Légion for the first time in the history of the post voted in favor of the un- mnediate payment of the Adjusted Compensation Certificates (erroneous- jy referred to as ýBonus). The _Wilmette Post commander, George F. Scbeçrzer provided tbe.-ap- pended information expanatory of the Ajùsted-Seèrvice Certificates: Seven years after the War,- Con- gress determined that an 'adjustment in, payr was due the men 'wb o had served in the arnied'forces of our coutry, in-,91I-1M.It was.decided that there was a difference, after charging theveteran with the amount of pay received, and for bis clotbing and board, between tbat and the low- Mst wages pad -t. a siviliau 'laborer during the War. After .many pro- posais were suggested by the Ameni- can Legion and others interested iii the adjustinéut, Gugrs~s adopted. the adjusted-service certificate form plan of paymenit, .wich is in effect a 20 yean endowment policy. This plan was the idea of Congress and flot of the American Légion. -WhatAr. Atjusted-Service cevtificaites? Conu on the above basis of ad- Iowed a credit to the vet- 0 për day for home serv- 25ner rav for overseas For example, a veteran of the aver- age age, who was 33 years of age january 1, 1925, received from the Governnient an adjusted-service cer- tificate, for $1,000, the average value. He. bas borrowed on tbe certificate at every opportuniity ýand wil con-. tinue tô do so , as, a majonity, of, the, V .eterans bave done. Hé wiII fnot repay any part'of the principal or make any interest payments. Tbeé follow- Veterans'. Admiinistration- in 1932 shows. thetamount the veteran re-. ceived, in cash', the, amount of com-' pound interest charged, and other in- formation Yea r 1925 .. . .. . 1926 ... . . 1927 1928 ... 1929 .. . . . 1930 .. . 50% Loan Act 1932 1933 1934 1935 .. . 1937 ... 1938 . . . . 1939 .. . 1940 1941. 1942 . . . . 1943 .. _ 1944 .. . . Jan. 1, .1945 (10 nies.> Interest Due Iýe- Loan ginning Cash to Value of Year 'Veteran 2 21 $87,99 120.06 153.59 188.67 22F.%3 500.00. 50.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 635.73 589."5 645.06 703.92 765,86 831.12 900.00, $5.27 26.80 7.20 26..331 9.21 25.*87 1132 25 « 0, .. 274.62; 21.00 23.44 24.48 25 60 26.75 27.95 29.21 3a.52 31.90 33.33 34.83 36.40 38.04 16.551 ipayme'nt, the ace vazue orL LIIVcerp ficates w9i due ln full on October 1, 1931. The fôllo*lrig- table Indicates the amounts due on this basse.usng the typical case heretofore clted of a veterail .lh200 days' overseausosrvice and 910 days of home service, or a total* credit of $460.00: Table, te Show# the'Amionrt'of $46Ô.00 at 6% ýCompoundèd Annually f romn June 1, 1918 te June 1, 1935, and Also the Aieunt, as at October 1, 1931 Total June 1 Interest Amount 1918............... ...$400 1919.-....... 1........$ 27.60 487.60 1920 29.25 516.85 1921............. 31.01 547.86 1922 ............... 32.87 5M073 1923 ..... .. 34.84 615.67 1924 ....... 36.9à 652.5 *1925. 39.15 691.665 1926 41.49 733.1ý4 1927. 43;98 777.12 1928 46.62 823.74 1929 .. . . ... . 49.42 873.16 1930 .....52.38 -925.54 M 1 -- . ý,5.53 9810~7, 1933 ....... 62.40 1,102.23 1934 ... . . 66.14 1,168.47 1935 70.11 1,238.58 Total1........ $778.63 $1,238.58 NOTE: The amount at Oct. 1, 1931, %vould be $1,M00. 1Contraet levisien If payment before 1945 of these Ad- Justed-Service Cértlficates Is to be con-. sidered as a revision of a contract (in whh hthe vette.ran or.oelnlyhano via i, As part of New Trier High school's contribution to this celebra tion, the English departmnent wilI publish a collection of the orginal writings of its. students deeined of iterary meent. These will include poems, essays, stories, and other com- positions.. It. is1 expected that this, wiIl be 'ready for publication, by the first of May, when it Will be made available to the students of New Trier and the general public. Students de- siring to contribuiteto the literary magazine have been notified tbat their work must be submnitted flot later than Priday Of this week. R. S.. Peterson Of the English -de- patmntis faculty sponsor of. tbe project, and Claire Nixc, by reason of bier position asý chairinan of the stu- dent council's publication committee, heads the student editorial group. This is made up of the following smaller committees: Fixnanclal: Robert Carpenter, faculty sponsor; Dick McLaren, Charles Broaci, Publielty: Miss Louise Hamilton, fac- ulty sponsor-, Ned Rosonheim, Catherine Stevenson, Edna Baughman and Tom Wilcox. Titie: H. C. Pifer, faculty sponsor; Margaret Stephens, John Williams, Jane Kasaner, Jean 8mai! andDavld Geppert. Oover and deign: M1iss Catherine Murphy, faculty sponsor; Francis Rapp, George Taylor, sears Jayne and Mar- garet Tuttie. 1Organizatton: Miss Winlfred Wilson, faculty sponsor; DIck Appleyard, Bab- ette Klein, Tom IRodman, Marguerite (Iearýy and Imogene Kaufman. years,, 80 that the certifncates were, payable in 1945. For example, a veteran served 200 days overseas computed at $125 per .Iay, or $250.00 and 210 day of home, &ervict computed at $1.00 per day or $210.O0,1 making at total of $460.00. F rom this amount was deducted $60.00. bis discbarge. His credit was then i re ss 0. J-aimp W *9tO*ui wer l - * -.l tuviieu o lil banka and thereafter by the government. Government. Should neot WImy Pay. Now? ciple be now applied te th Unles th Ameica Legon cn .the benefit of the entire co Unles te Amnicn Leioncan Wuî Payment nflp A show tbat the immediate paympeât of Thiree and one-halff milii these adjusted-service certificates -i have been issued. Over j ~veterans have borrowedt not a departure from the policy 'pre- allowed, se that the interes viously followed by the Government w!!! beave about 80% of .and~~~~~~~ ulsthpam t owilbn.praetlcally nothlng upon t] .andunlss he aymet nw wll en maturlng ln 1945. T'he ho] efit the entire country in promoting certificstes remide ln ever HEA L TIICEN TER NEWSJ Trhe niext,.Chest clinic will 1e lheld Mcnday, March 18, from 1 to 4 o'clock. Dr. julius, Novak, medical director -of the Chicago Tuberculosis institute, is in, cbargé of this clinic. .The next Infant Welfare clinic, will, be held Wednesday, March 27, f rom 2 to 4 o'clock. The Wilmette Healtb Center Dental ci inic is conducted Wednesdays, fromn 9 to 12. and the Howard-Logan -P. T. A. g(Signature of veteran) 9 (Street aadrm) I <vt>')(State> 1antlclpated that more than $141,,. for Iwill b. payable to vterans seat- Iw!l throughout the State of Illinois lni combluo