10%OFF Brand New SpringSyIestl, Pur ent ire Stock In clu dedi Pré ced According to Size: SIZES 612-8 81/2-12 81/2-12 121/2-3 121/2-ý3 JUNIOR KMISSES 31/2-8 3V2-8 REGULAR PRICES $235 3.50 3.75 4.25 4.00 4.50 3.95ý 4.95 SALE PRICES $1.88 2.40 2.80 3.00- 3.40 3.20, 3,60 3.16 3.96 Patent 1leather, eIkskin and coif shoes for iÀhfeîiîs children and gjrowing girisi Shoes ipeolally made to give hoaatthfMl comfort.ond srnar*ness *0 o go ing' foot. This is the pnly time during th. sotire boif year tlht prudenot mothors cao buy tiioue ronown.d shoese t this groaf saving. AUJ. SHOES FITTED DY X-RAYS Footwear-Street Floor Monday, Tuesday end W.inesday of n.ixt week in our Linn deportmnl. Comm end oe 1hern moke Me .beautiful b.dspr..ds which you have so offeneadrnred. The pattema -th.y use hav#e been hand.dci down In thbi.fr. familles f r om genoe- tion to vgenerationh. Thy wIII bglad e s. . Iiw the. .1041Y work b done.. e 'e. ., e 90x.105 'HAND TUFTED Each one stitched and, cut by han e ADS, in the w On 'Davis STORE HOURSS 9 A. M. TO 6 P. M-SATURDAYS TO 9 ýP. M. WiUueI*. 1100 m ARCH 17,,1935