onI oh tiie genera themne, *"The 1 -IoGreat 'Clahus of Jesus. ý'%Ve F rs o geg to a àaiW Invite you to woralilp ihu. F rtC n eg io a - Rev. John G. Hlhdley, mini.ster e Musical program for thé mornlng- au viib sfollowe:,preiutd","On .«,Tgùorrowla Religion" lela te subjeel, Holy Mount," Dvorak; anthem, cf the Bey. Mr.. Hlndley's sermon for, as ôuiy," eu .tol; sgýo i bTe Eartl' next Sunday uornngatthie il1o'ciock i.Lod', LynsEvadQîsservice. T1his la the beglnnlng cf a senfs. et; Postinde,, "March lun D;" Onu- c f lenten messages. Other au bjeéts are." L XMss ma Rounds la pianlat aud àMardi 17: 'The Obigation and Oppor- tot. tunity cf Christian Living,'; Mardh 94., - "Maklng Pulli Use cf Ouîr Résounces"P, r unae Bible achool meets at. Mardi 31: >'Paith andMoal";Apqil7. 'W lu ail depattméntsi unde #'Lving Beyond a Doubt"; April 14: genérai direction of RaîliH. 4. R'ce "Jesns, Llfte's.Certlfied 01uide", (Palm Sunday>; Api l 2: InTne Wlth the nr Aduil Bible class Invites you tC' Life Eternai" (Eaeter.. them là thé sludy -of 4"The Life and The musical program for next Oùnnday ors cf Paul,"»,te find thé préent ap- Ilaua foliova: tien cf the greal principles of Chris- Prelude: [ty. We meet at 10 o'clock on theé "G loiDmn"...TTetnNbl ronm. . .Anthetn : "oist the Chérubic Host"........ Gaul Le pastor la conducling a pr"j>aratory. (rT Junior Choira) 3 for those who wvIAIN t icin thé Anthem: th at leantet.1 The cla.3q meets ln Open Our Eyes",......Macfarlane t>ee aI 9:30 o'clock. We vili i - (The Senior Choir> Badülts te thit clam.. Postludé: "Allegro", fiom "Fifti Sonata"......... Mendelssohn ir Junior dhurci, under the direction ra. Stanley Peterson and ber help-. The 'Woman's Guild holds a lunchéon- taliso 8Bre of the i le foks vIle Imeeting sat 12 -80o'cloek . te. h, luréli -parents attend tie worshlp service, on Frlday, March 8. Followlng luncheon - and a short business meeting, thé Guild ýe ¶'uxls society wIii méet at 5:30 will' go ln a body te the English Luth- ck. Refneshments, viii be serve41. eran church, Sévénth and Greenleaf, for ,special speaker of the meeting ivill the services ln connection wlth thé Day [ru. .W. W. Bauer, wlth the topte, cf Prayer for ail Churches. ing For Christ." Mrs. Bauer v."s of tie leaders of the Yecent co0n- The Crescent circle willl meet on Tues- ce of Young people iéld ln Eu'..;- day, March 12, at the home cf Mrs. H. G. Ailthie Young people are Inviléd Carroll, 214 NinthN streét, with luncheon ar her. ah 12:30 o'clock. Mrs. H. L. Grider will assiàt Mrs: Carroll. ke Bunday Evening club at the Con- ational churci &t 7:30 o'çlock wIll Week-nlght services. varled in char- ont Capt. Carl von Hoftman, with acter, willlhé held on the Thursdays ln pictures on 11prom Catro te the Lent. These meetings for feilowshlp, and Inspiration begin con March 14, at 7:30 - o'clock. Thé board cf deacons la spcn-' >y Scout Troop Nio. 5 vili meet Mon- sorlng and taking charge of thee rt evenlng at the chirch. . part of the programi, whieh wll ho foi- - lowed by a Lenten message from lthe *e Woman's soclehy 'viln meet Tues- uinister oni "Giying. Out, Glvung Up on at the church. 'Seving vili be. ln Givlng More." go cf Spoke No. 8t Mrs- Charles I, chairunan, and Spoke No.v 9, Mns. The Junior~ Camp Pire Girls ineet on 'Irkwood, . hairman. Lunch vili be TIuesday at 4:15 p. m.. id by Spoke 12 Mrs.. Harold S. Con- Scout Troop No. 1 uneets on Tuesday ciairman. Mns. Walton Magner wili at 7:30 P. M. the devotional service. This Ia thé The Brownies (Junior Girl Scouts) ai meeting, at whlch al le officers meet on Wednesday at 7:30 p. m'. ehairmen cof -committees . wii bring Scout Trcop Uo. 2 miela on Wédnes- ten reports, and. lhe .nev ficers day at. 7:30 p. ni. be elecled. Ail the women are lu- Girls' choir, rehearsai on Thuraday at 3:30 p. m. - Boysq' choir reliearsai on Thursday at, e laat cf our Churcli Nights .will be 4 p, mi. Wednesday evening. SUPPor viii Senior choir rehearsal on Thursday at .