Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Mar 1935, p. 57

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T1L'rN44-1 te Pauline's-Wilmette G ET YOUR NAME ON OUR FIL~E FOR dotnestfc position. Many positions open for experienced help. Pauline's Empi. Agency 4th and Linden Opp. "1,"' Terminal 71LTN44-lt(. WoMEN - WITH CULTURAL AND) educational background will find ,un- usual opportunitýy on North Shore with old established companY in educationai work., Experience neot essenitial.' Leads furnished. 'CarefuII3, planned training. See . Mr.. Shepard, 1904, Daily News .Building, Chicago. 71lL44-ltp OOMPETENT WRUIE HELP, WANTfED with good references. Appiy in person. ALL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 663, Vernon Ave. Glencoe 251 7141TN13-tfc (IOMPETENT WHITE MAID, GEN- eral houseuork, good cook, no laundry.: 2aduits and 1 child. Refs. Winn. 28:37. * -71LTN,44-Itp -ABLE WHITE MAAID FOR GRN- eral hswrk. Neat, experiened with ~hi!dren. Light laundry. Stay. $7. Ph. wilffette 2139. 7IL44-ltlb mOTHER'S HELPIER - GEiNERAL hotu sework, no cooking. Stay. (>nrii. - hildren. $4. Phone Wilmette 56J., 71LTN44-I ti fI'NYET{AI, HOU EWO1K1. 6 .dults. Home nights. Winnetka 2572. 711,TN44-ltp) iEXPER. GIRL FOR GEN. HOUSEC-! -or.. P f. Hm nights. $7. Phone i Wiliette 4690. 71LTN44-1t(. HELP WANTEU-14ALEm CHANCE FOR. RIGIT *MAN, WITHT car, to) contact for landscape worlc. (;ood commiýssion basis and smali car. allowance. Mlust know business. Cal Nir. Gage, Winnetka 564. -d2LTýN44 -ite WANT1ED-MILK, BA.KERY, TEA, dC>ffee or other route men. Good prop-1 osition for rlght man. Rawleigh, Dept. ILB-761-L., Freeport, 111. 72LTN41-6tp WQVtULD I-)KE TO TALK WITH MÎAN who knuw.q'aicreage and estate prop- ertY on M'est North Shore.. M ltbive car'. Lberal deM] for right mati. ral Mr. Gage, Winnetka 564. _721LTX44-ltc NELP WANTED-MALE AND FEMALE, COUPLES-MIAIDS, SECONDS -, NURSE.MAIVDS Very good openings -now. ýCarson's, Empi. 'Agency EL4 ELM STREET .WINNET KA. :3 32S >73LTN44-ltc-. * DOESTIC HELP IWANTeD Must have good rfrecs 'ook and General 1-Sj Couples $5$2 S -H-A-Y AGENCY 10:4 E. Oak St. 14 W. Washington SUI). .6608 .C(ol_ .980 73LT'N44-ltce PLEASANT ROOM I UIAI Woods. near transportation. 2 adult8 1ini family. 1111 Merrili Street. 82LTN43-2tp iOR* 2 FURNISHIED ROOMS; SEP- arate kitchen If desired. Conv. eaist iside lIocatio n.ý Ph. Wilmette 965-R be- 1tWeent 1 and 7. P. m.. 82LT1444-ltc LARGE. PLEASANT ROOAI, VERY reasonable. 729' Eleventh St. Phone Wilmfette 5056. 82LTN44-lic WTrD. TO R1NT-LT. H5KPO. RM 2 HOUSICKEEPli\G ROOfS,, F . ' ir ùnfurn,, by lady employed. Xear tr-ansportation. Phone Wilmette 126. 85L44-1 te MO0ARD AND ROOM KIENIïLWORTH INN fiffet.rs 'Vou clean, homelike rooms, suites wvith. bath. Excellent meals. Reason- !,ble. 315 Cumnnor Rd. -Kenilyvorth 5491. 