out the village to determine how manv needy cases there were which %vere not taken care of by the Wil- mette Health Center. After the survey was completed the partici- pating dentists foun d it inadvisable ,1o carry the project thfough. Th ere are ýbetween .135 and 40 cases ini the' village that need'dental care. but *are' not on relief., Theref or-e the 1,ogan-Howard P.T.A. bhas. assumed the respoisibility of taking care- of these Cases that would otherwise have1 towait indefinitely befoire they could be taken care of by the Health Center..wbich i alreadyi carrving too munity and the Cbild." Music for tbe evening will .be given by the Wilniette Graunnar school or- chestra under the direction of Mrs. Catherine Wagner. The orchestra is comprised of 38 pupils. Valeria. Adams and Rosamnond Mc-Millen will play piano solos. Ail teachers*and. pensons connected directly orindirectly with'the scbool will be.presen t. This will bc a good opportunity to get acquainted with al ,the teachers.and others interested in the.school. Miss Noriie Grec,, will be hostess for ýthe evening. Ia~ a,.,...Bunco ivill be played during the so- As the 1934-1935 budget of tli-iTu.-hour. Logan.-Howand -P.T.A. did, not iný- -- cdethe clinic expiense. the execui tive board bas taken. the, opportunity leaner Woollcott to of securing a noted' opera singer for Lecture at Thorne Hall a beefi. cncer onMonay eeni g. Alexander Woollcott, humorist, au- Mat-ch 2-. at 8 o'clock at Howard thor. and radio star, will be the second .4'fhOI. .speaker on the Northwesteri i uiver Lutclile Iiano. a former nieinber of sity downtown college course,1 "Six Ille Chicago Ciic' Opera coinpany View 's of Tomonrow,' Tuesday even- bias Aizd much success ini leading ing, March 12, at Thorne hall 1East oprtct-isbtbiitiscutySuperior street and Lake shore drive. and abroad. Ant Italian :revievver in Noted as a wit, dnamnatist, aÉto-r,. -Il, CoËri.ere'" said of bier: *,'Last night radio bnoadcaster and New Yonker ,flic opera season opcne<l with 'La columnist, the inimitable Alexander Bohiene. The theater was packed 1.W\oollcott bas neyer before given a and the succe's, of the performance !public lecture in the. Chicago at-ca. ,qplendid. especially for Lucia Diano, RssujtTesyeengwiIb ~ .~.A...mA~.r, ~ ý The Invisible Newspapen." f~S*ttU.LIjAntu lias a voîce of rare andý beaujtifuil qualitv. conibitied wvtl real histrionic talent. became a part of Chicago and com- munity when ini 1931 she received the honorary degree 'of doctor of letters from, Northwestern university. For the past yrear.s Mrs. Fisher bas been knoWn.to rmany in :America for, ber work with the Book-of-tbe-Montb club. As a litera.ry.crit-ic, she serves the club with ber keen. analytical mmd in selecing tbe outstanding from. the> me diocre in the new books. Dorothy Canfield Fisher. bas *on, intrntioalreputation as well. Uer books, are being published in France,, England.. Germany. Holland and in. the Scàandlinavian countries. The niost recent book f rom Mrs. Fisber's Dnt. Bonifire," -was published a year a'"o last faîl. It. is a moôdemi novel 4,f love and marrnage against the backg--round of a Vermont village. *The Parents' council of tbe Na- tfional College of Education is spon- soring Mfrs. Fisher's lecture' on March 13. ' t 8:15 and annuunces it open. ýto alU interested. A ýsmall admission fee %vill be charged to defray ex- penses. The J. A. Youngs, 1123 Elmn-oo),I avenue, xnoved to Chicago Saturdav' wofl to 35Y2 IOSt. Mrs. Carl Zipprich, 623ý Forest avenue, will be hostess at a dessert bridge on Marcb 13, in honor of Mrs. Pierre BontcÔu, who is.movin with ber family to 'Ohlo soon STRAWÎNSKY.DUJSHIN1 The great composer, and Sam- uel Dushkjn, violinist, wil give a private recital ofI'gor Strawinsky's comfpositions for violin and piano, Wednie8day evening, March 20,, at the, School 0/ofMusical Arts and Cria/ts, 555 'Glendale Ave.,, Winnetka. A very few. tickets. at $2.50, eacl are stiil available, and may be obtained by writing or telephoning the schoolç- Winn. 3822. Lucille l)iano I> a iiiece of-\f Pearl .jonc,. tbe ..eventli grad teaicher at Howard schoo)l. T: 1.ogan-Howa.rdl P. T. A. feels ver pt-oud in having obtained sucb e3 cellent. talent 1.peet1 Mette audience. Tickets' are on sale at the Snider CÇa Zel drug store. 1167 «Wilnxette av( nue, Wilmette. or they niav l)CSE cu red froni the board miembersc LogarîýHoward P.T.A. rs.1 ture. may be .secured at the Thon-ne tde h all box office on Tuesday cvening. 'Iîe'lHe wilýl speak at 8:15 o'clock. t-ry I ~ InieBy oEnter Table Tennis ToUlmey r- The Chicago 1D istrict Grammar le- School Table tennis chamnpionships ýe- will be lheld Saturday nioriiing, . f Mat-ch 16, at 9:30 o'clock at the~ Stay and Play club, 168 W. 'Monroe st, on the sixth floon. This. tournament is W. specialize in making Automobile, Co-malcer and Furniture Loans up to $300.. and getting the cash in your hands in 24 l'o 48 hours. Quick, friendly service. Take 3. 6, 1tO-even 20 months ta repay. Write, 'phone or cati. NERSONAL FINANCE COMPANY I. ALL MAKES Whinedia 35Day or MgIat OL I:VEIR HANSEN -j' f3i -j