Mrs. Conger Reynolds of Kenilworth, prograni chairman of the Mary Crane league, bas arranged a fascinating musicale, which tbe league will 'give for the benefit of its nursery school at Hull House. The Concert, wliich will be held at Shawnee Coun- try club on tbe evening of Mardi 22, will be given by Waxleeha Atiyeh. young Arabian sopraoand the Northwestern University String trio wbicb is- coffiposed, of Arcule Sbeasby, violin; Dudley:Po- ers, 'cello, aud Emily Boettcber, piano. Mr. Sbeasby was for several years . a pupil- of Ysaye in Brus- sels, and b e bas donc concert work - u many of the music ceuters here and. abroad. He was director of the departetofsrned instruments atDrake +nvrst before acceptîng a position on the music faculty at. Northwestern. He is concert master of the Evaunston Symphony orchestra. Dudley Powe rs is a member of tbe Cbicag o Sym- phony orchestra and studied witb Feuix Salmond in teuilliard, School. of 'Music in New York. Emily Boettcher is also. on the music faculty at North- western. Two years ago she won the piano coutest sponsored by the Society of -American Musicians. She studied for two years in Vienna and made ber Chicago debut last year. No doubt, an unusual treat in store for tlhp e 1kwho attend the concert will be Wadeeba Atiyeh, who is said to have a beautiful voice and a cbarmn- ing manuer.. SIte will sing one group of Freuch, Gerînan aud Euglish songs and another group of ber own native oues, wbicb sbe will give in the language of the locality and period to whicb they be1ong; For the latter site will dress iu tbe ap- propriate native costumes. Miss Atiyeb is the only womau wbo eau give, the Mobammectan Call to Prayer, and this site promises to include iu ber, progratu. Accompanying Miss Atiyeh at the piano or not, may have dinner there if so desired. Tickets for the musicale may be obtained from Mrs. W. G. Olsen in Kenilwortb or Mrs. joseph Edgar Lee of Evanston. Dinner reservations sbould be made at the club. Water Color Exhoia wuiI Open Next Week Thse charmùng - young Arabion soprano, Wa- deeha Atiyeh, wcill give a gro#> of songs for thse bene it, musicale on March 22 at Sh&umee Coun- try club, wkich thse Mary Cranse league is sponý- soripig. S/se is thse oftJy zoman zvho con g've t/se Mohammedan Call ta Prayer, w/sich s/se promises ia include ini her program. Noted IDancer Ga'ving Solo Performance Harald Kreutzberg, thte world's premier male dancer, "I give a solo' dance performance on Sat- urday evening, Mardi 30,. at 8:20, in tbe Haven- School auditorium, Prairie and Lincoln avenues, Evanston. He le being sponsored by Orchesis, bon- * orary dance organization of Nortbwesteru uni- versity. This is the seventh year that Kreutzberg bas been in the middle west, the .first three years bis partner was Yvonne Giorgi, the next two years lie appeared witb ,a group and the last two years witb Rutht The program George Howerton, director of tbe Hirarn College Men's Glee club, bas* planned for bis April 4 concert at the Winnetka Community House, is one which undoubtedly will stir bis audiý ence to cheers., PerbaPs of ail choral bodies, a ,men's glee club is the most popular, and wben it is conip osed of college lads, it* is almost an unbeat- able, combination. *Mr. Howerton, wbo took an. active part in tbe musical life of the- north shor ea- few years, ago before he acceptedthe position of bead of the m usic department at Hira m college, Hiram, Obio, bas planined bis programn particularly to appeal -to bis nortb shore audience. ,Tbe opener is a traditional Gice club, number, sung in Latin. It was composed by.E. A. Bredin, former director of -tbe. club, and .at present organist and choir-director at: the. Fi rst Presbyterign churcb in 1tvanito n. One of the most popular' numbers to be included is a 'Very effective seting of the, First Psalm by tbe American coacb- accornpanist-composer, Frank LaForge. *Anoôther beadliner number is: "Hirami Serenades,"' whicb is m ade up of traditional college songs wbicb aresung at nigbt under tbe wvindows of the various dormi- tories by college youths wbo bave a super, supply of college pep. It neyer fails to be' one of the -mest favorite iiumbers on the program. Anotiier "hit" number is the dramatic, typically, Gypsy tune, "Hungarian Treasure," a melocly used, by Liszt iu one of bis piano rhapsodies. Other coi- posers to be incluided will be Sibelius, Protheroe, Coleridge-Taylor, and Brahms, Program of Recordiungi, WduIi Gve Bach Numbers A large part of the all-Bach epigïIiiIïto be given by the Chicago Symphony orchstra May 21 and 22 will be played ou a group of recordmngs Wednes- day evening, Marcb 20,'at the Dudley K. French bouse, 503 Hawthorn lane, Winnetka. Fôllowing tbe Bacbhnumbers, Mr. French will. play a record- ing by Vladimir Horowitz of Rachmaninoff's Con- certo No. 3, wbicb, Horowitz hini self Will pilay witb theorchestra late tbis' montb. The -Bacb group includes Suite, No.- 2 inu B Minor (for strings, and flute), the D Minor Concerto for two violins and string orcbestra,,and the C Major Concerto for tbree pianos and string. orchestra. Most of tbe solo numbers to be played on Chi- cago Symphony programs during tbe reuiainder of the season wilI be included by Mr. French in future concerts. He invites all norjh shore resideuts inter- ested in u sic to attend his programs of recordings, telephoning h~i before the time of the concert. Returning to Chicago The Abbey Theatre Players wb" leit Chicago ou Marcit2 announce that they'are ()unu o ~6 seriesa gave a n*ta, munuity nata, B