Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Feb 1935, p. 53

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If so, eall Thomas, Wl etka 1f657. 1162 Asbury Avenu e, Hvbbard Woods. 69LTN41-ltp EXPERIENCED WHITE MAN WANTS housework, window waahing, or any odd Jobs around, bouse. North, Shore referéncea. Wlimette 325'4..69LTN41-ltp 8IT. wTDo.-M4AL.E ANO FUeMAI- 2 couples, 1i white, 1 colored. 1 German,& 1 Danish couple eâch over 1 year ln last place. 1 butier foreign: born-exkp. in well . known home. 2 cookés foreigni born. Cali, for Information concerning these' specia la or any ther help You need.- FRED'S EMPLOYMENT AGCY. 8 N. lat st. Glencoe 160 Highlan~d Park 70LT2441I te NXORWEGIAN, 28-26, N. S. REPS. GERMAN, 26-24, GOOD REFS. Reinhart's Empi. Agency 748 'Elu St. Wlnnetka 3399 70LTN4-1te COUPLE-'COMPECTENT ALONG ALL' lunes of hsewk., cooking, serving, also drivlng. Very reasonable wages. Good refs. Phone Davis 7.857. 70LTN4I4tp AVENOO EMPLO-Y-MENT SERVICE. eonscientsoia, ' rlIabe, hoest b4elpi Excel. ref s. No charge to employer. 946 Chicago Ave. Gre. 7153. 70LTN41-tp HIGH GRADE DOMESTRI JTLP Nurses, ýýhauffeurs, gardeners. Reinhart's Empi. Agency. 148 Ehu St. Winnetka 3399 70LTN4-1te HELP WANTD--VEMALE DOMESTIC HELP WANTED General Maids ....... Cook and General .. $12-$1K Coupls ...$100-$125 Coules S-H-A-Y AGENCY 109 E. Oak St. 14 W. Washington Sup. 6608 Cen. 9800 71LTN41-1tc 10 MOTHERS' I1eLPER'S POSITiIONS open; wages $5 to $8. Fee. $1., Frank's Ddniestic Bureau 421 Richmond Rd. Kenilworth. 2nd Fl. Village Hall Kenilwort.h 522-1 71LTN41-ltc YOUNG WOMAN IN REAL ESTATE ofice-typing, telephone & fi ng. Shorthand desireable -but not necesaary. UsgefUl. information of experience &,sal- ary expected Write B-97. Box 40, -Wil- mette, Ili. 71L41ltp Wanited- Exper. Beauty C Caîl Mr. Hçnry, Winn rator q 119. LiaA~ <~DLA.D, K, BAKCERY, TEA, route mon. Good prop- man. Rawlolih, Dept. ort, M1. 72LTN41-tp NL&P WAMTO-MAL«, AND FMALIU Frank's]Dom esti-c .Bureau 421 Richmond Rd. Kenilworth tnd FI. Village Hall, Kenilworth 522 DQMESIC EMPLOYEES REGISTER wlth uàs. We cani place you ln, good reliable positions. Opportunlty dally. 73LTN41-ltc COUPLE. --EXPÉRIENCED) CHAUF- feur and general houseman. Wife good cook. North Shore referencea. Ph. Wilmette 1808. 73LTN41-lte Co-LLEGE GRADUATE WITH LITER- ary background doea typing and proof readipg at home. Usual rates. Phonie Wlbnette 178. 74LTNS8-4tp '34 HUDSON, 8 CYL. DEMO. WITH side mounts and trunk spaco, at a sacrifice. Hanson Motor Co. 557 Chest- nut St., Winnetka 330. 77LTN41-1tc FoutR REN-UoomS NICELY FURNISHED ROOMý WITH bath and' nhower, for gentlemnan. iln private home neftr transportation. Rea- sonable. 824 Foxdale Ave., Winnetka 2010. 82LTN41-1ltp 2 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, 1 sultable for 2. Close to transporta- tion. Garage. Phone Wilmette 1848. FLJRNISHIED ROO0M FOR LIGHT hskpg. Reasona hie. Near tranfsp. Ph. Wilmette 4866. 