ingly ner artistic genus. bne is in- deed a great artist, flot only by rea- son of ber talent itself, but especially by her continued and breathtaking growth. The intelligence behind both her playirig and bier pèrsonality gives ta toier artistry that added quality, whicb sets be r,apart. * The progran itself was a master- piece of growth--t.he ,growth and de- velopmenit of music itself. beginning with the deceptively simple and super-. ficial Mozart Sonati in C'major, con- tinuing tbrough the colossally. struc- tured Sonata, Opus INI of Beethoven.. pausing for a *moment for the- intri- cate and, romantic harmonies -of Brahms, and. inally concluding witb Schumafin's tempestuous and- varied. Carnaval. To go back to the beginning, the Mozart -sonata was perfectly done.' Neyer stepping beyond its delicate tonal boundaries, Miss Hess. yet shoWed ai fifinite variety of interpre- tation and tone within the iniit she * so perfectly set forth. And then the: Beethoven. At 'the 'first note one realized that here was music of a different world, a different sou!. So monumental is the Sonata's structure * tbat it almost overpowers. With dig- nity, perfect poise, and extraordinary tech3lical mastery, Miss Hess built f rom the first somber cornerstone to the exquisite tracery of a Cathedral spire, each note contributing to an inevitable whole, as complete as life itself. Uner'4ng but.vpwetation The Third group, two Intermezzi and two Capricci by Brahms was ta me an interlude in whicb to relax and enjoy pure melody, entrancing rhythm, and the artist's unerring taste ini interpretation and plirasing. And as a fitting conclusion to al that had preceded was Schumnann's Carnaval. Neyer have I heard it played better. Each section an entity, yet ail bound together by the invisible cord of the artist's emotional and in- tellectual conception. L TEE MONET ORLD a. that bring *You, clubs, .of eyà you morë-,ppi but .you, Dasure, than ail worldly ,os, or golf Soniy. pair eyes, too0# L can buy. it is pointed out, many attraci models in'*afternoon, tea and dir dresses in stock at the Betty. M *Shop at aIl times, as welI as hosii handkerchief s and costume je-w< r 105 North Wabash Avenue k T, 78 East Jackson Boulevard 18 South La Salle Street 165Orrington Avenue, Evauston