Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Feb 1935, p. 36

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Dr. Louis L. Manneà Speakcer Classified under one general theme, "Civic.," fis the ail-day. mneetjng to -be. shared -Wednesi- day, February 20, by the Wom- an's. Club 'of Wilmette and thé Würlmette League of Womien, Voters. Running the. gamut' from tales of conditions in the. Woman's. court gleaned fromn personal experience, to comment -on Village affairs, social security, and democracy's. futureis the Program arranged for this aninual joint session. Incidentai music and luncheon make- the only break in tbe tenor et tbe meeting. Theý morning program is sponsored by the Wilmette League of Women Voters, wbose members are gutsts of the club in the afternoon. After 1,rncheon the Woman's club> presents an. eminent speaker on the lecture platform, Dr. Louis L. M'ann. Inci- dentai music precedes his talk. Pearl Hart, wbo opens the morning session at 10:30, is considered by those wbo know ber "one of the most interesting of persôns." For sev- eral years sbe bas given ber services as a public defender in the Woman's court in Cbicago. It is of these years and tbeir amazing story she will coula near ner story" etflier connec- tien veitb tbe court. Mrs. Howard Ringbolm brings ber comment on local village affairs at il1:30. During the. noon hour Mrs. Elmo P. Hlohman of Evanston wilI discuss "Social Security." Sbe is a member of the advisory cemmittéee of tbe department of goverviment and economic welfare of the League of Women Voters. She bas taught ini the departuient. of economics at Vas- The juniors will meet -for dinner at tbe Southern Tea room (the old Rumsey borne), 40 East Huronstreet, 'Cbicago, at 6:30 o'clock, and;,fromin tbere go te tbe, Tribune Tower.:1 Those wbo cannot attend tbe dinner, : are, to' be at tbe tower at 7:45, the committee. announces. The numbe r of. memnbers permitted to gko througb the Tribune is limited and al -reservations are te be made tbrougb Miss' .Betty. Mulferd, 835 Elmwood. ave 1nue, net latte than Tuesday, February 19, Dr.- Louis. L. Mann, one of Amer- icâ's Promi4ent religious an, edu- cational leaders and speakers, ztill give the w! ternoon aadresç at the Wonsan'syClu-b of Wiime.tte Wed- nesday a! ternooni of next wmeek. The occasion, is the joint meeting d<IY of the club and the Wilhnette League of Women Voters. Noted Ga rden Expert lfo Address Garden Clubs The Wilmette Garden club, tbrough, its president, Mrs. Frank J. Scbeid- enbehn, caîls attention to tbe lecture H. Stuart Ortîcif will give on "Gar- den Design" with sème notes on "Color," Monday, February 18, at 2 o'clock, in Rooni 14 of the Palmer House. Every member of the club is urged te be present to bear Mr. Bidge Luncheon for Eastern Star Tbe regular montbly luncheon andi bridge of 'the Wilsiettse hapt.r, Order of Eastern Star, wilI be beld Wednesday, February 20, at tbe borne of Mrs. Ruth Dennis (Mrs. 0O" C.), 702 Elmwood avenue. Reserva-- tiens are to be made with Mrs. Mar- jory Mcllratb, by Monday, February Norlhridge Notes The 'program of the Nortbridge Womnan's club of Wilmette was open- ed last night by the very beautiful playIng of the bostess, Mrs. Maxwell Rust. Mrs. Rust played "RigÔ1e too Fantasie," by Liszt, and "Rendez- vous",by Godowsky. - Mrs. Theron Colton, guest speaker, tol1d of the colorful, hardy sweet sing- ing "Birds of -Illinois." There are 150 kinds cf birds in Illinois.* In, studying them it was found tbat every, bird bas tbe kind of beak, tail, and claws it needs te, get its food. Mrs. Colton imitated the various Mrs. Harry H. Barnum, well known W in ne t ka landscape -architect, will be the speakerý at' the next, meeting of the- South- ern Woman's Educational alli- ance, at 2:30 Monday, February' 25, at tbe home of Mrs. Ward Chittenden, 1501 Hinman. ave- nue, Evanston. Mrs. William H. McCcy of, Evanston will be ,hairma.n of the tea hostesses., A feature of.tbe. program will be the reading. by Elmna Glenn Wealker (Mrs. Roy O. Walker of Winnietka) ofsome of ber. "Poems of Wyalusing,' a rectently puiblisbed volume.. Sbe is selecting poemns tbat deal witb fiow- ers, trees, and springs, appropriate with tbe garden lecture of Mrs. Bar- num. Mrs,, Waltcer, i a ditinguished mrenber of tbe Nortb Shore Writers guild. 'j Mrs. Barnum's lecture,, which will be illustrated witb lantern slides, is entitled . "New Orleans Courtyards, and Soutbern Gardens." Mrs. Bar- numn knows the soutb very well, and bas talked before the Garden Club of New Orleans on several occasions, and on the Gulf coast, at Pass Chris- tian. She has visited Natchez, when its bistoric homes and gardens were open. to thepublic, and bas addressed its Garden club. Mrs. Barnum is a member of long staniding in the Win- netka Garden club. Mrs. J. Paul Clayton of -Winnetka, president of the alliance, is leaving for Atlantic City Februar.y 20, to at- tend the National Education associa- tion convention there, representing the Chicago branch of the alliance. She bas been placed on rnany cern- mittees for tbe convention, including that for the large reception t'o be beld the opening nigbt, February 21. at 2~ ncw ie ana mUIU V reget cf cnaper.be, bostesses.. 1617 Bs te r of Feb- . Mrs. Fi kWalker regent of zi

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