&35e CREAq'iim*i 4120 ton to move into a uc ie witJEK ziric, each school ha'ving won six gamnes and -lost two. In .defcating- the west suburban team: the New Trier heavies, showed better form than in. any of thefr previous league games. this season. Friday night of thiis.week thcy hope: to Set revrenge for another early jsea- son defeat.. .Proviso. of Maywood is the intended, victim. In a game played a t Maywood on December 14 the Proviso heavies were victoriou s, 40 to 31, after New Trier had ledl for three quarters. The. north shore boys were ahead 20 to 14 at the half and 28 to 22 as -the third, quarter ended. Then Proviso staged a brillant fourth quarter rally for the home folks and walked off with it's their turn to give the home crowd a treat this tinie. In the game witb Oak Park last, Friday Coach Clyde Gratér of New Trier shifted bis lineup. Carleton Wilson-, wbo had been playing a goo'd game at guard, went in at one of the forward positions and led bis team in scoring with four field goals and a free throw. Dostal, used at iunard in the fourth quarter of the. sophômore team was deteated, 21, to 20. Two overtime period.s'were re. quired to decide the winner in the. freshman-sophomore game. lph C6bb--Leland 19 Takeq by DahMonday- The death1 of Ralph Cobb Leland, for many years a residen.t of Winnet- ka, occurred Monday, February 11, at St. Francit hospital., Mr. Leland,, wbo. was.,58 years oh!, at the time of bis death, had resided for- the past forty years at the home of Miss Lily Struggles, formerly of Winnetka, and now living-at 1620 Spencer ave- .Warren Leland, father of Ralph Cobb Leland, was one of the carly jpioneer hotel owmer in Ccago and New York, being head of a chain of hotels throughout the East and Middle' West. He operated the Le- land hotel in Chicago which stood' where the Straus building is now, and he built the famous old landmark, the Chicago Beach hotel. Forty years ago in New York City the well known Leland hotel burned-another of Warren Leland's botels=and in that fire Mr. and Mrs. Leland lost their as lev as w»k PrestIs-Li. Batt*uies Ask about our "Ride-As-Vou-Pay" Pion -WiImeIte Batery gressively and weii. Mec, wno med with Wilson at forward, algo Ls put out on personals in the arth peribd.- Mec made thrce field als and two free throws. Fitz- rald, center, sunk twQ field goals d, A pair of frýe throws.l and cared for hlm throughout the reniaiing years of 'bis life. Ralph Leland is the last of theý Leland .family with the exception of two cousins who are stili living. He was born in Albany, N. Y., andwhile not a native son of Chicago or the Morth shore he came bere, as a small boy and, bad lived bere ever since. Funeral services will be conducted by Dr. Samuel Harkness of the Win- netka Congreitionzai g'1,irc an - Trier players toheJAan. Di a pw I. eu dt iYu eà.a-uté tY ICE.SET WEEN TWO: 11. ddight.dwith. 45C kc velue (QUART) ý413 Und« a: into 1 the, Adami,.: