To be always thought, of as. true trustworthy. The Oldest Establi shed Undertakers on, the Im mediwe North:Shore Superior Ambulance Service Licensed Lady Assistant. WILMETTE, 1118 GREENLEAF AVENUE Phàoë»eWilmette 654 WINNBT'KA, 554 CENTER STREET -Phone Winnetka 404 UNDERTAKERý "The Homse of Personal Service» "and. thecares__ that inf est the. day.. W-lien restful evening cornes and the day's w(ork is behind you, that's when- y Ou like to rea ... renew your strength.. and ponder the day's activities. Make sure that nothing mars that relaxation. Don't let the bother of furnace-tending break its soothing speli, nor the anxiety of fuel-ordering vex anew your ýwork-worn nerves. Make sure you have oil heat, accomn- panied by Braun, Bros.' "Care-Free" service,, and vou'I1l irid of an evening thàt' "the cares that infest the day OIL CO. "For Fuel Use 0Ou"9 PHLH. BRAUN ROBT. F. DOEPEL CARL L. BRAUN Braun Bros.' «L'Care.Fre-e" Service BringsCarefree Wiimette, Ceai 1301 LAKýE AVENUE I Yard WILMR'rrR 4~1M1 and and j 1222 Central Avenue Wilmette Phone Wilmette 831,