96LTNý44-1tce FOR RENT-APARTMENT8 DELIGHTU PS Pleaaant surroundings, facing park, close te echîs., transp. Lge. 1 rm. apt. witb in-ador bed, -liv.' rut I1±24. Large 4 n,. apt., bedrm. and In-a-dor bed. Liv. rm. 18x18. The above apts. have tile baths, showers, electrie icer and offer homelike quar- ters atreasonable rentaIs. LE. e STULTS REAIJPY CO. 460 Winnetka Ave. Winnetka 1800- 92LTN38-tfc V-ERY ATTRACTIVE UNF'URNISHED apartnients, 4 'rooms. Humphrey Bldg., W%%innetka. Also weli located office. Phone WVinnetka 97 or Winnetka 3328, 92LTN44-tfe A . BEAUTIFUL 4.R.PTCRS the front of an entire wing, ail large, ")utsýide rms. The Linden Crest, Kroll & Srnith, 424 Linden Ave., Wilniette. IVii- mette 500. 92LTN"44-ltc 2 OR 3 RM.. KITCHENETTE ARTS. Modern building in Giencoe, tile bath, Frigidaire, etc. Phone' R. M. Johnston & Co.,. Wil.mette 444. 92LTN44-1t. FO-UR ROMFLAT WITH BATH:ANU1' gar. $30.90. Mlso 5 room flat wvith bath ' sun .porch and gar. Hot air M. -$35.00.ý Phone Wilmette 907. ý 92LTN-44-ltp 1: ROOM KITCHEF-NETTE APART- menit. Private .entrance. Garage. iPast idconiveniently located. Wilimette '572. 92LTN44- Iti) LI(OHT, AIRY 3 RM. APT., WITH-4 rmvin efficiency, refrig. Linden C7re,ýt Bldg., Kroll & Smhith, 424 Linden Ave,, Xiimtte. Wîlmiette 500. .92LTN44-Itt', 42Z1 Main st. Greenl .eaf 4880 92LTN44-lte The Linden Crest Apts. WILMETTE'S M OS8T BEAUTIFUL building. 100% rented now, but wili show 2, 3 and 4 roomn apartments for spring occupancy.> KROLL & SMITH - 424 ,Linden Ave. Wilmette 500 92LTNI-t-ite FOR. RENT-3 AND 4 ROOM ApART- mente,'tîle ,bathi with shower, break- fast nook, electrie refrigeration, reason- able rent. Wolff-Griffis 'Building,, phoie Wilmette 17,24. 92LTN44-1 tp 3- PLEASANT ROOMS, LVN OM kitcheni, bedroom, celoset and pantry. Fine location and home surroundings. 730 Central Ave., Wiliette, 111. 92LTN44-ltb 3, LARGE, TRCIVE ROO.NS , kitchenette and sun porch, furnished or unfurýnished.. State size of family. Ref; required. Addressý B-122, Box 40 W/il- mette, Ill. 92LTN44-ltc 4 NEIAT Roo SAN BA TH, HEAT-' ed. Porch and garage. $36. 515 Oak- dale, Glencoe 1776. 92L44-ltc 5 RM. HEATED APARTINENT, NEAR schools. 1714 Washington Ave., Wil- motte. Ph.: Wilmette 2618. 92LTN44-ltp 3 ROOM APARTMENT FOR RENT. Phone Wilmette 2106.. 92LTÀN44-ltî, FOR RENT-FURNIUH. APTE.- 31/% ROOM 1APARTMF)NT,- LARGE, lighit, beautifully furn. Private bath and entrance. $55. Aise 11/ roem apart-. ment, pnîvate bath and entrance. $30. Gas, light, heat and elec. refrig. furn. Ph. Milmyette 2791. 93LTN44-Itc- KITCHENETTE APARTMENT. FUR- nished or unfurnished. No children. 10ý08 Oakwoold Avenue, Wilmette, Illi- nois. 93LTN43-tfec 1 TO. 4 RM.l FURN. OR UN RN apte. Very attractive. Reas. rentai.. Conv. Iôc. Also stingle rooni. Phone Wilmette 2399 or 2427. 93LTN44-4tp 1 RM. FURN, KITCHENEMT APT. Also fun roem with private. bath. Adults. Phone Wiiiiette 1075 frorn 8 te 10 a. m.