r7ailr way uncier Gn ýer the tracksc .th Western na o, North Shor oad opposite en Bay road and f the Chicago and ilway and the Chi- 'e and Milwaukee the joseph Sears Mothers espeicially are warmnlyin favor of having such an underpass built. President. Harrison said. Mr. Harrison stated further that the ex- pression of opinion favoring the proj- ect came not only from.citizenls living west :of. the tracks 'but also from those living east of the tracks, where the, children ýdo not -have to cross the tIracks and the higway to get to school. Confer WitJ State The matter is ini thé discussion stage at present, but has been taken up with the state ,highway depart- ment. Delinquent taxes on Mahoney park, beqtleathed to the village for park purposes ini Oetoberr, %1932, camne.to the attention of the board. The vil- lage took titie to the property, in August, 1933, The 1928 and 1929 taxes on the property, «rhich is lo- cated on both sides of Sheridan road at the south liniits of the village, were paid before the death of the last mnemnber of the Mahoney family. Trustees of the estate declined to pay the 1930 taxes, and these taxes, to- gether with those for 1931, are now in1 default and forfeited, it was reported. Voin embers, Tuesday, 8 1). in. Sunday's sermion wilI be based on the fifteenth chapter of Johin's Gospel, lt'z subjeCt being: "Tlhe True Vine." Sayii Christ: . arn'the vine, ve are the branches. H~e that abldeth lii Me, and r in hlm, the same brlngeth forth mucli fruit: for wlthout, Me ye ýcan :do. noth- Ingw" Much food. for earneit refiection In those few words. Corne and mneditate on them with us! On Wednesday even'ing at 89 'clock the Lenten sermon '*111 be based, on the Old Testament text, Isalah 63 :3, Its .aibject being: "Treading the Winépress Alone." Next Thursday evenlng,. March 14, a recital wilL be given, by Mrs. Electa Garnron, Our Organlst, 'asslsted by Ernil Bock, vloIlnist,ý, who was recently awarded the -prize of the North Shore, Musicianis club. The recital Nvill begin at 8 p. m. The offenlng will be.,placed in. the fund from whleh a. memrlal.window .i being provided for Our former pastrir, Herinan W. Meyer. Mrs. Laura Jacobsen, Takenby Death Monday Mrs. Laura C. Jacobsen, 336 Cen- tral avenue, died at ber home Mt6 - - day evening. Mrs. Jacobsen- bad been a resident of Wilmetet for the past eigbteen years. She is survived by ber husband, Jacob T. Jacobsen, a retired butter merchant, and by five daughters, Janet, Inger, Sigrid, Margit and Mrs. Astrid Bridge, al of Wilm~ette. The Rev. Edward Val- brecht of St. Luke's Lutheran church.. 7-02. CANS SOME STRIKE MEDIUM RED BAblIONS. STRICTL. FRESH $cas B ULK DOZ. 240- SELECTED ESUNNY- -fRlOK CARTON 29 MACARONI ANuLsp,&qtm!Ti 3190D" ZAN 13 CAMPBELLS Tomi. So.P,. 7c DainjPowder... UNEEDA BAKER$ iNED IIffwuUSwui ZKS2 ICboc.I.te Twiuis,." SU NS WEET PrismeS LARG3E SIZE FRUITPK-B COLD STREAM nIk Salmo... . C16-01 Oc AGED AMERICAN Cheese ....... 0 - LB.9'O AMERICAN,, BRICK. PI MIENTO. LIMBUJRGER. AND firom al taxes. Park Taz.. Accumuate, The total taxes accumulated on theý property now amount to rnore than $(),000-$2,500 for 1930. $660 for 1931, $1,450 for 1932 and $1,450 for 1933. The matter was referred.to Trustee' Henry G. Zander, Jr.'. at bis request. Police Commissioner W. C. Yackel recommended that the board consider a plan to relit a police car instead of purchastinir a néw car. wbich Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Fred A Stuck (Dor- othy Gantzel) and baby son, James Frederick, of Chicago, left Saturday for Kansas City, Mo., where they wiil mt.ake their home because of .a change in Mr. Stuck's business. Mrs. Stuck is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hans N. Gantzel of 527 Linden avenue. PI~U.WWCrabapples -..-.. 2 C'^N 23c FR1.AND SAT4 ONL.Y EVAPORATED PET OR *RANDYWINE Drd 's C.. 3N 0 WHTMOUSE MLJ5HROOMS Evaporated Mliff. -3 i 9 2 -oz 25cAN N PAGE 19 BLICEDO 3CANS 5cPeanut lutter....JARI9 rSLICED. 2 'AN33csULA .. .... 2-LB. 29C 4-OZ- 1cPau utr A BUTONS.* CANZIC COCOLATE F000 DRINK u1111v flUU UVVIIintucteiJULVULU Lice necessary steps to enforce the state liquor regulationrs in "No Man's Land' between Wilmetté and Ken- ilworth. This is "dry" territory, but reports . of. violations, of the liquor laws have been frequent. C. HAHN for STAMPSU Suite 10, 545 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka, 111. (Opposite the North Shore SttiUon) A tivi lîné of Stmonsp-U. S. and Foreign, anda ll WWV 33 3 -m v.. e L. - I à~m pnj.g1s . I U0 0 0 0. sLa.23 11,11 HOMIE -Z HEIN Z RPAE mv, STYLE, M CANÉ 5 MEINZ TOMATO ~14.0z., C5 EN ANO DA H NUC ~ 8VEGETARIAN OR PORK #N EIZCC U MER 2-OZ. 23C TOMATO SAUCE. 3 25 PI LSI 1-OZ. CAN CN CIN ?W. 1 1 1 .1 m- e