supplanted by better and more complete volumes. Many of the dictionaries of which families boast are as old and out-of-date as a 1919 automobile. They a r e remark- able examples of'fine book. binding, anti- quatedprinting. and wo o d- block engrav- ing, but are of very lttie, service .today in this fast- moving world wihits over- nigbt 'changes and increasing n um ber s of words. AM W"vdDaily While the information these .old dic- tionaries contain may be authentic, one mnust fetember ~that tuay eew wor<I. are being added to our language every year. . Statistics on this subject reveal some very surprising and startling facts wbich should put the individual inter- ested in kleeping up wlth the tines to thinking. It is startling, but traie, that six new words are added to our lan- guage every day! Witb the advent of radio,. television, talking pictures and the rapid advance of ail branches of the average- citizen ait beconies more ntcessairy than ever to understand wor ds -peculiar to themn in their advance. Iii order to be kept well-informed, a mod- ern dictionary is a nectssity. Remd Dicioumwy Daly Samuel Johnson, the great English lexicographer, 'as accustomed to: read- a page of his dictionary every day, and, as a resuit, his vocabulary was ont of the largest ever accumulated by any one man. change îi the series, thus aitordiing amile opportunities. for smiles as welt as for anxious moments. From the scene of a backyard of a nlountain home, the -audience is led to the côzy living, room1 of the Needey family, and finally to a Iittie hôme,-f Eastern France at the tinie of the, Frenich revoluition. Tickets for- the perform-. ance cani be ýprocured from students of The .Mallinckrodt. J. W. Macy, Jr., on Weileyan Honor Roll J. Williams. Macy, Jr., of 966 Private road, Hubbard Woo6ds, is ont of- ten, members of the freshmnan class at Wesleyan àuniversity,. Middle- town, Conn., placed in the first> group of the honor roll as a resuit "of the recent mid-year examinatiolns. Dean William G. Chanter, ini announcing the ,mçmbers of the group, states that it is thte highest in the scholastic scale. Mrs. Walter Knoop, 221 Warwick road, Kenilworth, entertained at a bridge luncheon party recently. meaning and other ,Bookbinding n made the modern flot cunibersome i: Ipful inlforir ol. today tionary a1 Hue'. Fine Oppabtuiiy Two years ago the publishers of -WiLMmr -LIM -iffèigtéd- diction- arie5 quite- carefully. As a result, for a limited tint, arrangements wert made with the publishers of Webster's New Modern English Dictionary to distribute this fine volume at a bargain price to readers of WiLmem Limu 1At that timt hurndreds of these dic- tionarits were distributed and since then numerous requests have been. receivezd $2 DOWNq 69c a week-. T Festures of the Conlon Ironer --Isi vile .ofonaiml,»@»ud -ioloenui.seddmafo and maxims, commnon abbreviatiouu metric system of weigbts and measures, lnguage of flowers and geins, Christian, naine of mme and wonm and their Mathew Francïst A Uuted A rtiset or.phqr 1152 Ceutral Av*. Wâhmtte 2M2 a -PUUC