's.qm New Modem Inglish we havePo disposed of During the past w eelck many Pet obtained their copies of this ha hwmadr.ds . iteire ore some book. Because of this st<' few leftdemnandi the limited stock of ti a fe lei . . ct to dictioniaries we had on hand distribution has decreased rapi avold disapponlmeaf Therc are sorne left, however, you can stili get yours if you'il at the office of Your Home Pi quickly. If you can't cal], then get the coupon below, -A remtunee (plius Oc for mailinig osts) into the nmail tight jq iu the face of rapdly advancing production costs this is really exceptional opportunity. Such an offer may neyer be made agi The publishers, place. a value of $4.oo on each dictionary. concietioslybeleve they cantiot be purchased elsewlhère. forl than $i.oo!ý. Alert readers will to act. Don't put los n tineinge ttig>theits.' Now is -theti it o6E any longer. Sp.ekal agea!1 The study of flight training, iu con- junction with actual flight training, is now universally accepted as necessary> for best results in developlng pilots. The day when a student went to a y ying field- to learu. to fly, without the slightest knowledge, of the prin- ciples involved, is over. . A well- planned study course toaccompany al flight training is.now part of ýthe, curriculum, of the best air schools.,. rple Wh.le no one can, learn to fly and- fromn books alone, -a student with the cady correct study material to. use with Iiesc his ffight' instruction has :an advan- fr tage over the student without the fr same study, for his grasp of the actual ýdly. flight instruction is accelerated, bya and knowvledge of the principles involved, call ýan undrstandig of'the mistakes er the suggestions of the instructor. vith Th'is wilI not only ailow the student ,an in a considerable financial saving. ain. The Shore Towns Aviation club, a group of local birdinen, is using as a We text, "Practicai Flight Training," by 1 ess Lt. Barrett Studley, USN. I ieutenant Studley is well known as a pilot in both naval and commer- me: 'cial circlès. His book is the resuit of years spent instructing Navy fledg- lings and is the standard of instruc- tion in the U. S. Navy and manv commercial air schools. Thei Shore Towns Aviation club in- vites the airminded to its meetings. which. are held at 7:30 p. in. each Tiqrsday at the Winnetka Commit- nity House, Stinson Army Trainer 1 May Be Seen at Curtis C.' W. "Slimn" Freytag, Stinso salesman, returued to Curtiss air- Port last Priday from the Stinson 00 factory at Wayne, Mich. Freytag Mc- fe bc in one of the Stinson ». Model 0 planes, a 'training -ship .4e manufactured for miltarv urnp; Address City ~~Stat._______ FLYTOT ROCKFORD OFF ýTO TEXAS Dwight Morrow, flying instructor Joe Fraccaro, Cijrtiss airport at Curtiss airport, flew C. P. John- mechanic, and Douglas Hawkcins, son to Roclcford last week in, Mr. niglit watchman at the airport, Jeft Johnson's Stinson. Johnson is a last Friday morning for, Texas, furniture buyer for Sears, Roebuck which is Hawkins' home stat e' They and compan*y. planned to be gone about two weelcso Ispending a leisurely winter at Miami, Fia., according to informa- tion reaching here fromn the south- Scer resort. He is acting as pilot for YJohn Maxellos of the Maxellos ac- Lrobatic. troupe; which is playing an, àengagement at an exclusive Miami hotel. Maxellos owns :a Waco >.F which, be formerly kept in the Sky Harbor hangar. 1935 Reliant. Te Brought Prom .Factory to-Curtis H. S. Darr returned: to Curtis airport* last. Tbursday f rom the Stini- son factory at Wayne, Mich., in a jnew 1935 Stinson Reliant. which is to be used for demonstration and sales purposes., Mr. Darr is presi- dent of the Chicago Aviation cor- poration,' operators of Curiss air- port and Stinson distributors in this area. Set Up Travelair in Uptown Theater Lobby A Travelair from Curtiss airport, was set up in the lobby of the Up. town theater i Chicago last Friday by Curtiss mechanics. The ship, powered by a Wright GYPSY motor,: a four-cylinder air-cooled engine, has been flown by many persons on the north shore. It formerly was used as a training plane. Colleot Data on Radio Receivers,-Transmitteirs Two representatives of the Can- ton Radio Research institute at Can- ton, China, visited Curtiss. airport last Friday in companyr with, Paul. Chin, Who has, been doing some flying at Curtiss fiel1d.* The two Chi- nese visitors are i . this country toý obtain information on aircraft radio receivers and transmitters.