Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Feb 1935, p. 44

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Wi ' Iette grammar school varsity baslcetball teams wiII play their first interscholastic games this afternoon' at Defflaines. Tbree teams from Wilmette miade the trip to> Desllaines to comocte against the DesPlaincs Junior High school teams, The peéewee teami is tomposed of boys weighing* ninety pounds or Iess, the lightweigbt teain of boys., weighing from ninety to one hundred ten pounds, and the heavy weight team ,of boys weighing more than one hundred ten pounds. Next Wednesday afternoon the lo- cal team - will meet Grant school of Forest Park at the Howard gymna-: s&um at 4 o'clock and the foflôwing Tuêsday.a.return game will be playeci with 4DesPlaines here. Those games wiIl also be played at Z4 o'clock. The last game of the schedule ,will be a return game with Grant school, For- et Park and will be played at' ForeSt Park on February 28. Admisqion. fees to the home games are used to p~u1'hse1meblems anad awards for the 'Wilmette athletes. The interscholastic gantes attracted large numbers -of spectators last year and Director of Recreation Daniel M avcis aodatcestafflaregecwds thi avis oand hisstaffare ercting tohi year., 1SPORUT CALENDARj ers Motons vs. Boulevard Dnug. loward gymnasium. 7 :15 p.m. -Girls' basketball. "B" league. Hloward Eights vs. TNT.. Stolp gymnnasiuni. 8 p.m.-Men's basketball. North Shone league. . Lynani Texaco vs. Kenil- worth. Howard gymnasium. 8:15 p.m. - Girls' b asketbali. -"B" league. Dynamite vs. Skyrockets. Stolp gymnasium. 8:30 p.n.-Tap dancing class. Stolp. D. ltzg'ld 0O0 O OT. Saxton. 0 1 1 J. Aider... 1 OB2G. -x uJa 2 1i-.- U Smih.. 2 15 P- J4wn 00 0 W. Th'peon 2 lSP. WtmniO O0 0 T. 1icks.. 1 0 2.1. )-tnan 0 'i i V. Soule..0O0O0OR. MeLjain O0 0O .4;3;J. sInding AO ( C. Thorsen O0O0t> Bagnali. referee C. ) Y.O ( auuah'dt Brou. Mot. <86) fg.ft.*tp. fg.ft.ti> R. Meter ... 1 i9 R. yehl.. 40 8 J. Har'sn 8 31 7A. Yehl .:. 1 O 2 V. Mter .O . O M. Iluels. . 3 1 7 e. Olerich. 2 1 53J.St'mneyer- O 1 i ]B. Lynlchi. 4 381H. Ericeon O O O D.- Scott .1 1iR. Biilk. 0O A) C. Pat'rson 1 0 2 Bagrnall, réferee Teani standings, in North Shore leagie: W.- L. pet. C. Y.Oô............. 7 1 .875 Lynam'a Texacos . 2 .750 Smth Stars..............5 :.625 Bolevard Drug,....... ...... 3 6 .375 Baumnhardt Bros. Motors -l 7 .125 MENPS A BA8KETBALL LEAGUE Nelsouit Laudry' (26) WiI. Battery (16) G. Saxton. 3 O 6 C. Clifton C 0 O T. Saxton .1 0O2T. Varney 2 2 ô ÉF. H'tmnan 2 1 5 B. Rob'son 0O f 1 J. H'tman C 3 3SB. Rot..1i0 2 IL.Horn .0 00OIl. Weld 1 i1t3 J. Bagnail. 1 2 4 R. Wolff..1 1 3 R. Gauger. O 0 0 Jones, referee St. Frameis' R. Meter.. V. Meter. J. Har'son J. O'Neil.. J. Joyce... 5 010" o o ot. A T.A Metbodlctts (22) fg.ft.tp. Wel-fi 1 2 4 Soue .1 O 2 V-rney 1 1 3 Et 11 s 4 1 9 H'tnian 2 0 4 S vv. J. . S .. Nelson iiauwdry ... 1.... . 90 . 1.0 St. Francis,........... «.... 4 5 .444 bethodists e.........3 o6 .3 Wilmette Battery ........ 7 .222 MEN'S B BASICETBALL LEACUE Y. P. C. (16)> ýWinberg Druoes <02) fg.ft.tp. fg.ft.tp. J. MuRler 2 0 4 W. F'dman '0 -i1i IL Steffens i1 1' SM. Ling 0O0 oO A. Schinler 1 1 3 R. MeLain 5 0 10 G. White.. 2 0 4 H. -K'fmani 1 l 8:45 -Girls' basketball. "A" Kudas vs. Poules. Stolpý Bagnall, referee Wiuotte COnL (0) tUikuowns (28), fg.tt.tp, . fg.tt.tp. D. Scott. .. 1 2 4 D. C'pbell 3 0 6 I. Huck.... 0 0 CL. Bi'Iock 0O0O0- R. Monan. 1 0 2 R. B'lock 2 1. à G. Jones.. l'O 2 P. Wliama 3 î 0 &. .oce...0O1i11C. Leonard 4 1i 9 Bagnaial, refere. (ic 24) <î> Kffutam Fjiota (M8 Pick Ups ................. 0 6 .000 Zg.tt.tp. .fi.ft.tp. P. Aschber 1 O 2 E. Br'mer 5 1,11 U. Piacek .0O0O-0 H. Johneon 1i0- 2 J. Bagnal. à O 10 IH. Herbon. 