CAR"S LIBIKAUT Fr Spdel Pirties N.Vet INVITATIlOwenS rbet. PLACE CARDS coloreEl audýAY TALLIES "4e te motelq ppe tck. SIUDoUt W ln a vauiet PLYING CARDS, of designs. 2 dnlsSOt- 2 d«ksS$1 1724 Otuing<n Ave. Gr*. 0227 Br wse la Our RUMMage Section 24) SheIf-Wor, BSoks *the. songs and singing habits of, the land birds of norieastern United States. It is -the only book of its kind, and wil prove of tremendous interest to the thousandsof mjen and women and young people wbo, each, yéar find recreation In bird study. Tie autbor's, method of, recording songs, .wbicb. does net depend uon musical notation, will be found not only graphie but, ýbecause of its simplicity,. understandable by ail. It provides an easily, workable keyr. by which to recogniz e the peculiar cbarâcteristics of Iany song becard and to identify the sing- er even if unseen. The 'atbor describes and diagrams the' songs of, nearly one bundred: and - irginia, many of which are also na- tional in range. The student who knows bird songs and can name the bird lie hïears is nincl more efficient than the one wbo bas to depend upon siglit alone. Mr. Saunders' contribution in this book t, a revolutionary one in bird study. and one which adds a new and fascinat- i ng element to the bird-lover's field ex- cursions. England's Poét Laureate is perbaps m ore personal in this three-thousand- wordpreface than in any prose be bas written.,:The Préface cornes 'as. a re- suit of the requests that he tell some- thing a bot the makmng of bis poems. He *rites of the inlunce upon hini of Yeats and others cf bis contempor- aries; of the intense longing for f ree- dom which, moulded bhis early poems; of his experime pnts, in writing potry; of the imood which drove him to, create tales in. verse -such'as The Jeverlasitig Mercy; of bis turing towagrd dramfatic poetry,' and of bis absorbinig interest ini recent years in tbe speaking of verse and bhis work condiicting verse-speaking contests at Oxford. The new edition of Mr. Masefield's Collected Poems, whicb Macmnillan will nul.ish i Awrit. entains nl the Ponems Local Novelisfs Have Bookse on Publication Lists of Fol,., March Certain cadets at famed Culver Mili- tary academy recently took tume off froni. drill, class-rooms and cavalry cbarges vincing" Mr. Bates entered the f actory ln bis native town of 'Swindon,'. in, Wiltshire, at the age of sixteen, and be says: 11 bave no distikê of factories'and do- not share -tbe conimon intellectual's, batred of tbe Machine..I love machinery and amrn prouci of my skill at my trade (I -am. a turner),. I approve of mass produc- tion and regard ail this 'protest against tbe mechanization of ife'. as just spunklessness2!' (In- fact lie loves ma- chines more tban> books, lie says.). At 19, Mr.. Bates voluntarily enlisted in the armny. He says'frankly: "I saw little active, service but ienough to dis- cover:that I, tion to violence. I' bated the discipline and the silly preacbing of a patriotism which nobody really f cît." After demobilization, being tien 19, ~Bâtés worled for a time on Métdter- ranean tramp ships, then in Barcelona. He writes: "Undeclared civil war' reigned f rom 1920 to 1923 in Barcelona and I more tian saw it. If you picture the intrusion of gangsterism into the pettiest of strikes you will get a. fair picture of B.arcelona in tiose days. One neyer knew when a bullet woùld get tbe man by one's. side, or the man by bis. During the Poniente dock strike of '22 I had a newspaper tor f rom Up Price;,For merIy g. $5 EIIANLEE*S Fountain Squaro Evanston book r 1ir[rtur explores some i tiiue new avenues wbicb nmodern tbeory bas opened ip, and deals witb sucli topics as tbe end of tie worId, the decline of determinism. tie expanding universe, and - controversies and criticisins wiicb bave centered around the diverse views conernngtie nature of tie universe.: emy. Theç author is tuchell Webster, were barely remarked on;-, hardly two Jr., son of the novelîst, Henry Kitcheil or tiree days went by witbout some Webster of Evanston: and a former çindicato personality being found in the Culver cad1et. Illustrations for the streets, riddled witb bullets." story were specially posed by cadets Many incidents ini Lcan Men, are now at tie Academy. The celebrated drawn f rom tbe author's. own experi-, Black Herse Troop appears on the ences in Spain; thée girl TIeresa is jacket of the book. A special Culver drawn f rom life (in Barcelona), ýas. is edition, known as the Roll Caîl edition' Texido. who was 'Mr. Bate's' "an and lirnited to two itrndred and ninety- mate on MaIIcrca wharf." seven signed and nunibered copies. is After a. stay in Valeycia and a period, te be distributed exclusively by the as, pianist in a Barclona music bail. Academy. Pass ini Riviert' the storv h., iifl-eA L:.. - per dey structed novel, the solution of one difi- Heb r A. Gl s itn u h d culty tbrowing liglit upon tbe solution Chinese sciolar. whoge name is a So f aIl the others. The story of Han- bousehold Word in China. died in1 D V S nab's love is written witb moving inten- Cambridge, 'England, recentl'y in his 170 V sity Alice Brown writes flot in poetic ninetieti year. His writings on China r JNprose, but in a prose based on Englisi were voluminous, and among tie. beet retpoetry whicb bas,.magicin k,"' says:the known of tient is A HistorýV ofChes NwYr adTribune ooks Lirare