I WEBSTER' New Modern English' DICTIONARY- 89ýý illustrated-SefPonouncing Since the publishers of WILMF.TTE LIFE announced a week' ago the com- pletion of plans to distrîbute a few of these fine dictionaries, they have gone like "hot cakes." Neame- AUw. nu mn mu mu mmm n un mm mu un um mmi ciay 01 day il Girl's out. s Chester M.. Saisford, itatiOnallY knoupit z'ocatwial counselor, W'ho iii be ai New Trier next week for a series of lectures and for iivid4- ual con ferences zuitl students. In addition to speaking «t five student *asseniblies Mr. Sanford «'ili address ~ALNewc Trier Parent-Teacher as- sociation Ttwsday night and New Trier faculty miembers Monida y a fternooz.. Studeints to Sing' at Musi c Festival Three ensemble groups froni New Trier, a boys' quartet, - a mixed octet and a girls'. trio, will go to Indianapolis to take part in theý North Central Ensemble festival to be held there on March 20, 21 and U2 in connection with the North Ceni- tral Music Educators' conference. The ensemble festival is sponsored by the conference.. I-amateur Writers' organization *bers of the club were ±nuch I wth Mrs. Walker's . poems, :give a delightful picture o *j in northerà Wi ,sconsin. i- and Morton Decker and Herold Hue- d bner will oppose it. At last week's. fi meeting of the club M. E. Duckles 3v of: the foreigu linguage department' gave,.a talk on character building. -Umm be carried out ini tne, sauzv an as had been planneèd for this week. Arran gemenlts are in charge of the: social and friendly committees' of the club. Annamarie Booz, president of theë club, and.the other officers- M a r y W a i-d n e r,_ vice-president, Nancy Gor.don, .secretary, ai d Cynthia WIalsh, treasurer-also. are- taking. a leàdingpart in: planning the event. Announcement of the Girls'. club's à eW commnittees. for the second semes - ter was madeè this week., Members of. the various committeïes are:- charity-Evelyfl Býettg. Barbara Bay-, ard, Betty Paletti, Pat Hutchln.gon,. Sett Kappýer, Janice Walford, Amy, Hepehel. Luchle lHolim-Hansen, H1-elen, Huffaker and Vtirinlo Snorf. Financial-Jane Kassner, Anne Mus- son, Paisley Rockweil, Ellen Munister; manlis. Smithi MargaretTIdeman, Julia Carrol, Marguerite Cleary, Frances J!as- kin nd Mirjoie Wil goaal-Marret' IHorstlhgt., Ptsy Fiannery Jean Wheelafld, Virginla Couiter, Lucie Dix, Marsha Huck, 13ev- erly Baird, Anne Bayliss, Dorothy Ed- wards and Peggy Parker. fflendiy-MarJorte Mitchell,' Barbara Reed, Jane Soloman, Betty Faxon, Vir- ginia. Holland, Peg Hutchinson, Ruth Chatard, Gertrude Gaiioway, Dorothy Goetz and Kay Scofild. EmPlcynient - Martha O'Connor, Jeanne Fisher, Shirley MeGilI an~d Tru- dle Schnur. Publicity and arrangements-Helen Condit. Shirley McCoy, Eleamnor Beecher, Pauline Newton and Dorothy Robertson. N. T., Debaters Will Meet Englewood Next New Trier's affirmative 'and nega- tive teanis will resume their Big Twelve Debating league schedule., Friday of this .week. Englewood of Chicago will be the opponient. New Trier's affirmative speakers, Gerald Taber, Jack Leslie and Sidney Craig, will go to the city to meet the Enfgle- wood negative, The New Trier nega- tive tean,. Robert Goodwin, David Early and Clarence Lineberger, will debate at home. Coach Chester E. MacLean said earlv this week that,