82LTN414ltp PLEAS-ANT ROOIW WITI1 PRÉATEI fa.mily, near transportatio.n. 859 Elni St,, Winnetka 1325. 82LTN41-ltp FOR RENT-.. LTr. HSKPG. WOOMM LARGE WELL FURNISH-ED ROOM: heat, gas, light, bot water; private entrance:, near transp. 1230 Wilmette Ave., Wilmette. 84LTN41-ltp BOARD AND UON KENILWORTH INN offers you dlean. homelîke rooms, suitels with. bath. Excellent nieals. Reason- able. 315 Cumnor Rd., Kenilwortb 5491. . 6LTN4I-ltc FOR RENT-APARTMENT* NORTH SHORE FINE HOMES FOR RcENT rAND FOR SALE Ail Sizes and Prices BAIRD, & WARNER Inc. 522, DAVIS ST., EVANSTON Greenoeaf 1855 Hollycourt 1855 523 PARK DRIVE, KENILWORTH icenilworth 4786 Rogers Park 6151 346 PARX AVENUE, GLENCOE ,Gece154, riaIg.1O, 185 97LTN41-ltc SPECIAL LISTINGS GLENCO-at Skokie Club. Brick, S. bedrooms, 3 baths: 10w cost gas heat. 2-car garage, $150.00 per month. HIGHLAND PARK-6 room bungalow. 1 bath; o11 heat; 2-car garage. $85.00 per month. DEERFIELD - Wooded acre. Secluded. 7 room modern bouse, 3 baths, 2-car garage. Oruest bouse. $90.00 per month. McGUIRE & ORR, Inc. Over 40 Yeara of Dependable Service 316 Park Ave., Gleneoe Ph. Gien. 13 97LTN41-lte RENTALS 8ri.. 2 baths, porch, garage .... $5 6 i'ms., nmodern, close In ...........50 7 rm. brick, ý c. g., March 1 pos.. .55 7 rms., 2 batha, Mair lst pos....... 65 6 rnis., 2 bath., S. E. Winn ....... 75r 9 rnis., .3 batha, 011 heat.... *......8 5 9, rms., 2 batha, Hubb. Wds .......i100 8. rnis., 3 bathu, oil, pcha .......... 115, MANY OTHERS UP TO $300 PER MO. HILL & STONE- 5431 Lincoln Ave. ':,Winnietkii 1644 9ITN4YJ1-1t< 7rm 7 r 3 bs., oil, 2 c. .e 80L IUx WIl PIREI 011.2-ca atache, bd. gar. lot. $125. Wlnnetlka 289-" SILII-ltp Fo*RRUNT-PUUNIUN Mme= 6 ROOM FURN. HOUSE. .IN KNIL- Worth. Lavatory on lot floor. Mar. 1 to. June 15."Reas, rentai. Near achools and transp. Ph. Kenilworth 682. WANITU O UN-IU WANTED) TO RENT LIST YOUR PURNISHED OR. UN-w furnished bouses wIth us. We have many demandé for homes for this sea- son. :MCGUIRE & ORR, hIc.. Over 40 Years of Dependable Service 1316 Park Ave., Glencoe Ph. Glen. 13 99LTN4I-1tc 6DU8IRALE C~IENT WILL #P 4'-Q $250 per month for modern bouse containing 6 master bedrma., 2 maid's rms., with option to buy. See Mr. Ilokan- son. Hokanson & Jenks, Inc. 513 Davis Street Groonleaf 1617 99LTN41-ltc WANTED HOUSES FOR RENT OR FOR SALB. WB r have many desirablo familles want- lng to rent or to bu?. F. A. COOPER 1505 Chicago Ave. Greenleaf 300 99LITN41-1te FURNIH 'D R UNFUP.NISHMI)4 or 5 'bedroom liotse, 2 or 3 bath& Startipg April or MIay. MiuI't consider buying If falrly pr ced. Write B-96, Box 40, lilmette, 111. 99L41-Itp 7 ROOMS. 2 BATH$S. CLIENT PE fors Winnetka. Might bÜy. R.ALPH M. JAUGER WINNUITK~A 907! 99L41-Itp 5-6i ROOM HOUSE IN GOOD LOCA- tion. Reasoniable, for. famlly of four. Muet bo noar schle., and trangp. Flood. ]Phone Wihnetto 608, 99LTN4 1-ite 1' ~U. 2 c. ~ 2%4. 1.6m01-t ework and 4.. 71L' .have ci m

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