Sunnybrook 'a rm' in the 'higf school autditorium. [t is one of those plays, wh ich, like the book have wthstood the tests of time and countless, critical, audiences exceedingly well. It is a neyer fail- itig joy'for ad uits because of its-re- freshîng 'atmosphere and simple p lot. and it is a drawing card for the young folks eveiywhere because of its com-ý cdy and cbildish charactes. The State of Maine *furnishes the rural, background for the action and' rural1 characters are in a, pleasing abundance. The town gossip is pres- ent with.ber streamn lined tongue and indexed brain. A kill-joy. Puritanil»L aunt dorninates the initial acts but one of.thie features of the Play is the way Rebecca gradually softens ber f rpýî a harsh, straightlaced cha racter intô a lovable, patbetic old, wom an. A~I old, sympathetic and humorous stage driver plays a leading role in this cross-section'of Rebecca's life. Prom t$he m oe<nt he~ drives 4uher~ te the door of her Aunt Miranda's bouse be takes ber rigbt into bis heart and from then on plays tbe guardian angel and sym- pathetic adviser in ber life. The play is noted for its lack of "villainous" villains but the. one sbady character should bc watcbed rigbt from the start.., Another featured player is tbe city gentleman wbo cornes back to the town be was born in,. unsopbisticated but cieverly wise. His part in Re- becca's future is one .of the bighl Thne meer was hnetuin te îNew Trier field bouse. The best individual performances of tbe day were in the distance runs. Ned York of Hammond won botb ýthe mile and the half mile, but Wn botb eventshe, was bard pressed by New Trier boys.. ihWhit. lEqualoi Record BilWhite, NewTrier's represen- tative in-the mile run, equalled the field bouse record -of four minutes. and 49 seconds, but York.broke the record, by runninig the distance in four seconds less time. Vork'stime in the haîf mile was two minutes, 8.1 seconds., The Hammond runner ,beat' T ed Smith of New Trier by iniclie. His time was only a tentb of a second sbort of the fiel house record.' Bill eaymonville, New T1rier's star shot 'put man, won bis event easily. His teammate, DeWitt Jones, copped both the hihànd îôOw burdles eveit s. CaPtur Relax New Trier also won the relay and toàk the following other first places in the senior meet: James O'Neill in the 50-yard dash, Louis Bollensen in the high jump, Art DeLang in the broad jump and Dave Gooder in tbe 440-yard run. O'Neill, Jimn Donovan, Douglas Hindley and Ludwig Skog comprised the New Trier relay team. 52t11r<I2v 'afternonnof thiçs week 'i former me»ilber of the The juvenil roles- are done Must realistically by tbe bigh séhool under- graduates for their ownl personalities tend toward. such action. The more sophisticated and elderly heroes are harder for the' dramatists to con- ceive but in view of this disadvantage, tbey do. conmendably well. If you have neyer been introduiced to this charming group you cannot afford *to miss this oppôrtunitv. If is a, heavy favorite to win. ftvanston, another entry, was defeated by-New Trier. KENILORTHGIRL SCOUTS TROQP NO. 4 At the beginnjng of their rneetiniz ill be the subject of Mr. .Stracheys lecture. It is also the titie of bis recent book wbich, is generally 'regarded as an outstanding analysisof present-day 11f e and politics. Tickets for this lecture niay be. ob- tained at the office of the temple, Lin- coin and Vernon avenues, Glencoe, or from Mrs. Barnett Faroîl, chairnian of the Forum council committee, 741 Pros- Churches "Christ Jesus" was the suhject of the lesson-sermon in ail Chiurches, of Christ, Scientist,,on Sunday% Mardci .3. The golden text was, -As yc have therefore received Christ jesuiý-lthe Lord, so walk .ye in hirn: For ini hima dwelletli ail the fulness of the God- £UIintze, bu .Je5cCft place. Phi K~appaPsi initiation at the Uni- 0o- versity of Michigan. Henrietta, Evelyn Eiabeth, and -o- Mary Ana Pope of 804 Ridge road, 'Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bixby. 1104 wjio bave ail had scarlet fever, are Ashland avenue, will entertain their now aout o~f quarantine. bridge, club at dinner Saturday. and ncoe- m rade - inan Jesus'l (P. ultered to bestow upon nitY of the Christ ivas ;t in the hunianity of