Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Mar 1935, p. 8

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HENRY A. KLEY DIES Henry August .Kley, 62, of 1421 Maple avenue, died of pneumonia on, March 5 at the Evanston bospital. He hsurvived by bis widow. Trhe re- m ains- were taken to Sbeboygan, Wis., for burial. ýMr. and .Mrs. Fred 'Stone of Racine, Wis.,were. gmests> over the wcek-end of M1rs., Stone's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A" Pancoast, 1011 Thirteentb street. BellIUn ow fer reaLdy 001.11momeyl We have a govemuient lieumse to buy o1d gold, »"aimam and tsilver.',No ueed te go elsewhere-we iwlIIpuy y7e la cash or tradie for new. Jewlry. 9.PAGLIARULO 1106 Wil.aett. Ave. WaL 106, Sa.c a Saturdoy and Suc The free-will offering a> tisre- citai is to 'be pcd i te fund fro wbicb. a stained glass window is to be provided ýas, a memorial to the former pastor of St. John's, tbe Rev. Herman W. Meyer., Tbe design oÎ the window was. planned by bim a few years before bis'deatb, and con- tains fine medallia sbowing'even .ts in the life of Moses, of Christ, and. Of St. John. Thougli work on 'tbe window bhas already been begun, it will not be completed until tbe end of May. Mrs. -Harry Crooks, 615 Cumnnor road, Kenilwortb, wiIl entertain ber quilt club at luncheon this Friday. *4&Y dl 0& Schraft's Candies Ferand:de Guedre Photo LuciaDiauaoo! the Chicago Civ- ic Opera comfpauty.WIll Preseilt a recita.l in the Howlardschool auùdi- toriuln MoInday even.it1g, March * 25, for theý beniejlt of the dental clinic of the Logant-J-Ioward Par- ,ent-Teacher- association. Tickets u9ere placed oit sale last zwecj an~d a capacity audience is anticipated. Lucia Diano is a~ Joliet girl and a. niece of Mrs. Pearl Jones of the -How- ard sc hool teaching staff, In early éhildhood she attracted attention with ber unusual voice. Several Joliet pa- trons of art became interested in her career and afforded her the privilege of studying bothi in this country and abroad. In 1931 she made ber debut ini Conio, Italy, as Mimi in La Býoheme. Mr. Dubbs covers fully every ac 1- tivity of the administration, the vari- ous départments into which admnin- istration ,is divided, and gives credit unstintingly where, credit is due. To the effic iency and,,loyalty of employes, hé e attributes in large measure tbe resuits obtained. As to bis own service to tb .e Village Mr.' Dubbs made but brief reference in the- followiing words: Hampyte Serve Villag* "In regard to mnyself, while theê past four years baveý beeén most diffi- cuit due to economîc conditions, wbich those living today will probably, neyer 'witness,. again,'. servi ng you under- conditions such . as these brought me into pleasant and 'in- timate. contact, witb many of You people. It also brougbt me into more intituate contact with the splendid groups of men and women wbo are serviog thie Village so ably. and, faitbfully .'I. will always re- member tbe time when I served our, Village as one of tbem." Wants Harry Miller Retained In closing Mr. Dubbs paid- this bîgli compliment to an official who bas served coutinuously for twentv- two years: "This Village is indeed very for- tunat. in having s. abie a mian as Haý!y W. Miller as its treasurer. LARKWO .OD" H OSIE.RY Iiguiv lurnul1edatory. comnients irom 3-g- ---IL w w 10I8e v!rluU5 bond- Chicaýgo critics. ioders and proratig the iterestp is Mis, ian'sprora wil ost complicated anmd entaiisanOe Mis Dino' prgrai wll ~ aincreasa.g amount off detail work. costume performance and will coisist Mr. Miller and Lis sisat have of the following numbers.: 1 . . worked out sped yteni hs A Pastoral .................. er.ti,*sini yti ntï 0 Ligna Che Fa Lume .. Davico départmnt and it is off the ntmost Serenata ..... ... Tecehi imiportantce tha.t Mr.M4le oniu GiFometta ...........S.i.beelcntnu AriaLucia Diano as Village treasurer, as fie is fauniliar LuriaDanowitia everY detaiand as so wefl The Sigh .......'. .... Liszt qualified to work out the difficutp St. Francis Walkirig on. the Wa'ves Liszt elacOuutered in these ditre-Ssing fý_ Bernice Burgess , ims.It i *w-Mýé 6*~- trees. .......-l Mrs. Valentine A." Smith, 1309: Chestnut avenue lwilI be hostess to ber luncheon bridlge club 'this Fridayo a

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