These bills, if they becoie laws, RePreemitative Van der Vries explained, vould place four-year ternis: of office ~OOaulmunicipal elective offices, of mlinois. Chicago, she said, las a four-Year aldermmanic terni as a. re- sutof a Iaw passed inthe 58th sessio of -the Aisuenby. Only three of the pendmng -b4ile, it le explaied, apply to special charter »illages, and .this application extende only te the office of president, clerk f and trué The bills, Ù"wever, did, not get out cf heconattue,bt were withbeld for1 lfutwe considération this week. Representative Van der Vries said1 two conumittee sessionse were held last1 week t0 discuse Ithe bills, first, as to1 whicli would bring the coming elections gt dviabil f the e ,.mncclaus ian April undr the new sstern, and, sec<od, whether à referendum amenci- mt should be attached in orcler that tbec itiams i each eommnunity wQuId h ve he opportunity' to signfy their 9 son the plan. erder that 'the provisions -of any ncw I jislation may,çfFect the electiomn tbis spriMg it wil bave to be enacteci, andi in force before February 25, it le pointeci out. Fmgwn en seWrm"an formity among the municipalities as to the terms of office of their officiaIs, with sonie adopting a four-year terni andi sonie not. The sponsors, also f elt that the plan tQ take away the emierg- ency clause would delay for two years the enforcentnt of the proposed law and that many benefits would be lost. Front soniecoemmumities in the Seventh district, Representative ., Van weiser wnîpped tmcm in tnree gaines tC tic for the leacl. Only two gaines behind the leaders are Bleser's and the Sunset, Villa, these two teames keeping pace with the*fast stePping Budweiser men Iast week. by iwinning three straight froni Hugo and Bingo and the Wilmeitte Tailors respectively. Edelweiss decided to stay in the running too, and the task was macle more easy by the fact that the. op- ponent was the last place Cycle inn.. Edelweiss won ail three gaines,, and, the. triple victory enabled. the winners: to mnove wthin three gaines of first place. The de feat. of Krier's B uffet by. Harry's Budweiser was accomplisheui by game scores of 973 to 943, 925 to 81and 902 to 889, giving the wituiers a total of 2,8W0 compared to 2,703 for the roer,. 1lolloiing were the teain standings after last week's matches: Won Harry's Uudweser ......... 39 ICier's Buffet............ .39 Bfleser's .................. 37 Bidnset Villa ...... .... ... 37 Edelweiss............... -6 Huago a.nd Bingo ........... 32 WiImette Tallors......... 26' Cyiele Inn ... .8... Lost 27 27 29 2R le 34 40 48 K. OF C.LEAGUE The KusJewelers crept up to with- in one gante of first place by win- ning t4ree straight gaines froni the last place Whealan Booster's teani. The George White grocers and Weiler's Nursery team reniain tiecl for firgt 'place honors, each teani winning the ocd gaine froan the Lu'-I ot uiree to I..8Ge orge nassiers$ tearn No. L. Teani No. 1 moved into atic for'second place.. *After winninig-the first two gaines, 970 to 835 and 943 to 8à, Flentye'e teain dropped the last one, 870ý to 848. The totale were 2,761 for Fien- tye's teamn and 2,530 for Lindberq'sý teain. Lippen, a mnember of the win- ning teain., had the best three-game series score for the. night, 536., This was alec> high for the season thus far. His incividual gaine scores were, 205, 159, and 172. . hée 205 gaine was high for the night. George Bassler's. teain won the first gaine- fron Ecl Drewes' teain, 8W to 776. The Drewes boys, took the sec- niv tilt. 858 k, 832. mci Bassler's came back to win the. thircl, 88M to 814. Following are the teain standings: W. L. Avg. TeamNi1qo. 3 (1Pientye) ._1 7 .874 Teain Noý 4 (Drowes) .. 9 9 .949 Tearn Nn. .1 (Basgier).. 9 9 .849 Teani No. 2 (LIndberg). 7 il .85*? UNION LEACUE Thé Congregational and St. Johin's Lutheran teanis were the winnere in last weelc's Union Bowling league gaines at the Wilniette Bowling al- leys, 1159 Wilinette avenue. As a resuIt the position of the four teame %.,u '.lj.jgaioaILtistsin hIr triple vic- tory over Methodist teai. No. 2. T 1he Congrezat.ionalists won the first gaine. 842 to 718, the second, 803 to 641, andi the third, 817 to 733. Iliff. a member of the winnmng teain, had the best in-, cividual three-izame score for1 the eveninz, 504. He boivled -gaines of 181. 145 andi 178. TIhe St. John's Lutheran victories over Methodist Tam N 1 ,11 à 1%% jority. 'len years ago air. J. W. j4* Davies, Mrs. john Vennema and Ru- dolph Ingerele initiated pltans for 'an art league on the north shore Last week, in a perfectly arranged. studio> and, recepion rooin, at ,one.end, of which shadows frein an .immense grate ire reficcted upeni the flowers, and china of an adjoining, tea table, while chambernmusic artiste playéd, *în an opposite corner, there gathered more thanone hundred members and guests to view a painting demonstra- tion and boan exhibit. Membership in.the league now. numbers 143. Oak Parkees Special gueste of the evening.were Vivian Chutrch.,Hoyt and Holger, W. Jensen, members. of the. Oak Park -Art- league which has. loaned. -the February show now hanging at Con-. niunity House. Also a member of, and an eichibitor with the Oak Park %orgngatiQ11. is John -A. Speinian who gave the demonstration painting that evening.1 Commencing with a canvas on which was painted onily the sky, and a faint suggestion of the subject matter. Mr. Spehuan in two hours titue completed before. his large aud- ience a brilliant northern lakes land- scape of, flaming maples against clark green pines. During his execu-' tion, chaniber music- selectiotis al- peditions in the north anci the _south, and the speaker smmply and humer- ously introclucecl his listeners to the more intimate ancl strange happen- ings, on, these excursions. 1fr. Ingerle likewisee called 'atten- tion to: the water color, "'Trhe Bea't That jack Built,"l by Edward T. Grigware, in the Oak Park show, a painting of 1Mr. Spelman at his hobby -.cb - -, ..w - . c o j. A. Mvecksroth ef Glencoe poure d at JSears of 724 Çummings avenue, K~en- the tea table. li ---oth0- Mr- a nd lits. William Preuden- lijs lire. Frank Barrett, 615 Essex reich, 314 Abbotsforcl road, Kenil- h roaci, Kenilworth, was luncheon host- worth, will entertain, her quilting club cas to ber bridge club Monday. atlneo riaMrh1 hàve Mt Drsi