-i« .Pon o uk hçreWim u b 7:15 p'-fi. fer à;1. - ut- Thé Confirmation ciasa villi uet onfa] On Thursday eveninfa March 14 theo JLen's organisation will meet. A. dinner wIii be serveil at 6 :30 o'clock. IL very fine program Io belng arrangeul.. Make your reserVDatiO115 before Mloniday, Mardi il., Minmette .4279., Attend churcii ech Sunday morilng and Wednebday .evening 4urlng Lent. Kenoilworth Union Dr. HerbertLU Wlllett > inistêr. On'$unday, Mardi 10 Dr.A. G. Baker wili preach. "The church1 service. la at il1 This la a Union church. Its member- shlp Includea people. from. varlouls deneminatlons. It proclaimelathe essen- * tial trutha of the Christian faith. It de- sires to'provide for the. cominunity t= service of worahlp, rýeligions éducation andsocial fellowshlp. TIhe Wmen's gulld will meet Monday morning, Mardhil1, at l0 o'clock. Trhe woit oftheguild la for the benefit of thé good causes in which the vomen of the ccmmunity are Interested. AUl vomen of lcenllworth not otherwise engaged on MondaIr#are InhiYIId to ppe ln for as xnuch. lime as they can apenâ. The Sunday sehool wili meet at 9,45. There areclasses for chuîdren. betwei the ages of the kindèrgarten and the high selioci. Visitera are welcome. Wilmette Babtist Willretté and Foerest avenues Rey. GWorge D. Allison, paster Today (Thursday) the Girl Scoute meet under the direction of Mrs. Lillan Heens and Miss Margaret Richards. Theo Junior choir viii hold ils relieareal of special .mus<c aelected by Miss Lydia KCoch, organist-director;---In the évenung, the Senior coir wll rehearse "Fcun Olivet te (?alva.ry" of Mauuider, In addi- tion to the a.tlems for the coming Sun- day. On Friday at 12:30, the Woman's'soci- ety lias ils Marci luncheon at thé churcli. Mrs. A V . Gruhn wiii preside and Dr. Allison wiii give bis brief, Inter- èstlng "Current Events" t.alk. After thie short program the vomen wiii ad- Jeurn te the Wllmette :English Lutheran church, Seventli stréet and Grééneaf avenue, for the exércisea cf the WorMé Day cf Prayer for Christian Missions. Olliers, unable to attend thé lunchieon, Are urged te be at that churcli by 2 o'clock. Send uer in thèse g9 day. <of "r à-ui a -conm 'ufion service at 8* o'clock. each SundaY' mornlng. The nature cf thèse services will be dAevellonal and meditative'; they are. PurPOséfuliy plan- ned as a préparation for the more abun- dant life. The regular mornlng worship service vlI hé held aI I1 o'clock. .A 4:30 e'elock service viii behélèd Mardi 10 anit Manci 17, and dunlnig the Wmmin- lng Sgundays of-lent the èvening service viii hé held at- 7:30 o'clock. Thée-mlnieter's sermon thèmefor thé ieclock worshlp: service this Snnday Mornlng willhéè: »I 'Gote Jerusalem."l Thé munie for this service wiii be,as fol- Iowa: Organ (10:49): "ýAllegro bMaentose". "&Adagio" (B Miner Sonata).. Rogers Misa Marie Briel Introit: 4"CastI Thy* Burdén upon thé. Lord". .......... ..... >Mendelssohn .Abtthem:-"BleusThou. the Lord, 0 My Seul" ... ...........1... *.... Ivanoff Offertery sole: «'0 Rel in thé Lord"- Meéndelssohn Miss Florence 1arrar Orgalt peellude': *"PhaWel' (E Minci' Sonata) ......... ........ .. Rogers Thé evenlng service lii Sunday wili hé held at 4:80 o'clock. Mr. Robert Baldrldge, oesof thé assistant minis- ters, viii give the brief address. ais thème viii ho "Hé1ar lie Caîll" Thé mu- sic for luis service la as follova: Organ prélude: "In Panadisum"- Dubois Miss Marie Briel Anthem: "0 Love That Witt Not let Me Go".......... -.**....... *'Eggért Offertory (ergan): ¶en oluist Organ postinde: "Preludé and Fugue In D Minor"'..............BachN The Werld Dity of Prayer is -tonmr- row,, Fniday, March 8. Thé Wilmétté service viilhé hèld In thé English Luth- eran church, at 2 -o'clock. Ailt woméen are Invltod te attend. Thé Weians Aid sociéty nieets today (Thursday> at thé church. Executive commîttée meeting and générai Aid séw- ing at 10-30 o'clock. Luncheon will bé servéd at. nooai by thé Fifth Division. Business meeting and program, at. 1.30 o'clock. -Mn.. Catherine Waugh Mc- Culloch Wli speak on "Thé Bible In Every-day Speech." Choir réhéarsai will be hé ld tonight (Thursday> at 8 o'clock, under thé direc- tion of Mare ril- No no,,w itla i.li Plan te (More Sunduay bniitini cfthis *eek. d that entiré familles viii tend the services.. urch. News 'on Page 13) 'Te soletai Mant direot the v OUr loint lianit platfc The clami chure the *oui of Mi theur The o'clo< be M onec tien. The greca preBel ini ws or I 41-