West Wilmette Library Plan taking shape Card party to raise funds for converting old school into Library, Nursery school Plans for the establishment of a nursery school and a branch library in the old Gross Point school build- inon Wilmette avenue west of Ridge road are under way, and a card. -party to raise funds to make neces- âary repairs on the school building will be held at the Woman's Club. of Wilmette on Tuesday afternoon, March 12, at 2 o'clock, it was an-, nounced this week. Cooperatîng i the, coznbined nur- sery school. and branceh'libratry proj- ect are the Library bord, thé, par-ý ent-teacher associations f the public and parochial schools, in the Village; -the school. board, the Woman's club, the: Woman's, Catholie club and busi- ness men, of the Village. For several"y.ears the library board ashad on its prograni for theî fu- ture a branch library in the Gross Point section of Wilmette. The time for pushing such a project has arrived, mmbiera -of the bord, be- lieve. Fedmal G.oermmmt t. Haelp The federal government is willirag té finance the proposed nursery *sehool, if quarters for the school are furnidaed. Immediate action is neces- sary to obtain federal assistance, it is pointed out. Since the completion of the new HiKhcrest school. building 'and the, J-.ý R. HrevtrnWlet Publié tckàool !Iiperineendtùt, lihm kin dly cg»mted to .head uf'-thse, firm of Harper, Robinson and AI- len, Auctioneers, for Purf'qseg 01 condutng the big '"Buck Auction Sale" Monday night, Pebrùary 25, ini the Masonic temnple awditorium. Tise other menmbers of tise triuoe- vtirale are 'W. B. "&Bal Robinsomn of the Wilmette State bank, and D. E. "DocM Allen, Jr., upll knowu realtor tiih offices ini the Linden Trm~inal area. K. of -C. Group to Hear reaçliea C:hicago .FirmGie ýAs indicated ithese coluns ast* week, the contrat for constructio n of Wilmiettes new post office building wasi let to the Henke Construction colnipsnY, 609 N. Wells >street, Chicago, on its lowý bid of $68,28. The award was . nade on February 12. Approximately.,ten tmths will: be required to complete the-.struc- ture,, it i.samid, but no dte si gien for starting thé work. Nor i nyi- formation available .a s to whether local labor will'be employed on the job. 50 - $31-.50 - Rep.Iving Rostblb Best Cuits,-2ic lb ..........c- 6th and 7th rN is, lb.i Best Cu t, b. 813 Rkig. Rsi Pl..o wflnmZUMU it is explaîneca , caud asily necon-5meeting whichn uiluuate uni, verted inte, both a branch iibrary and Knights of Columbus, will hold Mon- a nursery school. The plan 's to day evening, February 25, at the lodge use the first floor for the nursery halls in the Wilmette Masonic tem- sehool and the second floor for tflxe Iibrary.pIe. The speaker will be Marshall I.ibary.Kearney, at present a district deputy Cotte. Plm Caul ~of the Knights of Columbus, and also Mrs. George Quinlan, and Mrs. the assistant state's attorney under Theodore Barrett have charge of Thomas Courtney. Motion pictures seating and other arrangements for- will be shown after the address. the card party. Mrs. H. E. Ring- holm is chairman of the refresh- TN ERAYDNE .Ir~.5$V OUR IRUCK$19$-$ 41,-