PUNNSYLVANIA custooieru thickW pop- ulate every north shore commuflity. PENNSYLVAN l is aenmie wiâ, 25 ymrs reputation for good producte mîmd 9"d service. PEN NSYLVANIA OIL 'CO. 933SHRMN f EVANSTON, GRE. IR200 AVEUEWf.mErE 53B3 Herbert Lundahl, 224 Raleigh road, Kenilworth, left Iast Friday for New York where lie sailèd on the Exochorda for a three months', tour of' Europe. He will visit Italy, Switzerland, France, Germany, and England. .Mrs. Judson. Large of Evanston, formerly of Wîlmhette,' entertained the Chicago Gommons, auxiliary for tea last Friday. THE SHOE THAT PROTECTS YOUR ,RIDE CHILDREN!S, S SHO fGROWING FEETI, 1608 Chicago Ave.. Evanstôn EDGAR A,, STEVENS, INC.P IEVANSTON "4top'l Daguerre Photo Mrs. B, F. Laigworthy of Win- netlea, president of- the national Parent-teacher a%çsociation, whorn Gov. Henry Horner appointed Tuesday as one of th-e ten mnembers of the Illinois ediTcational commis- ion, wk4ch. was created. by the present state general assembly to sttidy. the pro bleins of Illinois' schools and recommed remedial le gislqt ion. Mrs. Langworthy is, welknown to north shore re.st- *dents for her constructive partici1- .patio» i i ciz>ic and schoo1. affairs. The other niine appointees, of the governor are: Modie J. Spiegel, Kenil- wvorth; Gen. Robert E. - Wood. Higi-ý land Park, president of Sears Roebuck, anid company; James B. McCahey, president of the Chicago board of edu- cation; Douglas, Sutherland, Chicago, exccutive secretary of the civic fed- *eration and-bureau of public efficiency.; 0. V. Walters, principal of East Highi school, Aurora;- Earl Smiith, Detroit, président of the Illinois ýagriýcultural ýassociation; John A. Wieland, state superintendent' of public- instruction; Frank A. -Jerisen, superintendent. of Rockford schools, and John C. Martin, chairman of the Illinois tax commission., In addition to the governor's ap- pointees, five senators and five repres'en- tatives make up the full membersh ip of the commission. .Senate members appointed by Lieut, G4ov. Thomas F. Donovan are: Louis O. Williamis (Dem., Clinton), T. V. Smith (Dent 0 hicezo). F. T.TIugh-I. ards. Mrs. Charles R; Mack, 707 Cen- ,-al avenue, was hostess to ber birth- ay luncheon bridge club last mon- ain celebration of Mrs. T. B. otter's birthday. .-1