ot in the gold clause cases. 1932 and the spring of 1933, Mr. Anderson recounted the -legisiation enacted'by. tht Congress designed to, bring about. certain corrections in: the economnic- situation% and stimulate recover y. Hé 'pointed out the acts whic'h gave the President authority to, devaluate the dollar by raising the price of gold- and reducing the gold content, also t hose wbich abrogated the g61d clause, in -private conitracts and repudiated the governmefltps own contract te pay bonds in gold of, the ".,presentweight and fineness', obtain- ing on the date the bonds were'sold. These angles were covered in order to lead up to th eactual:decisions of the tht suits brought against the gôveru- ment, going briefly into details per- taining to each, expressing the bellef ~tht i reirderihrw its decisions~ the court was influenced more by justice, than legal exactitude. He also called, attention to tht possibility of a re- versal in some of the decisions if suits are brought cbarging loss or damage, throughi the subsequent devaluation- of the dollar. The decision that the government had no right to repudiate its own gold contracts. he said, was a strictly legal cecision, but as it is ille- gai to possess gold or gold certificates. there is not niuch that can be done about it. Photps by, 1..hle Revolutionary war, and again during the Civil war, this country had re- sorted to inflation, and expressed thie hope that "printing press money" will flot again be known here. He also touciied upon comrnodity prices, and thought that there is nothing ini the court's decisions to cause anxicty at this time, and might flot be in the future if the dollar value and com- modity prices are kept close together. d, Wis., have left San j1jeoruary 2 arc visiting at Corpus They retur lof March. on a to New stopping at INew or- I.our ranks and àonio, ILos Angeles, and The president ýo duing his travels.- at. 5 , eclock,-- ping to have a hobby h girl will talk about egroup talked about. sang various songs. Ijourned the meeting 'alietAdams. from Et Antonio Christie