AN»Lab.11 011 rî eut azttachei W UL RU!>BRICK yjoeWC]H MONIL wth ate roof on larm 'WOODED lot ln Wlnntka's CROICESI TAE ection 'LARGEfomI i ing mom wlt firelLibrry, . break- fuot mooni6 master bedroonis, 3 tlled Umster-b bfh, J"O2 malida rüoons and bath, BIYECRXATION ROON. oil bohat attached 8-ca-r garage. A WVELL BUlL] C USACK âREALTY CO. 1ILT44-lte For Sale-Winnetka ENOIERH BRICK, 7 ROOM.9, 2 BATIfS, bot water heat, attacheti garage. For Sale--Glencoe ATTRA&CTIV]CI 7 - ROOM, 3 -. BATH- hOnle. Hete4 uuh-hnalor anud sleeping L*rh. L'W.. oh heat, attaohei garage. Eazo PteOMMY large lotWortlY of yoiur BRWIC COLONIAL, SBOOS,8 baths, ex. liv.1 M. W. oil heat, 2-car attached garage. Would 1k., to liqul- date. TRIE AND> MANT OTER PROP- ertles for Sale and for Bout are avail- able throug"or Photo-ToNur. lroti wIl HkO ti@ Xde I etluod.0of selectlng your futur'e homâe. Ueo how* projection cmald Mycbuulu youm home luunting prob- P!IONz ioR AN AppoInTMrNT R- Il WTT'rACI?? CM 0> WRITE PAINTED BRICK. .S r oons., 3 baths, 3s howers, H. W. he bat, 2-car garage. Near Skokle Côuutr>' Club ...........17,000 BRICK & TIMBERE!> STUCC0 5,ro mo. 1 bath. Nearly new. $9,000. R ?UESE AND XMANY 0'lM R oPO?- Sertie, for Sale and for Rouit ame avail. *able through our -Photo-Tour., You will li1k. thl. Modern Metluod of seleeting 0Your future home. see boy rojection eagu aid you ln yo ur home huutlng prob-. le1m.> r PHONE FOR AN APP0INTMENT> R. BKW AKRCo. d140 Couter St. Wlunetka.3250 Open Week Day. 9 te 9. 111LTN42-ltc Compare These Offerings8i PFROU LU PuRTE GL tPgrA1 bouge ths.t echoea g00d taste, style and ooanMfOrt. In a location You favor (south- weSt of Wlnnetka. station). Modern Colonial. 7 rooms, 3 bâths. We kuow that YOUa wlll agree that this homne, formerlY Priced ut $35,00and now asf $18,000, la loné ln Its clas». A ROUOF RAREl CHAUDE AND> DIS-E tinctonfried to ineet today's miarket. Whitecap.Col. wlth 164 ft. frontage, t bea.utifully ladoaped. Panelloti eau-w vaaped Wollo. Large living porch over- r loOkiu ora garden. 3 famlly bedrin. A 2bath1 td oP. pcb. MaiJds rn. and batht.$24,00.ç .SMITH & 005$ 725 El st. Wne*i 3500 111LN42-tc - REAL BARGAINS MODERN. 8 RMS., 3 BO. OIL. NIIAR lakè, tranap., sohools. Large lot. $17,500 ln New brick., 6 rooms, 2 big., HF. W.H 2-car garage ..................w o Frame buugalow. 6 rnis., H.W.H. $5,5o00 I) Sluingle bungalow 4 rnis. Bmall lot, good AI location. $500 down, balance $40 per Month . .........$ ,500 Other good values, ail aimzes.., B. H. BARNETT 526 Ceuter St., Winnetka 965 I11llLTN42-Itp OU SUIE THUIN FIRET CALL US LATER Kenilworth, Realty ,Co. WeLUS3ivE AGENTS. PIL WIL. 966& AMID TOWERINGý TREES IN BAST .Wlnnetka, noar. the lake, a home of character wlvth 7 room, 3 bath., ou heat at $19.000i ubJect t offer, OÎwner WiIl mmli. a ânie Geai EXCLUSIVE SMALÏL ESTATE SEC- tion nea.Indlàn HIli Club, lu Wtn-, netka, a roomy brick home, .dijtiUctve ln style, beautifu l anducabed grounds -to b.sold below .