0IF 1935 DODGE AMAZE TIIOU$ANDS, T HE"AIRGLIDE RIDE'-CfStflt thrill in motorsng - is a match- leos snsation. Now ridig is literally gliding 1 Dodge esgineers have 4igScvre4 the. secret of .4ualized weight distri- bution oni all four wheels-wÏth super- flexible aprings tt> abmorb road shocks, and the new Dodge ride "Levelator" to eliminate 8idesway. It bringo un- dreamed-of riding comfort. The car has a steadinesa and roadabllity neyer before approached in any. other car.' Ecom ý'Red by Dodge many Yefs ago- ...-the fanious Dodge ail-ateI bôdy . 0. Pet- ented Floating Powbr èngin. mount- inga. And d0>ens of other ffttur« that make Dodge stand Up longer, keep cots down Iower. Startfing Priée. the. prestige of owning. a big, P>b*eè!IW New-Value Dodge. CHRYBLER %40OIS bODOR DIVISION This advertlseement endotued by, tba P0artu*nt of Kýnloerng -Chryuler Moiix IMWWY * J. .0. STINSON - OTTO BLOMBERG,J Street Phione Winnetka 1773 FBBRUARY 21, 1935 666 Center