~ or 4-6 p. ni. 93LTN44-liP WANTED TO RENT-ApAiirTmNT5s QUI1 ET COU P L E DE SIRE à1MA I-FLRP.1 apt. in private home in east Wilmette ' unfurn. CaIl Wilmette 9,55. q4LTN44-1te O7UTSTAN DING ýRENTALS FOR -MAY Med. 6 rm., newlY dec., W. ht. . . 55 6 rooni mod. Near -L." Garage . 60 7 nm. brk., 3 be. Nearlyr new. Kenil.. 95 If you want te rent or seli eee us. K<roll & Smilth, 424 Linden 'Ave. Wil.500. 71,44-1tc WILMETTE------- Brick bung. 6 large rooms. Neau transp. and laite............. $75 Best east loc. lied. Engllsh brick. 4 bedreons, 3 baths ........... $150 Ind. Hill Estates, F~rench brick. 4 bedroonis. 3 ba.ths............. $115 KFINILWORTH White. clap. Col. Exclusive. E. loca-. tion. 5 bedroorns, 3, bathe . . $125 Eng. brick, near lake. Most, attr. 4 beédrooms, 2% bath:. .... ....$150 WINNETKA Beau. mod. brick and etone 1. 5 bed- roome, 2 bathr ........ ... . $150 Choice S . Z. loc. Eng. brick. -4 bed-. roins, 2 bat)he $125 THnE BILLS REALTYhinc.. 529 DAVIS ST.. FQVANSTON Gre. 1166 Wilmeétte 3740 97LTN44-Ite! HOUSES 0F CHARM ATTRACTIVE E 14G LI8H HOUSE with large (30xlB) living room with wood-burning tireplace'and balcony. 2 bedrôoms, wlth connecting' bath. At- tached gar. 011 heat. EIec. refrig. and stove. '$10,000,' or $90 a mîonth. MODERN BRItCKç HOUSE WITH 3 large bedrooms, 2 tile baths. Large living room 'with bridge alcove, pine panelled dining room, both wlth seuth exposure. 011. hèat and oil for water. 2-car att. gar. S.tove. $100 a monitlj. BAtJMANN-COOK REAL. ESTATE SERVICE Exclusive Agents 5 3 Lincoln Avenue Winnetka 3450 9715TN44-lte 12. rns., 5 bs., ol, nr. lake, 2 c. g. $225 Srnis,3 bs., oh, excel. l oc., 2 c. g. 150 8 rims., 3 bs,, oli, slpg. pcb., nr. lake 125 7 rnis., 2 be., oh> slpg. pcb., 1 c. g.. 100 6îrms-, 2 bs., slp. pcb., mod., ex. loc. 85 6 mnis., 2 bs., sun pcb., H.W.H., 2 c. g. 75 6 ims., 2 b.., H.W.H-., 2 c. g . .... 70 7rins., 1 b., H.A.H-., 2 c. g., n'ly. dee. 60 5 rins., 1 b., bungalow, H.W.JI... 5o 7 rms., 1 b., H. A. H., 2 c. g .......... 40 3 mis., .1 b., (htd.) enci. pcb., lst. floor duplex, 1 c. g . ..... 30 Other zood values, ail sizes.- B. H. BARNETI 526 CenterSt. Wiunetka 965 97LTN44-ltp GLENCOE 7 roomne. 3 baths, 3 enclosed pehaS. Attached garage. 011 heat. Enclosed yard. $1.0 FIIHLNDPARK m oins ' 2 baths-,;,ou heat,' attàched grgplay room. e100.00 See, us, for these andother N'orth. Shore bargains. McGUIRE & ORR, mnc.' Over 40 Years of Dependable Service 316 Park 'Ave.. (Glencoe Ph. Glencoe 13 .3 NICELY' FtJRNISIIED1 'Private homie. Phone 'W .afteinoons. Why flot bring in your ad for a '4-run in WILMRTTE' Lii?,, WINNEflCA TALK and GLFNCOE NEws and sape 20% for cash? .,Phone Wîlmette 4300 ask for ad-ta er J FOR RENTBY OWNER- 3 NICE homes ln Winnetka, ail newhy dec- orated* ou hiat and air cenditiened. 6 and 7 ýroomns, , tule bathreems. $70 -and up. 1111- Gage St., iHubbard 'Woods. 97LTN44-ltp FOR RENT---NOUBM

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