f uller flavor and richer color because this fruit is fully ripeed on the tre. and, packed at the groves where tif l grown. Erjoy this richer. tuiler flàvor, witho>ut 1 tuss or muss-firrn, whole segmrent s orcdelicious juice -and, 61 course,.-18 you would: expect *-sld. ofly. cit the rAMOUS JEWEL F00OD STORES where thousands ol customers'have lecrned ta expect the unusucil in -quctity foods. SULF IREEZE. TREELRIPENED GRAPIEFRUI'.11T Fiiàm Even . 3 ' 25 3 20-OZ. CANS 35c GULF BREEZE. TREE-RIPENED Grapefruit Juice 4 c'Ns29c 3 20-OZ. CANS »Sc iOFT AS 01.0 LINElI SCOT-TISSUE FLAKES OR GRANULES CHIPSO. ".44% »PURE IVORY -SOAP AISO E *S 21c 2 IOLLS 150 ABO£~ li TOMATOES .... ALN S 25c An old favorite with lewel clusîomers in a small cçxn for the sinaIi famlly Wood County Cu GR4ENO. INTALL C GRE N ca ~ s fyor'w25cde -also cUt vwax ls iefehbcsoto orongre. 2BAA'QSE 9c a * LARGE 2/2a SIZE CANS I15 Central Avenue > ï! .: MARC~I 7, 1935 il WORCESTERSHIRE KNOTT'$. BrtE1 5c