Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Feb 1935, p. 16

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Ihé miusic for'the 1il o"dock worship service will be sas oliows: èrtïrep . ý'........ ....... Dubos Miss Marie. Bniel Introit: *"Cat Thy Burden Upon -the Lord"- . .. . Mendelssohnt Antbem: ."BuilG Trhýee MoreStately Manons.............. Andrews Offertory solo: Mis MrA. Strongff Organ' Powtlude: "Marche Triumphale" .......... ........Dbs The Higb Scbool EpweVrtJi league wiiilmiset -suiday evenlngat r6:30 o'clockr. Theta Upsilon Uho_ wlll meet Sundasy evenitg at 5:80o'clock., The Church achool meets each Sunday moriting at 9:30 oclock. T7here are elasses for ail ages trom the Nursery te the Adult departinent. Brayton Eddy *fil present, an ilius- trated lecture at the Sunday Eveiig club et 7:80 o'clock lit the Congrega- tienal cjiurch on February 17. Mr. Eddy bas devoted a great part 'of bis lite to a study o peet lire. The Woman's Foreignt Missionary 80- ciety meets today, <Thursday, Fbruary 14), at 2 o'clock at the church. Miss Laura Collen will present tbe study bok Choir rehearsal ls held eacbItbursday eveningý at 8 o'clock unden the direction of Miss Marie Bniel. The oMcers of Northern district et the W. H. M. S. w'lI give a fellowsbip tea.lit the Womaw's room on FrIday of this week, February 15 troin 2 te 4 o1clock. A short program i *111be pre- seited. The Junior Misioilary society wil imeet tornjorrow eveniwig (ffida.y) at 7 :30 *'clock at the beome of Grace. Smnith, 616 Gregory a.vpque. All l bgla chool girls atre corlAily- invited. The Womai's Homie Mssionany soci- ety wilu meet Tbursday, February 21, at the homne' ef'Mrs. Louis I. Gillseh, 706 Forest avenue, at 2 o'clock. Topic .1 <Wrendahip." DevqtIons: Mrs. Albert: Vs.rey. lits. Hiaiold Sherman 1will, be the olât a ud'will be-iccompanied by UmMarie Bniel. Mrs. Ralph C. MtoUld- ing will give the. review .of the tiret chapters of the study book, '<Orientais lit Amoicea Ute.', Bveryeaae is urged te attend. in oun Aduit Bible clamp we are study- eb 'Thae Lite and Letters of Pal." te finG'what influence these bave on mod- ern living. We meot at 10 oclock and. we Invite you te moot witia us. The paster's .class tor those, whô wish th Joit the church meets at 9:80 o'clock.' Our' Junior church, designed te cane for theo littie tolke during the, mornlng chuncb servie, wlth lins. Stanley Peter- son, lnicharge, me.ets et 1.il okl. The Tuxis club, the bigla sehoýol groupp will nieet et 5:30O ôclock . After retresh- monts, the meeting will be lit charge ot Katherine Gates. The theme efthte epeak on "«Tho Influence oft Christiana Bible."1 An effort Is boing made te se- cure lanteri sldes for this meetingAli the young people are Invited. The. Wilmnette Sunday Evening clu b will present, Bnayton Edldy, witha lecture and pictunes on inseet lite, et the: Con- gregational ehurch at .7:-8.0. Boy Scout troop Neo. 5 will méet at the churcb Monday evening. On Wednesday evening we will bave the. third et our Church nigbts. Dinnen will be served at 6:-30 o'clock. Atter a short dovotional, Miss Allie May .Arey et the Presbyterian missions lit Cuba will speak on 'The influence ot Christian Missions it Cuba." W. invite yen te be with us. Reservations for the dinner should be mnade witb lira. Walter AbeIe, phone Wil. 3861, by Monday eveiting.. The choir will rehearse friday ove- ning et the curcla. Girl Scout treop N6. 5 wlll meet et the chuncb Saturday, atternoon. Memberships lit the Peniel Commu- nity Center Luxiliary may .b. had trom lirs. W. W. Bauer or lits. Charlotte Pritchard. This Friday, Febnuany 15, the choir presents the Manshall Players lnt three playg at the cburcb at 8 o'cýock. An offering will be taken. English Lutheran Seventh street at Greenleaf *<A House of Worship" Thé Rev. David R. Kabele, pastor * SIJNIAY SERVICES Church achool ........ ...... ý945 a. mi. Mornlng wori3hip ...ý....... _... 11a. m. Luthier league...... ......... 5:30 p. mi. following sélections: Organ Prelude - Andante frein Firat Sonata ...........BEorowski Antheii- uPr.iethe Lord-" ........ ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..Randegger Quartette--"Ouir Master H-ath A Gar- ,doit" . Crimp O)rgan Postindeý-Final Marche'... ......... .... . Boehîman TheYoung People will, meet at 5:30 witb Francis W. Hayes as counsellor. Te unayEvenigclbmeets In the au4itriu a& Pigy hall this "Te Person lity otf set. Tbursday- le Church Nlght' witb the monthly F ]ellowship din ner at A6:30 served1 by the North-West circle.,At 7:30 Mr. Hindleywill brietty review a group ot intýeresting booke: James3'Hil- tons "GUood-bye Mr. Chipps," Rose 4acae~ey' "Going, Abroad,"' and Sir PhilhipGibb's%, -European Journey."- The Neigbborbood circle will meet Tuesday at tho home of lira. William Wurth, 1232 Forest avenue. Hostesses: lins, J. C. Cnossley, lirs. A. I. Howard, lira. W. T. Meliilleni, lra. H. ýA. LaRoy. The Juanior C3amap ire. Girls meet o Tuesday et 4:15 P. m. Scout troop No. 1 meets on Tuesday at 7:30 P. ni. The Brownies (Junior Girl Scouts) meot on Wednesday at 3:30 p. ni. Scout troop No. 2 meets on Wednesday at 7:30 p. ni. Girls' choir nehearsal on Thursday at 3:30 P. ni Boys' choir reheanse:l on Thunsday at 4 P. nm. Senior choir rehearsal on Thunsday at 7:15 p. m. Cub Pack 63 on Saturday at 9:30 a. mn. Girls' choir reheansai on Saturday at 10'-30 a. ni. Boys, choir,. rehearsal on Satunday et Il a. mn. St. John'~s Latherait Wiimette and P~ark avenues J. H. Gockel, pastor SERVICES ,:15 a. n.-First service. 9:30 a. m.--Sunday school and Junior and lnterm ediate 'Bible classes. 10 a.,m.-SeniQr Bibleelass. il a. m.--Second service. MEETIN[GS Open house, this evening, 7 te Il. Patents *fvenlng ot the Junior WaI- thon league, Friday, 8 P. m. Adult confirmation class, Moxaday, P. p. m Choir reheansal, Monday, 7:.45 P. aM. The rettor and bis assistant, the Rev. Francis J. Tromp, attended the funeral -services lest Moidfty lnt Chicago for Cari Spinner, a ipOmber of Boy Scout tro" No. 4. Who died ot Injuries received lit a motor accident lest Thuraday evening. Boys of St. . ugustinesB Scout, troop acted as palibearers., 1%hê executive commnittee.,ot St. Augus- tine's Scout troop will aneet Friday eve- ning, at 8 at the home of Henry FowlIer, chaîneRa,, 1404 Forent aVenue. Kenilworth Untions Dr. Herbert L.,Wiilett, minfister On Sunday. February 17. Prof. Fred .stman, froni the Universiy of Chi- cago will preach. The church service la at il o'ciock.. The Wemnen's. guild wll meet on Mon- day morning, February 18,. at 10 o'clock.- The 'work of the guild la for the bealefit of good causes in which the women of the communfity are interested. Ail women of Kenilworth not etherwise en- gaged on liofdays are lhavited to coine in for as much tume as they cen spend. The Sunday sehool will meet at 9:45. There are classes for eilidren betw een the ages of the kindergarten and the high school. Visitors are 'welcome. The Kenilworth Young People's Sun- day Evening club wili meet in the guild room at 6:30> Sunday evening. A. supper wiil be served, followed by the prograni. *Wilmette Ba>tist Wilniette and Forest avenues Rev. George D. AIlison, pester The public worship on Suitda.y morit- ing at il o'clock will centen. on the tme, ~xodus, the Way Out." Dr. AlsnP"reàches the sermon on "Right and Wrong Methods et Social 44jizst- ment.,, Miss Lydia KCoch, organiat, and the chorus choir .will lead the musical service. In themidweek conference on Wednea- day at 8 p. m. the subJect ls: "What Experiences it MY Lite Have Given Me the Most basting Satisfaction.", The classes and organisations of the cehurch nieet et the usual hoUrs. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Botthof, 156 Abingdon avenue, Kenilwortb, are leaving Friday by motor for Florida, fine Musicale, -~~~e t ue- Ms ae 0 eta '~veinvte ou o wrshlp itbus.Te sciatgiea brideofat. lonaugsavenueJaes erind, he COeta Ae nvt eur teoueo the or Fbua 8, thu.tn'swlie bidpar lieuse, eenu, att relr thyCmeting on the , Sat , lj aIke yeur week ning at 32 .m.. te rile .fiids 'for the mite. oyens. variow s anti..s ponsored by th: and dessert lunicheon Wedunesday..

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