d«Mardh 10 Print Pay March 1 ýe Thý Womnan's guild of the Congre- T* n hiogogalOualdmhrcb of Wilmeteis pre,. Invîtations have been sent out the main church auditorium on Friday^ -b.the Vassar Clubs ofChicao evengnL Mad, 1, at, 8 o'cloc. bydte rt sk."nfgth r Mnâ. Alonzo J. Coburn, who is chair-, antithenort shreaskig teirman, of the play conimittee, promises -a nàembers to attend a receptio upie eodci The flrst cs i and. tea for President Henry cludes the following: MM. frank R. Noble MacCracloen March .10, at Mam n.J y Mclse ,. Vâssar house, hcaE Ti 1.H. Burge, MmL M. H. McMillen,. Mrs. ltrank C. Ruffia, Mn. George th sfrt tim in. more than two Kuepper,, Mrs. Lo ren.Bowe, rs years that the president has Charles Eldridge, Mrs. Wiiliamj Rich-. visited Chicago. He i*comngardson, Mns.James C.- Crossley, Mns. to. deliver the Commencement Ge oetM.MrnH West, addrss a theUnivrsit iMe. B. H. Platt, Urs. Howard R., addessat heUnierstyof Smith, Mns. George W. Pitman, Miss Chicago.Minnie Hughes, Miss Jeanne Taggart, The alunnnae of the Chicago area Alonzo Cobuyrn, and Myron H. West. wiII welcogue Dr. MacCracken at a- In charge of tickets art Mrs. J. formai neception front 4 to 5 o'clock Robert McClure and Mrs Evan J. Mc- March 10, at Diana court fountaîn in llnaitb. Pollowing the old fashioned en- thé lobby of the Michigan Square tertainmient refreshments will be served buitdùg;'510ýN i Mihgan avenue. in PÎlgrnitnthii. At 5 dock Prsdent MacCracken wilI delivmr an addnes. to the Vassar aIumnnae and their guests, in the Vassan bouse main nooni. His sut>- Kenilworfh Guilds in ject will bc "Vassar Culege in 1935" Iumdt*.,aften the~ taîic, supper Session Next Monda y wilt bc *erv.ed at the tables on the Fu ftefv ulso h lalconies.surroundiaag the îoveîy Furhof the fveulds omoftherl .onti o iaaco..Cuc fteHl onotrwl A mna1l Rat f iAtinuuied A neet and have luncheon with the nae of the Chi~cago area, thene will be the purents of girls uow attending Vasar eollege and also the parents of pros.pective students, with their daughtens whuô ane now preparing for college. Hostesses for the party include a long list of representative alumnae, beginning with Mrs. Andrew Mac- Leish of the dlas of18, a Glencoe resident, and ending vdîh Miss Helen Dawes, a graduate of 1934. The. -follewing hostesses Monday, March le4 vv nutnvuse guuca; Mrs. Hlerbert Mesick, 331 Essex road, to the Mc- Laren guild; Mrs,. A. R. Peterson, 2P7 Raleigh road, Kenilworth, to the Anderson guild. Mrs. L. E. Mitten, 310 Cumnor noad, was hostess to the Stewart guild on Monday of thli week as sevenal -of the members will' be away for the negular meeting day. Ray Photo Representinig the active chapter of Delta Gamnta on the cominitie in. charge of tihe reunion banquet ai Shawnee Country club March 9, sponsored 6y alumnaé and active members, is Miss lime Demnent of Keniilzeorth, a junior at North"- zestern. Delta Gammuas front the north shore, Chicago, and Oak Park, are meeting with the active chapter for their annual reunion banquet at Shawnee Country club March 9.,Dim- nen wilI be at 6:30, followedby a pro- graIn. Miss Jane Dement of Kenilworth,' a junior at Northwestern univensity, is representing the active chapter on the committee in charge of the ban- quet. Arranges Programs at Gardon Conier T he'North Shore Garden club,. in accordance with its, custom of, .do.ingý well everything that it. does, bas arranged an unusuaIlvý fischedule of programns for the March, meetings of the North Shore G a r di e n center.. Under the chiirmanship of Mrs. ,Morton D. Cahn, the club will pre .sent a lecture ýat 10:30 eacb Monday morning in Match: in the c e n t e r ' s headquarters in Winnetka Communityý House. The presidents and members of the boards of directors of ail 'Leagues of Woumen Voters on the. north Shore have been iuvited.as guests of bonor March 4. One of the speakers that day, Miss Eliiabeth licAdam's, L<. A., has doue much civic work sud is said. to be greatly interested in civie prob- lemis. Her subject Monday will be- ".Bcst Varietxes of Annuals." Mrs; Fred. Clutton will give a talk entitled "Seed Catalogue Round-up." Mrî., Leon M. Hamburger and Mrs. Shan- dor M. Zinner are the hostesses for the day. -Troy Standard, who is in charge of plant propagation in Garfield park, will give a deanonstfation of varions rnethods of sowing seeds, when he ad- dresses the Marcb Il meeting. The hostesses that day will be Mrs. Jacob S. Weinberg and Mrs. Herbert Philipsborn. The speaker March 18, cornes f rom out of town to .give the program. He is M. J. Fuller of the University of Illinois, and his talk 'on "Design in. the.-Garden,," will stress -the use of, annuals in. perennial borders. The hostesses for March ,18,ý are Mrs., Lewis W. Lepman aiid, Mrs. Aerman, Pelsenthal. A civic program is listed for March 25, with various gardeni authoritics of. tteraoni tey, '8 '18,ou To Have Drid9o Lunch.on i làc- Mr P oster BIrinson, 817 Central Ze , avennewill be bostess at lhoean d 6 M lis serai tables of bridge next Monday at the Geoergan hteA. $.IIing MHook.yTiçk.ts 1Chase House auxiliary of the Epis- ,opal .church is selling a block of tickets for the4aockey gante to b. played tbls Sunday afternoon at the Chicago stadiuu,. Mns. 1. K. Stovený i i ha biM, of the ticket. sale ilà ni t f i.