*lSI W tu MnhtaIEJ1 ce tu, Illiinois Road, i mf'Wiltotte, County of f mlinois, ÇIAL A@SBESMENT COOX mIl. eoruary 13, 1935. ;Is for the construction leweroif eighf,(8> )lnches ter shall be, constructed aL OtraighthUe froni and icted> With an eisting S1san ltary aewer ln the Minois Road at a point :rth of the south lune-of, nue extendcd eazt, toe.i ection of the southwest- : î0f lllnois Road and a [t and ýtwenty (20) feet uth utreet lhue ef B rch-1 id thence westerlv aieng. VILLAGE O0F WIMETTIE IPROPOSALS For the construction of a caat Iron water supply pipe, *Includlng tire by- drants, >gate valve, valve, baà-In, fittini and ail necessary mppurtenaucon'theoreto, ln Birc3hwood Avenue from sa connection with, an existin aersp yPly ienn (9 ,etnorthiasterly of the centerline of~ Illinois iod to the. westerly lUne, c extended xiorth, of Lot 10 ln HUbert J. Schwalrs Subdivision of the Northeast h, QuarÏter et Section 82, Townsi3p .42 Ir North, Rauge l8 N%àt of the Srd PrInci- Im pal Meridlan, ail là the VIII Ée of W117 (4 IIiIn ou ty of Cooi ,and Ytate ofta SPECIAL ASSESMNNT P'ROCMINGS t GENERAXé NUM BR 298 ai :IN 'THE icousi'yCOURT 0F COOK V COUJNTY, .ILLIMNO]I te Wilmette, 111., February l3th, 1935. U] sca.led pos'sfor the construction t. BE ITORDAINED BY TU~E PPRESI- EnT AND BOARD 0FTRtSTgWS, ~THEî VILLAGE 0F WILMETTIe: '82=0XN 1: EN»!, the purposes of thus dinance, the tcrm utaxicab" 18 de- îed. as any motor, propelled.'vethiele, tving a rated scating capacity ot not ore than, seven persens, carrying pas- ogers for, hure Indiscrlminately, ,ac- Ptlng and dlscharging ail such persons may offt hemnscives fer transporta- F'or the purpeses of .this Ordinance 0 terrn "«tix-imeter" la deflned temean y Jnstrument or. fare-rcgistering de- e attached to a. taxicab and designed register mochanficaliy the distance voied by such véhiclito record the ne sa.id vehicle lo in waiting, a"dte licate by figures the fare toeecharged of tires, including ~uuuaemi jippuMrauv Condi tion andI Accuracy of Taxi- The presIdent and Board.of Trumteen of the Vllage, of Wilmette May* make such irules and regulations eovering the inppectfon of tadicabsas It May from Urne to ,Urne deem .necessary ànd proper. SUCTION 7: The aninual tee for ecd such taxicab l icense la horeby flxed as. fiften -<(16.00) dollars It la eïpraslY provided, that the. pay- ment otf a vehicle tax an reqoh'ed by other ordinances of the Village cf .Wi- mette shal be. required ln. addition teo said taxlcab lIicenie, and such vehicle tax does not entitie the owner of such vehIcle to engage ln the taxicab business wlthout &urt coMplylng with'the prvi- nions of tIis riiac and the pay- te jufly lu orimed te là Pawmnof UU.ar ,pro- terme and are cern- any yoar *iifl$*am in *bueiy openeaY, examinea anaMISU by said Board of Local Improve-1 lu the Council Chamber ln the e HaIl specifleations for naid Improve-r and blank proposais wiil be fur-1 at the office of snid Board o1lI Improvetuents lu said Village e' specifications for Sald h and biank vroosas wili 4d ai* the offic et id Bu 1 Improvelncnts lun md rove-I fur- iunaer1 l'ION 4, $hal lx the, Drs raber - pcified by the BIoard ef. Trustees. in à the limiting of the ises for taxlcabs or the ldltiona1 'licenses there- lent and Board ef Trus- heir dîscretion, hoid a r* hearings for the pur- ering any Information,' Inec or objections as te ýIenses for taxicabs re-- terest of public conven- Iu9 PAIcY Wto apsor -ex ON ONotaxicab ebail b l U ý1nL al Inspection at, Or at any tie 114 j