Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Feb 1935, p. 28

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Tises. lu a tende. toe of Mau <Mer'geai andi trepidation uPoni tlaey caii "flanalug" "Daaning" youth naeans pressedthat youaagster skits,sWiftly slding. that tie A*mn fasi rock upon which the' must be sustained, is W. -do not think tdu wlalçh tii... older oneâ And it may be due, mesuories,ý and a coi thi omm 'gongs on"p uAeBMOIti nother g. youtl a w eadeti for t IReaders of the "V ipetropolitan papers cî the letters freaaaentlv »attfb bd« WSdod for M i inge rec :unngteir forces for a de- e à~.s d ~. ueb., ~ termned attack upon the citadels of the depres- 4 bt for .W a"..Soi mgtealal sion, and going aboutit ini a manneç that fore- 'I'u.sdy uooù e. bc in ti.. for casts success iii the objecta sought-improve-: _________________ ment lu.,many residence -propert*eà and the, élimination of unemployment in, the building,, ? YOUTH trades. v >That there are maRy homes Which have becn ity today on the -part of. unavoidably neglected in recentyears, but which, er*tion to look with horror asoarofsc odcntutoadacbe- ithe "goinmgs on9p of wb.at tural excellence that they, are susceptible of being youth, though just wbat brought up to date at nominal cost in materials' ts is not clear..Fears are exa- abri: is an accepted fact. The need is to stir ýr of today are on the moral owners to the advantages of' immediately em-. to their own destruction;>. barking. apon a campaign of rejuvenation. This xily, the foundation of- solid s. in direct Une wvitb the désires n obiects of republic has been built and the Federal Houssing Autbority, which have been crumbling into ad.ition~ given practical expression in the Better.Housing tcourage and stamina and provram whicb the exposition will1 feature. ivre gone haywire generally, It is a matter of note also that tils exposition bas th ensdorsement of leadiaag oUlicias and at the indlctment of youth organizations of the villages participating, in- a brlng is entirely justified. suring whatevrer support anay be nëcessary to a meaureto futty arouse the. intereut of the public and start work mivniet frgUulessofgoiaig. For however much taIk there may be, 'nient the dy. bcknero however imany plans are suggested, however suc- neration thought that its cessful the exposition mae otherwise be, if the ~be emniion ow-wws. moved tq action, the hammer will remain silent ox Pop>"' columns of the and the saw unused. Worlc, and work alone, will annot havre failed to note bring economic and inancial recovery. appearing there in which ri have expressed their de- . swpengts and the eaucationas Bnci religious OPPOr- tg*ties within their reach. Wliile thii crying out of girls for inanly boys, and of boys for womanly women, nught b. cited as evidence that there is a scarcity of sucis, it by noc means proves thse case. For only a f ew of thse total give expression to such longaasgs, and even these may ,be due to soute regrettable experience wbich bas given tisen an exaggerated viewpoint ansd led theth to fefir, as do their eiders, that youth bas really gosse tothe bad. AtaSusuIuLuA<PLANNINC Atameeting of thse North' Shore District Planning commission, held. in thse Winnetka Vil- lage hall Monday evening, a goodly number of niembers of Village boar~ds, achool boards and. other bodies throughout New Trier township, llstened to aunainformative address on "Pros- pects and Planning of Suburban Areas." Thse speaker was Prof. William IL Bailey, of North- western university. Through thse medium of slides he gave a vivid picture of what has been accomplished ber. and abroad in protecting towais and villages f rom undirected, uncontrolled îs1 thai just a nîm m'as, "NinetY fam ilies get bread ordered 125 years ago" treads .a2 headline.. Yes, those, delivery. boys areý sometimes mighty slow. It, is no thing short of 97 bu Ming -ehame, . the way automobile drivers neglect golden oppor- tuflities. Here i t is the last of February, two months since -the new game Of tag the pedestrian started, and in ail of Cookicounty onily 109 people have been killed by automobiles, and 2,081 in- jured. .:At least that was the record when thèse liues were written. It's a sorr record, a sad commentar on the pro- ficienecr of our drivers. It g.a5t ges :-to prove that owly- about one out of a million sbould be permitted to drive cars. With aIl the cars there are on the. streets, it looks like more game than that should have been bagged. The matter sbould be caIled to-the-attention of authorities maintain- ing safety tests. Tbey inigbt give lessons or some- thing. A Federal judge in Alabama has put a crimp in TVA, sayixag the government .bas no. right to go into business in competition with citizens. T VA Iawyers will hurry an appeal to the.U. S. Supreme court. One guess as to wbat will happen to the Alabaina judge. Members of that exciting but. highly honorable Profession, hijacking, aie isaid to b qit'cn cerned over the report that' the long arm of, Uncle. Sam.is reacbiug out to grab those* who pirac- tice iu int.erstate commerce. The old uncle is in- spiring quite a healtby respect -for bimnself. Jene and Elizabeth Du U. S. consul ffene,.21 a.M of t he - The. ClàgM bu4 it lu said, wîli b e a busy n»n dur4 fteolfr j ubiee. wlich. wilI mark the 25th asuIversy Of bis accession to the tbroese. lai tse .days kiags1 are kept qaite 'bus' just trigto remaa idugu.y

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