cery team boys taing tnree straignî games. Tbey are now leading the league by four games. The Kuss Jewelers by winning two of three gamles from the Bidwell Boosters are nOw tied for second plae. ithWelers nursery boys.ý The Bungalow tavern, aftei' losing six straïght series, shoWed signs o-f life, by:winning the odd'gamle from the, lastpace Whealan Boosters. Ybfe Edelweiss .team Won three straigbt games from the slipping Ly- nam's Texacos. Hirryi Sieren H«s High Game ,Harry Sieren of KuÉssJewelers won bigh gamle for the night with 236 pins. Harry had his bal working to perfec- l ion, and a tap between bis string -of strikes cost him. high 'individual gamle for the season. Eddie Bleser, anchor man, for the leaders, rolled second high game with 223 pins and also: rolled a 202 game. Other 200 ganies. were: Paul Weiler, 215; Paul jleser, 2~;M. Borre, .209, and Ed Barrett, 202. Ed Barrett started with five straight strikes in bis second game, but a few blows spoiled lis chances for a igher game. However, Eddie was more than satisfied, as this wa$ the first time in' bis life that he rolled a 200 game. .Four, picked teams f rom this league will travel down to Peoria on Sunday, March 10, to bowl in the National K. ofC. tournarnent.- ...* ....... xacos ................ NOR TH WESTERN.U., SPORTSHORTS. College swimmiers grades., At least Coa *Seven mezubers of tl eru university wrestlinî bhas. captured five of se' this year, prepped at cago. They are Jack 1: pound class and Jack. Joc Lovorde and Nick, mt1 e best rn Robin- The tript chartered us. UNION LEAGUE The Methodist No. 1 and St.,Johni's Lutheran teanis weré winners in the Union league matches, last week at the Wilmette bowling alleys. The .Methodist No. l's took*,two Out of three -froin the Co ngregationalists, and St. John's Lutheran won three fromù the Methodist No. 2 team. The. Congregationalists' total, for th vening, without handicap,. was, 2236, while their opponents scored: 2144, not including the handicap. The totals with the handicaps,ý however,, gave the ýMethodist No. 1 tearn a ser-, ies margin of 2507 to 2398. In the series between St. John's Lutheran and Methodist No. 2 the latter tean had a total score, with 'handicap, of 2035, while St. John's to- tal, hantdicapr iiclud-ed; was -2503. Two members of the Congrega- tional tearn, Guy and Tucker, who rank No. 1 and 2 respectively in the individual averages -for the season, had the best scores for the, evening. Tucker bowled high game, 191, four points better than Guy's best gamne for the evening, but Guy's three-game total was 476, compared to' 466 for Tucker. In the individual averages for the season Guy, who has bowled '15 W. L~. 1 'Congregational ...... 12 6 St. John's Lutheran,........ 14 10 Met1xodist No. i.- ......... 12 14 ,Methodlst No. 2........... 4 18 Charles King,ý 155,, and. Bronson Grid- Iey 'and Jim Buechel, 165 pound class. Tomi Woods, a transfer student f rom Port Huron Junior college, Port Huron, Mich., is counted upon by Coach Paul Stewart to do most of the M, WAiAUU will De two showings in the James al meets Simpson theatre of the museum, one in Cl'- begifining at 10 o'clock and one at Il. ýrio,' 118 Cbildren from ail parts of Chicago ak, 126; and suburbs are invted to attend; son, 135; No tickets are, needed. "Urystais ana 1.neir Uss." ' ese tours, conducted by staff lecturers, are open to aIl museum visitors. No charge is nmade for the tours; parties assemble inside the north entra' ce. VILLAGE 0F WILMETTE N0ýTICJ9 0F AWARD 0F, CONTRACT For a sani tary 'sewer of elght (8) inclles Internal diameter: shall be con- structed and laid along a straight, Une froml and prop erly .connecteil with an, exlsting eight (8) inch.sanjtary sewer in the centerline.9f 'Illinois Road, at a point five (5) feet forth of the south line of Birchwood Avenue extended east, to the point of 'intersection of theý $outhwesterly street Une of Illinois Road and'a lune par'ahlei ýwith and twenty, (20) feet. nortii of the> south strèeet line of Birchwood Avenue, and thence westerly along said Une parallel with and twenty <20),feet rnorth of thé south street line of Birchwood Avenue to the west line, extenided north -of Lot .10 in Hubert J. Schwall's Subdivision in the Northeast Quarter of Section 32, Township 42, North, Range 13 East of the 3rd Piein- cipal' Meridian, and connected to the sanitary sewer now in place in Illinois RToad, aM li i- theietllage o~f W1iWéntti County of Cook, and State of Illinois. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NO. 287 OFFICE 0F THE BOARD 0F LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS 0F WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, MARCH 5, 1935 NOTICE Is fiereby given to ail persons lnterested that the bids, for the con- struction of a. sanitary sewer of elght 8)inches internal diameter shall be constructed and laid along à stralght line frorn and,.properly c onnected wlth ""Wel, darling, 1iwonder how the weather is, down on Eartk today." Phone Wilmette 831 PfIII H. BRAUN ROBT. F. DoEpEL CAg RI. A~ was awa,,r..a Lro sat tieorg, t,. ilaran, on the 5th day of Marcli, 1935 ; said bld les for the work as a-whole, and it as follows:- 776 linear feet of vitrified tule pipe sewer of eight .<8), inches internai diameter at. $3.45, per linear feet...................$Z6 56.,50 MThe above prîce for vitrifiedI tile.pipe sewer inceludesthe;nec-. essary excavation, filling of. ~jints with mortar composed nf one (1) part of P ortland c- ent and two (2) parts of fine aggregate, vitri fied, tee branches or slants,. and dise stol)pers, backfilling :and ail labor- and materials necessary t() instal said sewers:c()mplete in place, ready foruse.) 4 Portland cernent <concrete mnan- holes on vitrified tile pipe sew- ers, including cast iron cover and inanhole foun dation, complete in place at $125.00 each .......... $ 500.00 Total .........................$355 The owners of' a najority of the front- age of the lots atnd hinds u1pon SaLid streetswhere- Raid w0rk ist.t 1wedont, inay, *w.itini ten'days froin date herer>Ç, as precribed by laiw, eleot t,) take said work and enter into ;i writtun von- tract to do said work it teni, tr' eentiuni less t-han the. price at whiolh -anwe has been awarded. BOARD 0F LOCAL J I XlET 0F THE VILLAGE,()1 VILETE ILLINOIS: C. P. DU BUS W. C. FARE-R HARRY C. KINNE ART H UR LE!'I'E ts iUse Oir" I