4' O 8 P. W'liainà 4 1 9, W. Johnbon 1 1 3 J. Gaither. 2 .1,5à. Torrey. 2 O 4 Bagnall, refere Teani standings. in,"B." Baskeétbàll league: W. Wlnberg Drugs,.............7 Wilmette Confectioners..... 7 Unknowns ................. 6 Y. P.C........... Hoffmann FoIt..... Pick Ups ............ O Las Cucarathas (28) WiIdeu W.Frey WM Kaup H. Emrich D. Yeoman R. .Frey G. Hahn Joues,,referee,'. Flashes (84) C. Spitiner R. DeVinny T. Carney E. Benson R. Morea.u Hoffmann, referee 'Uta Hoffmann, Terriens (27) R. Fieberg a, Rushli H-. Ray R Smith R. Christenseni L. Pet. 2 .778 2 -778 3- ..667 4 .556 6 .33:1 9 .000o mls (24) DLJ. Lynch H. Hoffmasi A. Miller E. Borre E.Placeli J.' MIier W. Normoyie G. Terzakes R. Scheibel W. Hahn B. Linge]. Warter A. C. (W8 J. Gaither H. Bonnem D. Haa.-< G. Chapilsi H.. Clark referee P.. Henrekson C.- Kirwan J. Barnard E.Snyder loôTniann, referee .T eamn standings in "C" league: .W. L. Pet. lenrekson... .............. 7 1 .875 'reshmen.,- .. ... ........... 7 2 .778 lerriers ..... -1*-*.... 6 2 .750 tidge Wldcats.......... ... Ç 3 .667 e.s Cucarachas................ 4 5. .444, Vacker A. C...............-3 6 .3V; 'lashes.... ........ ....... 2 7 .222 lanthers ...1................i1 8 .111 Tlap dancing will b e introduced into the, Recreation board's progràm of activities this evening when the first meeting of the class for adults is held at Stoip gymnasium. The class begins at 8:-30, o'clock and will be' of one hour's duration. Miss Bernice Borre of the. Borne- Wrolff Dancing studio of Evanston will bc the instructon of the class and Miss Patricia Wolff of -the sanie1 stu:- dio "I assist. Miss Bonne was the' instructor of the two tap dancing classe 1s sponsoned by the Recreation board early in the spring of 193-4. which had. a combined enro>lîment of more. than, one hqndred. Director of Recreation Daniel M. Diavis, had1 planned to include tap- dancing as a. part of the Fali activi- tics of 1934 but due to the fact that there, was no gymnasium space.avail- able was forced to abandon the plan tilîtil this month. Information -regarding fees andl equipment for the class may bc oh- taiiied at the Recteation ôffice, 914 Central avenue. or fnom members of the Recreation staff. Aduit Recreation la Subject for Broadeast J. W. Faust, district representati'% of the National Recreation associa- tion and recreational chairman of th.' National Congress of Parents and Teachers, wi Il broadcast on Tt Place of Recreation in Aduit lif e." February 14 ini the series of eleveit progrants sponsored 'by the National Congress of Parents and Teachers i1i" cooperation with the University 0o Chicago. The broadcast will be heard over,.a national hook-up of the Na- tional Broadcasting company f roui 7 to 7:,30 p. m., Central standard tnwý. "B" Cage League Now, Entera Final Round The "B" league of the men's bas- ketball teanis sponsored by the WiI- mette Playground and Recreation board will inaugurate the third and final round robin schedule next Tues- day evening at the Howard gym- nasium. -Mien's basketball. "B" league. iowfs vs. Y. P. C. Howard 9 a. ç. Pollywoggles vs. Y. P. C 8:30 nymnasuui. . Si 14 54....... ........................ 5 1 .8al Ponles.. ................. 4 1 .800 ning class. Y. P. C..........2 F,.286 )f Physical Basketeers ................i16 16 Pollywpggles ..............i1 6 .113 for adults UapUIst 1 (4, 15, 9) Nethodist I (i16 9, 15j A. Yoimgberg Dé Andenson V...4** Page 3 Tibis Issoe Wiimett fe ýain standings in Men's Volley league: W. L. Pet. odlst I ................. 7 0 1.000 ,rd P. T. A ......... .... 6 1 .857 Ist Il.................. 4 3.571. [t 1 .......... ........ .6 odist, Il ............. et16 e' ý 8:4*5

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