Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Feb 1935, p. 34

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Suenir prograins ini black and as ~ ecio ~~usts hite, their covers affording enoughi signature variety. to whet the curi- The presidents of the guilds osity of avid hand-writing expert and of ail churçches on tbe north anaiy'st, were noirci this year at the shor, frn! vànson t Wà Valentine bridge and Style show of shoe, romEvnstn t Wuke- the Junior auxiliary of the Woman's gan, haveý beeninvited by the club of Wilmette. With their addi- North Shore Garden ceènter to tion1 edh et and stripes of the saine bright hue, theysgetdth attend its regular weekly .pro- seso o th yar Wtinthi gram ta is h au arte s in 1 cvers, bridge players found :printd Winneta Commnity, House their tallies. Thenashe arhf Mon.a.Y Pe ry18, as spe- fashion began, ail spectators had at Monda, Febuaryhand, the prograin for the style show cial guests... itself, the names of exhibitors, of Beverly Nicholst new book, "Village mannequins, the com.mittees, acknow- in the Valley, will be àvewdo ledgments -to frienids of the Auxiliary that day- by Mrs, Charles Pool e, a for courtesy extended, and advertise- member of Skokae chapter of the ments. Glencoe Garden club, which is ar- The stage for this year's fashi<in ranging the prbgrain. Toohrrve n Saturday afternoonwa members, of the. chapter, Mrs. Amas yellow and white, with: larg n Cobb Bull and Mrs. C. Francis Pearce, graceful arrangements of acacia and Jr., will exhibit a spring flower ar- pains accented. by a l.owl of flowers in rangement. Hostesses for the day are orange and red. White metal furniture Mrs. ' Sauel RotJernitland Ma';. upholstered in pale yllwý lent mo& George 4Fargo, and the librarians are cmn touch and completed the back- Mrs. W. E. Durbahn and Mrs. Mon- ground for the first and last appear- tague-Ferry. ance of each model. Monda.y of this week Mns. Stewart Tonmusic by "Melody Kings," the Reed Brown of the Lakce Bluff Gar- fashion show was staged with its * dcen club spoke on "Shrubbery Beauty 'interpretation of sprung's modes sm- Ail the Year 'Round," featuring those pler in lune, less elaborate, lcss ex- shrubs which are attractive ini wnter. tee n oesbudi oo "Suh aweath f hruber isbea- han in recent preceding ycars. tiful in winter,"she believes. Among heftnoneedwhtesrV- those suggested were clumps 'of birch, ung of cofce, heart.rshaped cakes 111 a dogwood, for its red stemns. Mrs. white and red, and white candies. Bron boaabtwit he agroup of Each of the tables, neariy- one- Browcitueuhwhngheghbuh ra- undred in ail, had a table prize. j sperv ier ncuingdcthigh buaRdcroa- his, the sixth benefit of its kind pri seera. eru etauan-oafor charity, again was a high-iight Of setegera. eent and was given with the samne Gu Thec North Shore Garden club will srnoothness and ceierity which we chi have charge of the center during have come to cxpect at the Valentiiie infi March, and,' it is said, has arrànged parties of the juniors. Pa an unusually attractive series of pro- grains for the month. The center again places emphasis anc upon the fact that ail its services Delta Gamma Moihers ger and prograins are offered to the pub-Mr lic free of charge, regardicss of mcm- fo MeeI February 21 ave bership in any ararden club. Its pro- There will be a meeting tethe t e b e n A play byj Priestly, "La Burnum @p-vçe," uwi ' Ilbe readW byMrs. E. V. L. Browun of WitinetkaFlebru- ary 20, at 10:45 in t/se iornùug, at the home of Mrs. John J. HeaIy ipi Evanvton, as t/se' second of tuo bete fits. sponsored by thse Illinois Birth Control league. Aonday Is Day of Puild Bridge T.. An afternoon of, bridge, w ith a rize for each table, and the serving ftea, is the program the Associated aiids of St. Augustine's Episcopal urch have arranged for this coin- ýg Monday afternoon at 2, ini the arish Flouse. Eýach of the. four circles of the ild is cooperating, seiling tickets, id having two representatives on the rieral comanittec which is headed by rs. W. E. Robertson of 521 Central ,ue. The project, to be one of eGuilds' outstanding events, is a nefit. as Benefit Program Mrs. E. V. L. Brown of Win- netka will. read- the play, "Laý Burnu M Grove," .by J. B. Priest- *Y lOn February 20, at, 10:45 O'clock in the mnorning, at the homne:,of. Mrs. Jé hn JI.. Hcalyl 1104 Greenwoocl avenue, Ev- anston. Mrs. Brown was a member of the cast in the first pla.yprcsented by the North. Shore Theatre, guiid and, has since been an active participant in the north shodre dramnatic groups. She bas read'many piays in Evranston and on the north. Shore and given talks ini Chicago at the Womani's, club, the College club, and the Draina league, on, ber trip to the Arctic regions whcre she traveled to within 547 miles of the North Pole. Mrs. Brown is a graduate cof the .Univcrsity of Chicago and the presi- dent of the Woman's auxiliary of the Illinois Society for the Prevention of Blundness. This rcading is the second of two benefit prograins being sponsored by the Illinois Birth Controi league. The sale of tickets is in charge of Mrs. Norman Waite of 911 Forest avenue, Evanston. FeIIowship Te. and Musicale t Me E. Cburch Officers of the Northern district of the Woinan's Homne Missionary. so- ciety wili give a fellowship tea in the Woman's roomn of the Wiiinette Parish Methodist chùrch Friday af- ternoon, February 15, at 2. A short perograin of vocal and, instrumentai Music will be given. SMrs. Mildrcd Hendrickson of 1607 Lake avenue, a comparative new- corner in Wjlmette, wiil be the pi- anist.. Everyone who hears ber finds -&-, 4Lora >uLy enertainmi and social to be given by the Wc an's guild. Hcaps of fun-centraj catiôn-miniinum .cost."' be ni

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