ixma , Bi u i. uste of my mive ptrons trip *0 IHollywood, tai. the cat along ? ymBfubgL UHelh WM Ostifornia.. Hollwood or m omeom Splein reliêve mi É,,,,f Velu Dometica? lik his volte." ' l iussia, Franice, GermanyChina, n, Erland--pointing out recent 14 if youq btary-iakrng vents and showing their relation and importance tô the rp)ertoire fuinctioning "of citiftnéhlp. 1, casting Mrs. Lieber tlose d with 'two geins tho. hý,,nea new Meafing for Sn ides. Ainerican Legion: aft plan- S stands for Sacrifice; will' theY E stands for Efficiencty; He bai R stands for Responsibilîty; MWl good V -,stands for Valer; 1 stands for~ Idealism; oll1YWO64, C stands for Comradeship.; me Of- ta" P. stands for Enthusiasin.. Bei*8, 'Thé other, a niew. prescription. for -I wo- eeing the. world ne ighbôrhood -orrect perspective is a matteri importance to you ng people i So declared Ruth Bryan Owen, United. States' Minister to Denmark, in 'an interview recently granted in conecténwith the -celebration of Girl Scout International'imonti, Feb- ruary. *P "T7k,04coa4cqtaopftiu,ç aad sp*Soe have altered." Mes. Owe.n declared, -lu Tue %"I88 F aDim £888r8 lEoEVi8 51V51- box, which enables girls from vari- ou -countries to correspond reg- ularly. Auaverage of sixty requesti a year core f rom American Girl Scouits who want to correspond with meaumbers 'of '-Det Danuke . Pigespej- derkorps, thle Daniah Girl Scoûts. So .fa..te4)ish gils-have flot becs, .8s cager - to initiate these cor- respondences as the American 'girls, but 1 hope that from now, on. they will- b-as-interested. in mîy country as 1 arn in thekrs. "Girl Scouting," Mns. Owen con- cludedp "does excellent work intrain- ing the minds.and. bodies -of its ment- bers, wherevIer they may be., But al-: and hits wife joil2Cd hlm iniFlot 0o Mr. and Mrs. Irving Knudson 4rngir daùghter, Dorothea, of Abingdon avenue, Kenilworth, l*silng Sunday, by miotor for Flci for a iontb's soJourn. 0o and a contribution is made to inter- national understanding. and peace." Hope to Be 2t'd Glass Scouts in Four Weeks Tuesday of lIast week was a very ini- teresting day for ambitious girls of Troop 4. This turne our main idea was on Ely *~ ~~m diesatstrict meeting was set for arch. 26, and the invitation of Palatine lodge was accepted. Mr. and Mrs. David Hall, 809 Cen- tral avenue, !eft yesterday on a month's visit with the former's moth- er and sister in Jacksonville,, FIa., later going to Miami Beach. Mrs. Karl B. Korrady of Pééria, "largely due to our modern methods of transportation and commulnica- tion. Our thinking and, through us, that of our children mnust adjust it- self to the new dimensions." An important and. valuable factor that of the Silver Star patrol. Sev- eral! of our girls hope to pass the cooking «ýiq4 s ewing tests; others wish, to pass signalinjg' No easy task, -eh what? Our- pleasant meet ing closed, in solemn "Taps. Mi-rMary Jane. McÇue, scribe. of' -t - MOI I d WILMETTE UsM