$30,00. A aplendliji chance at this 9 rooml 3 bath homne.- HILL AN~D STONE 543 Lincoln Ave. Wlujuetka 1544 Overlooking Valley $17,500) CASH AND> ASSUME MORT- gae Price eut ln half. Modern Bnglishù brick alate roof, 9 roomse, 5 bed- ronis, 4 bailUs;oh heat; incîuerator: $-a tached' garage. Lot SOx190. McGtJIRE & ORR, mnc. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Over 40 leurs of Dependable Service 316 Park Ave., Glencoe Ph. Glen. 1à 111LTN42-ltc "Rent Investment Plan" BUT NQW I7INDER TRIS MODERN: plan of 10% clown aund bal. 1ike ment, this artistie English brick home on wooded lot lui Highland Park. Six large roins colored tile bath. Cyclone fence.t QUINLAN & MYON, Inc.: 1571 Shierman Avenue Ui.uL2600 11ILTN42i4te * NEAR LAKE.~ I MODERN HOME, AIR CONDITI0NED r with il oh umer; chmrming large liv- 'V rug rn., Ber. porch, tile kitchen with frit.; 4 large bdrnan., 3 bath., 1ev.; nhinished 3rd floor; att. 2-car gar-age. Deep lot. $25.000. Msofor rent furnishccl or unfurnished.' - Frances J. Winscott - *2 Spruce st. Wiuinetka 1267 f 111LT>142-1tc SMALL ESTATE )n approxmsately'% acre, almostnt , 51 beoautfu 7 roo nEgllsh brick, 1571 Sherman Avenue Univ. 2000 lILTN42-1tc MOST UNUSUAL TYPE: 5 BEDp.US, 3 bath&. 011 ht. VeryA arge lot, f'Èutý. trees. $10. Mtght rent. RÂLPIÎM.JAgGER W.1NNEc 0 Al NU.MBER 0FEXCL NT iiY hinort LUebon. 0. R. SM THREAL ESTATE, 685 euo Ave. Oleucoe 709 111LTN41t.;tp: WAr4T 6-8 ROO H)ousE O6N -NORTHI Shore, near. uebl,., and trasp. BuYer eau pay M to- %, cash. F. Wanner, 19. &. Lasalle &C., or phoine Xeuhlworth 5111. 11OLT42-ît4> FOR AL-VACAINT RIPARIAN RIGHTS. OPFERE!> AT'% THIE PEICE 0EOpAN' oth r ot u.W ilmette ' on the lake. 100M300 ft. Owner ivants. ll offeru. Mr. Rlul%- BAIRD & WARNER, Inc. M PARK EiavrA LL-OHM LU neu ed ,. el.c. hot water, ftepLporeý SXIOliv nu., 8 bedrim., Mebea4h.1, 97. Write B-Ps, Box 40, Wllmtte,11OLTN42-ltp FOR SALE-CEMUTRixy lOT DR S IU-0 FP. LOT IN mEMO- rial Park Cemeter>' Section 3g. near the entrance., Reasonab>' prlce<L. $200. R 8 I~ -BARGAIN BUSINBSq location, 3%bih. C. & M. W. Lot 32X»9, wit.h 2 ator>' brick shop aWo 2 nat Sultable for rug cleaning, auto repair, cOntractore' ahop, etc. Phono Wilmette 1724. 122LTN42-îtp RlUL £STATt LOANS ATTÉNTION W7E HAVE SPECIAL FUNDS FOR two 3,000 and two 2,0M0 bans for IMrnediate ¶-WMMltunent Se us at once rr ulkatori;, Over 40 Years or !>ePendabley Service ;à0 Davis st., Evanaton Gre 08 #uçssrý A-z-41#-tP ece. Phonle C S3 Thtis ssu. WU,.*tffe L