£1Comunications sand contributions intcgided fo>r publi- cation inat beur <the nakine and addreso of thie author, flot aoecmuiar for publîcation, but for 9.ur fili. .'éimaterial nit reada the editor ýby Tuetday non to lein u Une for hie current issue. DBSBRVBD "RECOGNITION In the appoinmime n tof -Mrs.B. '. Langwortby, to the. recently created Illinois Educational com-, mission, Gov. Henry Horner bas but given deserved recn tio t one who bas long 'rendeied devoted and valiued, service to educatiônal affairs. Her long *career in civic and school, activities of *the north 'shore bas nmade bier a familiar figure in those circles, and brought bier, through the past yerinto contact with practically every group de'- voted to cultural pursuits. As -president of the national parent-teacher association the sphere of bier influence bas broaclened, and bier constructive ideas and,.pliciers have ben a'aponsibeior mucli jrogvrçss and clouer relationships among parents and teachers. She now, steps loto a field of àctivity in wbicb bier initiative and capabilities will bave opportunity for stili greater works. Tbe commission of wbicb she lu now a member was created for the expres.; purpose of maling an exhaustive study of tbe prob- q lemis of Illinoies shools, and to recommend legisla- 4tion that will definitely solve the problems that have bampered the state's educational system. Tbat ber particular talents, developed through past activities, will contribute in large nicasure to the'success of the coinmission is a faregone conclusion. The nortb shore talces a justified pride.iii lending jMrs.' Laragworthy ta the staté, in tbe service 'of Whicb it is confident she will acquit berself witb distinction. BMPLQYMENT the approach of spring bringu visions Of bouse cleaning, of extra work bath inside and outside, of spading the garden, raking the lawu, gatheriug up tbe ugly evidences of wnter that bave been so long bidden beneath the mantde of snow that hau con- tinued for uo long. AIl of this extra work means extra help. More bauds are required <ban are e oMcIEJs and mera Who bd 0pres before the commission. That any have becs mesury ta uccure auch a. citiÉens of the villages to do as to prepare at once for a campaign tbat will end only when law- breakers are driven f rom the townsbip. If the officiaIs to whom are delegated by law. tbe duty to protect conimunitiés from invasion by 'iiaverns!" refuse or are incapable of performing tbeir duty, then law abiding citizens mnust step in and see tbat tbey are -compelled to perform it. Whi1e <bis is a burden tbat* sbould flot 1e im- posed upon tbe varions Village boards, if it maust be assuied <bey wili flodt.ibesitate. And. the people wilI Support theni. STJLL ACTIVE The recent election of officers of the 'Nortb Shore Property Owners.' association recalîs tbe excellent. work tbis organizatio bas done iii tbe past in pro- tecting Sheridan road and otber strictly residenti .al tboroughfares f ratpunnregnlated invasion by truck traffic, and beauty spots from destruction that would makre of theni but a sacrifice ta misnamed progress. Tt la t i tteiýfor cotgratuba<km liatt lala ffiien organization is still active. It constitutes a soit of "watch dog" tbat keeps both eyes open for any move looking to the unwarranted encroachuients o«,commercial enterprises upon tbe bighly restricted residential sections of tbe north shor. It is a fact that tbe average citizen, wbile be may be spurred to action wben an emergency cornes, or wben bis own particular interests are threatened, soon draps- back into tlhe- even tenor of bis way, or goes back to sleep. Someone or something lu neecled to lçeep a constant guard over the interests of those who fail té look out for their own, and tbis function lu admnirably perforvned by the Property Owners' group. APPROVAL It is with a great deal of gratification tbat tlhe determination of 'members of the Illinois legisla- ture. both democrats and republicans, to resist in- creased taxation for relief purposes lu noted. Bills initroduced <o raise tlhe sales and' gasoline taxes, and extend tlhe latter to almost every conceivable service, professional and otber'wise, are being stub- bornly .opposed .by legislators. many, assertinir *hat ose the Four tbousand Greelcu ldlled in battle. That begins Kt <o souud as serions as a Chicago truckc drivers, Îng stke The pink slip is on tbe way out. This is political, flot fashion, news. Tbe. champion optimnist of the U. S. A. is, Chester A. Shewalter, wbo quit'bis job in an automobile plant to open bis camp aign for Presîdent in 1936. And tbere arle a, lot of pay-days between -now and 1936. Our favorite Prophet, Mr. Voliva, now 65 years o14, bas gone ma1 ts. Prom now on be will eat nothing butnuts and buttermtilk, boping tbereby ta i've to the ripe old. age of 120. Anyone wbho.wants to live 12Ô years must be nuts. Cbivalry may be disappearing, as, President Mac- Cracken of Vassar college, says, but it lus notye dead, for in one bosom at least 1< burus witb a brigbt and glowing flame. This point in evidence lu not exactly new«. but as it transpired ini the liueYo of searching for news it iàlaI witbin the bounds. Sunday eve- ning tbis reportorial noue was scenting the hustings for local political news,' and no bunter'., pointer ever performed more, unerringly. The telepbone was indicated. A caî11, was put through, and a sweet féminine voice came musically ôver tbe wire, "Hello!" "Hello 1" said we. "Is Mr. - there ?" Came again tbe Voice. "Wbat do you want, you big hum ?" Ouar well- known genitas for balr-trigger snappy co*nebukls came into play, and we sbot back t "Who says we are a big bum ?" Came again the Voice, freigbted w 'th assurance: «I say you are a big bum." 'Well," said we, "niany people have told us tbat we are a big bum,_but until uow we neyer have believed it. However, the cbivalry* tbat lu. inberently ours, re- strains us from contradicting a lady, so let it ride. We are a big buim." But is cbivalry really disappear- ing? The picture' accompanying President Me- Crackeu's statement sbows bim comfortably seated wbile four ladies are standing. Nature offers no picture more beautif ni than the north shore after a snow starmn. But the opinion seevus to be growing that we bave bad plenty of beauty for one winfer. Wonder what th<e, ground.- lookse like ? TUPIE[ mo0X R*poRi*n