Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Feb 1935, 4A

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terests of the late Dr. F~. S. Pearson.. This work tooic hini on extended, trips to Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina and various countries of 'Europe. .From 1897 to 1900 and again from 1909 to 1911 Mr., Perry was with the General Electric company at -Schen- ectady, ýN.' Y. During the, past 24 years lie bas.been prominentiy asso- ciatedl with the large engineering finm of Sargent and Lundy, Chicago. Mr. Penny was a fellow of the American'-Institutè of Eltctrical En- gineers and a ýmember of the Western Society of Engineers. To these or- ganizations hie made numerous con- tributions, of pàpers and> reports based on his %vide knowledge of the, first hand expeniences in his chosen field. These organizations in turn honored him with appointments to various important oamitees. Mr. Perry was, a member of the First Congregational chunch of Wii- 'mette and had served on its board of: deacons. Surviving hbu , are bis widow,, Katherine Russell Penny; a daughter; Mns. Dorothy Penny Johnson of Kiel, Wis.; two sons, Russell L. Perry, of Davis, Calif., and Theodore H. Perry of Niagana Falls. N. Y.; two brothers and two sistens. Huerter Auxiliary' to Give Dance February 14 The, Peter J. Huerter Legion'Auxil- iary, Unit '669, will mneet Monday eve- ning, February 11, in the Legion meet- ing hall. Those who are on the social< ctommittee are. Edna May, chairman, LiiMay,, Anna Meier, and Lillian Mick, l The auxiliany will sponsor a dance Held on the thfrd Tuesday in April, the 1935, date bei ng April 16. The polis are open froin 6 a. ni. to 5 p. mi. Certificates of nomination, petitions and other nomination papers must be filed with the Village Clerk not less than 35 days nor more than 60 days in advance of the election date.. For 1935 the first filing date Will be February 15, and the final date March 12. Withdrawal. of candidates must be made within,5 days fromn the final filing date. At te 135 ecton te flioingVillage officiais are to be eetd Presidentt of the- Village, board; six Trustees: one Village, Cierk; one Village Treasurer. A recentiy enacted state lawprovide s'that -the terms. of ýelective Village officiais shall be for two years, and shall expire concurrentiy.> The Village treasurer may not succeed himself. In. conformity with this statute, there will be no Vlage election in 1936. Library Board Election Occurs on the samne date as the Vil lage election, being April, 16 for the ,1935 election. Thesanie rules. and dates for filing. petitions and o ther nom- ination. papers appiyý as for the Village. . Two members of the, Library board are to be elected this year. The names of ýcandidates appear on the officiai Village ballot. Wihnette Park, Board Blection Held'on the first Tuesday in April, which in 1935 will be April 2. The polis wiil be open froni 6 a. m. to 5 p. m. Petitions and other nominating papers must be filed witb the secretary of the Park, board not iess than 40 days in advance of the election date. Three members of the Park board are to be electéd in 1035. The Park board election is usually held in conjunction with the New Trier township election, utilizing the saine* polling places. *As there will bé no township election in 1935, the Park board will probably designate two, or possibly thrée, polling places, where all qualified electors of the Pàrk district may vote. Wilmette Board of Education Election Occurs on the second Saturday in April, whicb in 1935 will be April 13. Polling places and hours will be contained in the legai notice of election. Nomination papers and petitions must be., filed with the secretary of the Board of Education not less than 21 days in, advance of the date of election. New Trier Township Board of Education Election Occurs on the second Saturday in April. Hours and polling places wil1 >e stated in official electioa notice. Petitions and other nomination papers must be filed with the secretary of the board flot less than 10 days in adv;ance of the election. One member of the board is to be elected in 1935. H.I-EALTH CENTER NEWS -Figure Expert to Gi*veC Talk at Fashion Show tPerchance milady is, looking for- avenue, Wvumette, viceýpresident of Ely chapter. The men, several of whom~ live on the'northi shore are: Harry Grant Atkinson, Warner G. Baird of Evanston; FPrederick M.. Bowes, 1140 Greenwood avenue, Wii- mette; Martin A. Cuihane, Frank Dý Chase, Henry T. Hoisman, John. Hols- maGlenný C. McBride, Kenneth C. Rice, John W..Schaeffie and Micael J. Schneider. The chapter's president, Burt R ub- ioff, will officiate as chairman at the ritual and dinnerý,after which several prominent: speakers will discÙsI curý- rent and timely landî economics top- cs.. Among the, speakers, are Wfiliam Ten Halsen, dean' of the. echo .-'o commerce at Marquette' university;, Mark Levy, president of the Illinois chapter of the American Institute of, Real Estate Appraisers, and Robert B. Whitaker, bead of R. B. Whit- aker . &com any, iiorth shore reaitors and builders, and international presi- dent of Lamba Alpha. Lamba Alpha is an orga nization formed to foster the study of land economnics, and has a membership of several outstanding real estate men, architects, builders and mortgage bankers. It is expected that several new chapters will be started in lIétd ing cities' throughout. the United byv lead 1 rac t Legion Auxiliary j (Wilrnette Uiiit 46) A National Defense and American- ism meeting sponsored by the Ameri- cani Legion Auxiliary, Department of Illinois, will be held February 14, at the Hotel La Salle. The after- nonnn Qeaa.cn hàKarnr 2f 2.n',.t..Ilr 1will hold its February 8, The Town club- was bost to mem-« bers at an old fasbioned costume1 supper dance last Saturday in thej Kenilworth Club House. Th1ac party will be a dinner dance. Center wiil shane ini the proceeds and 319 Richmond road, Kenilwortli, Ieft at the Hotéil La Salie at 1 o'clock. as *Our work is' supported by dona- Iast Monday on a months' visit to ________ tions from the public, we will be very Glendale, Calif. W,; Whitalçer Baer, 2115 Beech- grateful for the public's patronage wood avenue, is returning this Sat- in hismater.is Wiimette, 2402. foursB' fromà 9:30 urdayr from a fie weeksv uins Wilmette Heýalth Center telephone .to 4;00. trnp throughi Texas and O0liaboma. Mrs.

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