DODUEý ECGNGMY meeting! We' bad slides of bugs, flowers, insects and ail that has to do with nature. Wben we were finished witb the slides we played a gaýme. When we went to patrol1 corners we were asked to write downý th e narnes Of somfe of tbe flowers, bugs or insects we had seen. 'We came to the middle and talked awhile. Then,. beforet you, could noticie, we bad scattered about the room-some, of ýus were, bere and otbers..there. After quite a long time we came to our good-night circle and sang "Soi tly Falls the Ligbt of DIay."ý Just, before si nging, the song Eunice Simmons. was in- vested 4 full-fledged Girl Scout. WeI said good-nigbt and wbile putting, on our coats we sang "Came A-Ricting." -ýVivian -Smith, scribe. [TROOP 3 Top3oe h Last Tbursday, Top3oee h meetinfg *1th ntere§t grottps. We bhad the pleasure of welcoming two new members, Patsy and Peggy Haws. We then played an exciting and interesting game of "Judging."' We bad a discussion on a number of tbings, the most important one be-' ing this: Mrs. Ifeerens bas arranged to take as many girls as would wisb to go down to tbe WLS Merry-Go- Round in Chicago, on the following Saturday. Many of the. girIs e, TROOP 8 Troop 8 bad its long awaited birth-. day party Friday evening. Among the guests were motheris and fathers of the girls, members of the Girl Scout council and American Legion Auxiliary committee. We played ai bail game called "Shift" and bad a knot-tying game. The nine girls in- vested were: Jacqueline. Michelsen, Peggy Dolan, Helen Hall, Lorraine, camp committee, the local director bas ôutlined a.plan for varied Satur- day activities, for ail Girl Scouts of the village. Any Girl Scout wil ho welcome if she 'brings her parent's consent signature, ber lunch and ber carfare W'hen needed,-and if she isý at the designate d Meeting> place 'on time. There will be sufficient aduit accompaniment. The, first of these excursions will take place Saturday morning, Marcb 16, leaving the "LC'terminal; Fourth street and Linden avenue at 9:.X o'clock, for a visit to the Adler planetariurn. and possibly the Shedd aýquarium.ý The otherý trips scheduled are:- March 30-Outdoor, hidke. April 13-Museum'of Science and InduLstrY, Oriental, museum. April 27-Outdoor hike. May li-Visit to Sawyer- Biscuit company. Miay 25-Outdoor litke. June 1-Brookfield zoo. Three More Brournies, Sport New Uniforms, Three more Tinkerbeli Brownies came to a recent meeting witb new uniforms, and we hope it won't be long before our wbole pack bas tbem.: After working on our, scrapbooks, table. Then we sang our 'Smnile Song," and tbis being International month,, learned a Czecho-Slovakian f olk song, "Peter, Peter Paul" We put so much energy into "Here We Go Round the Mountain" and "The jolly Miller"' that we were quite tired and enjoyed oui pow-wow more than ever. We talked over our plans for 2Easter and the seeds we, intend to grow i cups. ~4U C~oe S~ Winuwtka 11773 -1 meeting was -mdj WalshP scribe. "Taps" and the avenue ummcd Mary L. Friday. sharp. bec givoli mi Mrs. H. J. rnoons at eni on o'ciock