Gardo. Group end Worn's Club WUI Hoef Lectures end S.. "Cernra Paln6ings" The Garden Club, of Wilmette. bas arranged the program to; be presented Wednesday morning, March 20,, at its joint session with the Womian's Club Of Wil- mette. At 10:30ý F. Isel of the Pfund-BeInursery, 1Elmhurst, will speak on "The Outdoor Liv-" ing Rpoom," and- at. 12 o'clock Mrs. Chafles. .. wer of Wil- mette will be the speaker, bier subject being "Artistic Arrange- ments." "The, Gardens, of the Flowýeryý Kingdom" is the, sub- ject- of the af ternoon prograin. Luncheon will be served at 1 o'clock, and the Gardeni club mem- bers will be guests of the Woman's clb dui gthe aftentn. ' An exhibit of "Camera Paintings" will accompany the tallc on "Gardens of the Flowery Kingdom" to be given by Herbert C. White, who lived in China for eight years. Witb his brother, J. Henry White, he visited and explored the great monuments and places of artistic and architec- tural interest, taking nearly four thousand photographs. From these a group of one hundred extra- ordinary views was selected and The- Woman's Catholic Club' ýof Wilmette will meet Friday,ý afternoon, March 22, at 2 o'.clock. Nominations of offices Chairmen, and 'directors will be miade, Mary Rampbun Young wilI lecture. Her subject wali be "Gardens."ý Mrs. Young, who' is. well-known. for ber dramatic readings, Wsa, past chairman. of the Sixth' district garden, depart- ment and- also first vice-president of the Mid-West Horticultural society. Her program is said to be a d4- lightful combination of poetry andl Iegends, illustrated with colored sIide depicting ail four seasons of the yea. For several yçars Mrs. Young taught drarnatic art in the Ainerican ~Aeademy of Music, which is a. braanl of a Londbon conservatory. Miss Janet Lérsch wiIl play piano selec- tions. Mrs. Ernest Mundee, Mrs. joseph Nilless, and Mrs. joseph Stedemn will' be hostesses. Beginning March 26, M rs. Charles Norman, chairman of gardens, will conduct a class in "«Gardening" at the home of. Mrs. George Beaudin, 726 Elmwood avenue, every second and third Tuesday at 10 o'clock. No fee icharged for this course. The parliamentary procedure class meets at 10 o'clock every Wednesday môrning at the home of Mrs. Theo- Y dore Barrett, 1231 Greenwood avenue, -chairman of the çivics departinent. .sr, UU w w'IbU nours of thle mQ5t patient brushwork. A"poem accom- panies each picture, adding greatly to the charm of the exhibit. Many of these geins of Chinese verse were written by native poets one thousand and, two thousand years ago, and have been translated into English by poet-scholars of remarkable tal- ent., The pictures., mounted in band-, carved teakwood frames, have been placed on especially built stands, with CeIholié juniors WillI Elecf Ofricers April 9,ý Nominations for officers for coming club year were ruade Mrs. Warren A. Clohisy,, 121 Du- pee place, will have the next meeting of the St: Francis HousehoId, Order of Martha, on Monday afternoon, Marcl 18. Sewiug will begin as uStul at 1:30. women iu thoseq meeting of the Sko: of the D. A. R. M, at the. home of Mr tea at' S628 ýC o are attending the state Francis Oelerich, of Niles Centc ce at Springfield this week, social chairman of ,North Shore chai reports on the conference. . ter, i8 in charge of.arrangements. ,OoM.