Spring. These bea îtîfù1-rints'make charming f.rocks for, spring wear and are 50 inexpensive. s. >. I 511k Hosiry 19 2 par $5 They're sheer -hose, ail. pure silk, new spring col- ors. Sizes 81/2 tO 101/2- yrdI5 * unthe beaufi.ful plaids yard 4c. Girdies of two-way stretch elastic. Sizes: Sm aII, Medium, Large Very Special 029 WOIUTHfEN'S Boys' pring Jackets of ail wooi rnelton,, Cossack style, zipper front closing, ail sizes. $3.95* Sweaters Alil Wool Alil Sizes Al Colors Me n and Boys 1st National Bank Building ýWilm.ffe 2655 WILlM TTB LIFBS t D.portm.nt Stor* 1146-148 Wilm.ff. Avenue Phones Wimuiffe 588589