has been arranged. nklin, 529 contract brid-g Assisting An exbibitic Louis C. mnan Clark, Dswell. A Fushimi and playçd. *FNg %-Oie- Yoshio will be