Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Feb 1935, p. 24

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to anake a report to the present ses- uion of the assembly. The Bill car- ried an appropriation of $1 5,000. On the Republican side of the house soute members expressed themselves in opposition, for .various' reasons. SoMe felt that the reports of past educational' conimittees' could be used, and othersý feit 'that a report could flot be presented inà timne'tO - have reiable action by the members Of the assembly.' A few thought thit the: entire house could. as a comm it- tee Of the whole, settle the school probleis . Many who voted, in favor of the bll, and the vote was 109, aeand, 18 nay, thought that, the governor should be supported in ýth-- plan recommtended in bis messae and, that wihile, the reports of' past commî*ttees and the studies of vanf- oas educatio)nal groups could prop- erly be used, *it was necessary to have a smaller body than the entire assembly, draft proposaIs fer a mod-, ekn schoo1 systeni and,,make recorn- mendations for the,,proper financinr, of al, schools, so that there would flot be a recurrence of the difficulties which. now - exist.. * 'There is no doubt but what the> new commission will face a difficuit task , and it should have the united backing of ail tbe people in the state" Representative Bernice T. Van der Vries of Winnetka stated. ý A question~ of major interest to aIl district have expressed theniselves ;il favor of the bill, as is would elini-1 u;ite the expénse of yearly electionF and tend to retain in office, thost who bave become familiar with muni1- cipal problemns. Jayne Sampeon Marries Bruce Collier Feb. 2 Mr. and Mrs. Jacob J. Sampson of 372 Elder lane Winnetka. announce These comtntteeg meet once a* montil. Other schools represented in this area besicles New Trier include Francis Parker of Chicago, Univer- sity of Chicago Hfigh school, North Shore -Country day, the. University of Wisconsin High school ani Roose- veit -High of DesMoines.,. New Trier's representa ,tives on the varj*ous committees are: évaluation Of interests and attituds-H. H. Her- ron.anid Mirs. Marjorie Cook-, evalua- tion of abilities involved in the ap- plication 'of facts and pincipals-F. C. Windoes and L. E. Hildebrand,- evaluation of studyhabits and akilîs of general importance in school - Chester L. Persing and Mrs. Jane',W. Lighter; anecdotal records-B. W. Shearer,. and sensitivity'to significant problents--Rdtat1Wehr. College Presidents to Add ress N. T. Students Two college presidents will address New Trier senior boys within the next two weeks, it was announced this week by Frederick A. Kahler, dean of boys. President Stanley King of Amherst will be at New Trier on Tuesday, February 19. On Monday, February 25, President William Fos- ter Peirce of Kenyon college, Gamn- bier, Ohio, wilI visit the school and will talk to the senior boys. secretary ofthme student council on Monday at a meeting of t.he inner council. Beth takes the place, of Jean Cutler, who has wvithdrawn f rom, school. The president of the studeint council is Don Anderson. Claire Nixý ~s vice-president Adeaide McClary is the ne\v inner couincil representa- tive of the junior girls. SÛRiLi fe Painting Is Twelve Debatimg league opponents Friday of this week, when Von Steuben of Chicago will furnish the opposition. .Coach Chester E. MacLean plans tor use the'sanie speakers, this friday that represented New Trier.against M.aine - Gerald. Taber, -Marjorie Woodalid, Sidney Craig on the af- ,firmative'team and David. Early, Rob- ert Goodw.in and Clarence Iinéberger on the negative ýtea.l. The affirmative will, debate at home and the negati 1ve wil travel to Von Steuben. On Wednesday:noon the debate teams engaged in an exýhibition, match before, the Wilmette Rotary club. Freshm'an Girls Defeat 'Sophfs', in Swim Meet Ia swimming:meet between the freshmnan and s-ophomore girls'last week' the first year class won b3, the margin of a single point. The totals we*e9 for thie freshmen and 91 frr the sophomores. Banda Watts, a sophomnore, had the, best time for the 20-yard back crawl, 4 seconds, and also.for the 40-yard free style, 26ý/5 seconds. In' the 20- yard free style event Jean Striekianil. a freshman, was first. She swam, the distance in 11!4 seconds. Second and third place winners re-, spectiveiv in these three events wvere.: 20-yard back crawl-Ruth Rockwood and. iën Strickland; 40-yard free stroke vent tg F lo White, secondi place to Mary Barrett and thîrd place tb Peg Stein., The crawl stroke forrn \vinners were Ann Lewis, first; Mfollv Flia-s second and Ruth Rock- wodd, third. Grads Visit New Trieýr> 1During Vaication Speli' Dwight Green of Winnetka and Roger Barrett of Kenilworth, both New Trier graduates who arel now at the Universi as toastmaStCr., of Chicago', will act At the sanie time Amnherst is' offer- ing.la $1,6W0 four-year scholarship competitioni open to the gra.duatinÉ boys 'of 62, Chicago-and-suburbafl sec- ondary .s'chools. Information re- gàrding tthis and ,ôther. Amherst scholarshipg is available at the office, of the -principal of. each 'secondary school.. The.college is also engaged in ra ising $0,0 through alumni loans for a- ne w gyninasiafli and swim- niing pool i n place and commemora- tien of the first physical education building and department established in this country by Amherst in. 1869. This gymnasium,«will beàcompleted by next faîl, it is expected.. S. Bowles King, of Winnetka, Pr esi- dent of the Chicago alumni, says:- "Amherst, the fi rst ini the country te establish a department of physical educatiovi in 1869. is even in these tumes raising $400.000 to complete its new gymnasium and swimminig pool: which. together -with its $150;000 squash courts and indoor cage already built, will give 'it one of the -finest plants anywhere. The new gymI, is more than haif realized already, froni undergraduates, who contribute $10 per year for four years,. and from alumni. Amherst builds in depres- sions and conserves at the peaks, niaking it possible for any anibitous boy te obtain the very best at a moderate cost. The best available test of its educational results is per- haps in "Who's Who in Amenica" where, per 1,000 graduates. you have found* Amherst for decades leading A I oleges and universities. in the country in the nuijiber of men in that reference, book." Current Events Group IStudies Constitution The first meeting of the New Trier DCeaÇfl, ima. plannng.to nviu a utuner uuun. -0 Robert Osterpann of 234 War- COI4FERS WITH BOYS wick road, Kenilworth, entertained Hinter Hicks, reprçesenting Dart- twe>1ç boys Sunday ak., sleighride ,uoutb college, viited New Trier last and supper iunbbôr, of lis-- twelfth Thursday for conferenc-es with boys b'iiImda~interested in attending Dartmnouth. Betty Rosen in Wtimett . ig was postponed frci day because of- a cor Tri-Ship» club's mother- quet. The junior Musi meeting~ last week at Jane Bignell in KenilWc club heid a le lhome of in virsi ...uhrCn Q Of rist, in Minmette Sunday môrfi- ruary 17, at Il o'clock, heldý ifice at, 1003 Central avenue. school con venes at. 9.45

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