Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Feb 1935, p. 48

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WILMETTNI LITE or aliltliree -papers; Wednesday 9 P. M. 'for gN14ETKA TÂLIC and -Tbursday 5 p. M. for. GLENCOE NEWS Te.'Vlephones: Wllmette 4300, Winnetka 2000 (Wlzinetka. 500 afier à P. ML), Greeneaf 4300 or Shedrake 1216-1217. LOS.-BLUE LEATHNIR PIURSE, BE ten Knlworth and Wilmnette, Tel, 1.. containlng graduate nurse's pin. Find or keop money and returu pin te T. R Coyneé. 307 Woodstocko, Kenilworth. 3LTN4O-t * Lost-Wire Hair* Terrier WHIT WTHBLACK CIÉCLE ON bac. nwra name, "Mickey." ,Win- netka l1751. 3L40-ltp LOST -'ÎMÂLE POLICE PUP,.5 * monthe old, anmera ta name "Sparky." Roward. -ph. Konllworth 3719.. 2LTN4o-lte LOST- WELSH TERRIER PIXPPY looks 1k. diminutive Airedale, brown legs, black saddle. Reward. Phone Glencop 1906. XQip LOT-EfNGLISH SETToER, 9 MO. OLD. * White with tan spots. Name "Count."I Reward. Phono Glence 948. 8L40-ltp PEflSONAL WII,.L L&ADY WHO ASICE» FOR yôung man to drive car te Florîda,9 Tue.day at Ford Agoncy, Elm Street.1 *Wlnnetka, phone Winnetka 3113. 41AO-tp bos. F. Kuss. 0Ontometrist THE FARM HOUSE, In he emng eaon whOn coughs and colds are pretvalent growing, children and babies require an extra amount of vitamilns. The eAsiest a nd least ex- pensive waY te administer them le, through Farm flouse Eggs« AT f1.40 FOR 4 DOZEN. TRY OUR FRESH CREAMERy BUTTER AT 38e A -LB. FOR. FREE DBLIVERY PHONE WILMETTE 64 - GREENLEÂT 3450. 241,TN40-lte -3/4CN,.IUIOItUNNT cescotplete; goonas new. C est $23.50; used only a few months, $15. Ph. Wilmette 407. 40LTN40-ltp NUMBINO PRIVÂTE HOME FOR INVÂLID§8; nurses, care day and night; 25 years' experience. Doctors' references. Phone Wilmetto 5099. 41LTN40-ltp PAINTING AND OSCOSATINS Paint, Paper 5 Rms., $34.50 ýCEILINGS CALIX- 91 TIP The Fitst Federal Savings and Loan ASSOCIATIONq 0F WILMEIrU INVITES YOU tJoiIn its savings plan. Songore and superi4sed by U S. aovernm:e Ail savinge insuired up to .$5,900. Pur-. Chase shares ýwlth convenient payment. <Jueerons divldend ylold. Money avail- able for iOrat mortgago amortIuedIoans on north, shbe. property. or 13 year I prlo..For Inormtion eall Mr. Clîf- ton, Secroetary, Wilmoétt. 863.- LOANs LOANS ON AUTOMOBILES. Confidential servtce, legalrates MOTORP LOAN CO. State Bank Bldg.. Evanston. Gre. $200 nMPLOYmN»T AGENCOÏRS Frank's Domestic Bureau, 421 Richmond ]Rd. Kenlwortlî 2nd FI, Village Hall Kenliworth 6221 WHEN IN NEED 0F DOMESTrIC EM- ployees use our confidential service. We - sppIy rellable and eelecti ve em- ployees for the North Shore homes. Call Frank's. 66LTN4-lte * Correction on last Issue Frank's Domestic Bureau KENILWORTH 5221. 