Sta. $63 Vernon Ave. Glencoe 251 7ILTNI 3-tfr WHITE 0GIRL FOR GeN. -bOUSE work. 3 1h family. OWn room an bath. Ref. $0 e ek Phone Win- netka 3823.. 7IL40-ltr YOUNG LADY FOR LIGHT OFFICE work in Glencoe. SmaIl salary. State age-, exp. and refs. Write B-94, Box 40, WANTED- YOUNG WHITE OR COL- ored girl, for general -hi3wirk., llght laundry. $7 week. Phone ýKenilwortb 5543. 71LTN4-ltp WHITE MAID FOR GENERAL HSE.. work and help with- care of chlld. Ref. required. $7. Phone .Wlnnetka 3373. 71LTN40-1te WHITE GIRtL FOR GENERAL HOUt3B. work;, Stay nlghts.ý Phone Wilmette $126. 71LTN40-ltp WHITE GIRL FORÎ GEN. flOUSE- work. References. Phone Wilmette 3135. 71LTN40-1te EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework and cooking. Phone ICenil- worth 4766. 71LTN40-Itp WANTED - MILK. BAKERY, TEA, Coifee or other route men. Good prop- osition for rlght man. Rawlelgh. Denpt ILA-761-L. Freep)ort, 1Ili. 72L40-ltp HELP WANTED-MALEK AND. FEMALE 1white couple, Winn ......... .... 85 1 colored couple, Hi. Park t .7O 2 gen. girls...... ..........$1 4 gen. girls ..... . .$8-10 àlother's- helper, Gien. and Winn. $5, $6. FRED'S EMPL. AGENCY HIGHLAND PARK, ILL. H. E. ALSUP, Manager. wa u. TV ca JJidct > u in 5U01A rellable positionse. Opprtunity dally., * 73LTN40-1tc PERSONAL. UNVICK COLLEGE GRADUATE WITH LITER- ary background does typing and projof reading at home. Usual--raite17 Phone WlImette 178. 14LT384tP FOR SALE[-AUTrOS 1934 HUDSON-8 DEMONSTRATO R Sedan with aide mounts and trunk space. 1934, TERRLAPLANE 6 SEDAN. NEW. HANSON MOTOR CO. 666 Chestnut St. Phi. Winnietka 330 77L40-Itp - - - - «L- unzu 5a i etaij85 E. I, E STULTS ItBALTy Co. FOR RENT AND FOR SALE Wlnne±ka Ave. Winnetlça 1800 L Ï111 ~UNURIS*IED All Sizes and Pie aParmens 3and4 rooms. Humphrey res :1 Ddg., Wlnnetka.- Also WelI located 1228.Phono92LTNg..tfc, AIRD & ARNER, e p j M. EATED APT. NEAR HOW- ard SChnol1. WillI decorate to suit .2 AI TEASO Wl tnt 218Ws>ngonAve. Phone Oreenleai' 1855 Hlycut1855 Wilett 268.92LTN4o-ltp 523 PARK DRIVE, KENILWORtTH Foie__________et_____Kenilworth 4785. Rogrer8 Park 6151 2 NDORâ«NT-EW:,HE ATS346 PARK AVENUE,. GLICNCOND 2 ANo M E ly F- RN. PTS. Oencoe.1554 Briarae15 with East and South front. Very at- rae186 tractive. Reas. rentai. -cOnv. Ine. Also 97LTN40..lte PnMfile space.. Phone WIlmette,2199 or rm 2bskfrmil(et) $1 247.-93LTN40-4tp 7 rim. b., sun peh., H... east) 110 WANrma TO RENTr-PIARTMENTB 7rms., 2 be., H.W.H., oh, 2-e. g. 95, 8 rms., 2 bs., llbrary, H.W.H., 2-cg7 SRM. AP WITH WOOD BURNING 6rs,2b. ... h es). 70 frpace, elect. refrig., private en- 7 rms., 1 ,HWH. c g....0 tr. nii home. 2 adulte. Must be easgt 7rgi . .W.H,2-...... '14, WiIm-tte. Write «B-92. Box 40. 5rs 2-C2dflo dp. i.... WimteII 4LTN40-1tp rms.ý 1 b.. %Ip..peh., 2-c. g ........ 45 MOTHER AND DAUGH-TER..OR SON 3 rm. apt., htd.. gas and elec.....30. will give full orl)art time service for Other good values, al szes - furnished L'araLre apt. Refs. Address B-88, B-)x and unfunnished.' 40, Wilmette, 111. S4LTN404p B. H. BARNETT 1 W--iAN-TED nTO PENT-PFURN. A" 5 26 C'enter St. Winn-tki 965 FUR91SH-ED APARTMEN?. 2 On 2M-1~~0it rom.Must be complete and modern. (~, Near transportation, stores, Ôccupancy 'CA'o'ice RentalGs about Mairch 1 foir at Ieast one year. 6 r ms, 2 baths, 5cr. porch ..$60 Reasonable ental necessarv. Writ" B-91. Artistic. brick, 3 Mdrms., 2 baths, R--~ Af '1tA TI. 9.LTN40-1tp heated sun rm., oil heat.......... $90 FOR______________________- White volonial, 5 bdrmms., s1p. porch, 7FROM RCKNT-iOUSE BTH1 2 3baths, large yard. .....-.....$125 2 enclosed heated porches. 011. Garage, Frances J. Wiscot 1 block lake, close to achools on<1 tanqp. 902 Spruce St. Winnetka 1267 Winnetka 269. .. 97L40-ltp 97LTN40-1te ~~~~..è"AVE YOUR BUCK$I"-4MMM$..... through the classifled XYJHETHER you'lre shopl aui ,roome and bathoior7 at1 es garage. 15 acres aMail harùs àsal hormes. 1. mile *Irom ESkokien Bighlwoy Lake CountY.> 1 or 2 Year ease $200peft. month,, Phone OWner Dsfed20 ing porch; o11 heat;ý 2-car garage. lu beautiful Deere Park with lake rightn;l nicely f urihe&. lent $13. Cau i 1gh- land Park 2392 eventingà. 98SITNto-îtc WB HAVE IfANT EARLY 2X IE season clients looking for houss tô ent and to buy. Lliat your hoge wlth U&. ANN MORELAND 863 Vernon Ave.eo. 3«5 WB -HAVE CUSTOMERS -FOR BOUSES ln Wunnetka anidGlencoe. Ali. -813« and prices, either to-mont, or to buy. Il adWoods 954 Linden Ave. Winnetka 130 MAY 1ST BY DES L TNT 4 or more bdrm. lieuse; southeaut Winnetka; $50. Will advance 6 montbs ent. Absolutely no dealers. Wrte .B-90. Box 40, WilÉnette, 111. 99LTN4O.ltp WANTED - HOUSE IN NEW TRIR district, 3 or 4 bedrooms. State SI»., kind of heat and ent. Write B-93, Box 40, Wilmette, il]., 9mL'PMLa-1ê. FOR KENWVM YOU AN( tunity to à Iow cost. 101 and powder 1 tlon throughoi tion onhbeau utre a li ge, light mu. ln 0 WILMETTE 4300 ASK FOR AN'AD-,rAKER Ph-ne Wlet 14