66LTN40-1tc SITUATION WANWUD-FEALE EXPERIENCED HELP NPourtb and Linden Oppoite "L" Toi. DOMESTIC HELP RELIÂBLE EFFICIENT Shay Employment A gency Establlshed 20 yeçars Two o1ftioesln Chicago 109,E. Oak St. 14 W.> Washlngton Sup. 6608 Central 9800 GERMAN. 29, GOOD) REPS. FINISH, 30, BEST N. S. REMS GERMAN. -27.: GOOD REFS. H.UNGARIAN, 29, N. S.* RETS. REINHART'S EMPL.. AGENCY* 748 ELM ST. WINNETrî< 3399 68LTN40-ltc RELJÂBLE COLORED GIRL WISHES day work, laundry or eleaning. 7 years rein 1 place.. Ph. University 3266. SITUAKTION WANTLD-NALEf CHnAUFFEUR HUSEMAN,AN Butler, 28. A-1 N. S. refs. REINHART'S EMP. AGENCY 748 Eim St. Winnetka 3399 69LTN40-lte EXP. COOK, B3UTLER. STUDENT AT Garrett. Good rets. Ph, Greenleaf 9245. Rai. 533 B or write B-89, Box 40, Wlimette, Ill. 69Ti40-1tp CHAUFFEUR-HOUSEiA-N. WffTE. Âge 27. Thoroughly experienced. Fur- nish own uniforms. Best of ref. Phono Glencoe 1612. G69LTN40-ltp, EXP. HOUSEMAN AND GARDENER wants werk. Rets. Phonie Wilmette 4192. 69LTN40..ltp OIT. WTD.--NALE gAND FPMALE KENILWORTIf WELFARE COMMIT tee wiuhos te place uflemployed mon and wemen for work. Excellent rot- Prences furnlshed. Chas. Gatles - 35 Melrose, Kenîl. - C!hauffe.n. IgIm..,. w .V"diw, auto MOtiVoe i c ino shop, and IV iV1flbICoiflik W ui. 3413 1PAVLIK BROS. QUA T IaP A 4LN0i PFIONE KZNILWORTI! 280-820 W aooD fiOR 1k.novvti b IOLT2U-£tntrie machine. Nat, rellable and very FOSTER NSTLE reasnable on exterlor and fntorlor vork. We 0verentire North Shore. Estimates OIL BURNER SERVICE ceertully given. Ailhu era atai boms 1WLTN3ie to p Fred Broberg Bri. 1061 1JPXOLSTERING - R E P A I lR I N 0 42LTNZR-tfr y0Jr re~meB. - M»Umat« fre.. Write RM.PAPERED. $3 UP EXP. AND WELL RECOM1MENDBD 1No Charge te Employer Lindgren Empi. Agency Entablilaed 26 years 799 Elm St. Winn. 1047- 6SLTN19-te Carlson's Empi. Agency 804 ELM STREET. WTNqNrTA 3328 RELIABLE HELP Alildoniestic positino NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYU2RS 6SL.TNRR-tfe -Knl.l08-Laundress, --IO E'n VVli8s8l Gi '37,--Lanqes day vork. Luir» Ethel Montonaro-Kenî. rl 5-ClorIl work. ÂAnY further InfOrmation eau be obtiuoed Ifrom MrR. Hufgh Peteron, Kenlw*ortb 2610. iEmploymnt 9Cbairman. 70LTN37-4tp '4 CeouPlesý-2 whi te, 2Colod ihex Xeln . 8. ret. É Wt x 1 Gernman couple, '2%,years laîst place.' Competent housemen and chauffeurs, exp. laundresses and heusecleaners. Aise "go home, nights" general girls, and othr, hp ________________ 56A-LTN4-teoe 73.-y TOUR IUK$r-4., ePage 3 This issu 0 ilnu-i ffRITE GIRL FOR QENERÂL HOU- work. (00berne nights. Winnetka il1. 71LTIN40-ltp Y'NED - -MO¶1ER'S .IELPEI- Go homo ulights. Phono Wliimette 3070. 71LTN40-1te ti.OU.viNSPOUND

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