Now Buzes VWfle Pupils Star. NoRuzsMiss Sçott!s roona cfCeta cS was passino Miss Johannsou's W lthi EUection room Thursday, january 31, for the Iast pýriod of the day. Stolpsciol1 in the Middle and, When the pupils got into Miss nm uddle cf campaigus. Johaàqnsonsi room they found the *Où the walls of eveçry room therç 'children who were- in there already are signea which say, "Vote. for. Sô and 1lking out of the window watching' So" or "Doli't Vote for So and So." soinetking. *Thiwsday, January 31ë therewaa When they lôoked thy a that rnarch thr«Whtehll n îy they.were looking' across at the other grounds with ilags, drusan a building where a bird (a. slate-colored bugle. Bannera rode on high and there junco) had gotten into a room throughi wau much clapping and shouting. a ,mno and finding, it warm had1 This-'parade was- given by somneof ut onl the window: sili and lookedg the boysà of IC. ontside. The children had a lot of fun watch-1 The electioneering is for candidates ing -him until Miss Johannson toldq for offices of the Stolp Assembly club them they would have togotthr for tescnsmetTeno- seats, that it was tine to begin their1 inees2 are: lesson. The bird finally got out,-e President: Ruth Scheibel, Harold Harold Buzan, Miss Scott's room. MoIter, Richard Neukranz. Vice-president. Kmeth -Clarke, E.,4 Btkeer o!& l Malcom HilI, Marion Elleit Ééer f'tl Secretary: Nancy Pierson, Marilyn Hopui'g for More Wins Stube, johnny Miller.1 The Stolp E-4 boys' basketball e Treasurer: Russ Rogers, B ill teami has played tliree games, win- e O'Brien, Alice Husak.-Edith Men- ing one of them and lesing two. 0 dàn, Stolp 1C. E-4 iost its firat gaine to E-3,Sto 1. In the i second game E-4 won, a Doris Carlson Recounts 4 toi1, frein E. Thep Great Dlsappointment third tussle staged by 9 ~ 7 q Tho. ehi1J , .* -L.44went to-E-I. 6 te U4rL 4 E i1 ILIDRARY NEWSj The rules are made so tbat the Wilmette Free Public library may be of the greateat use to ail of its pa- trons. Books may be kept for t wo1 weeks and at the, end of two weeko,* they may be renewed for the samne time', except when, reserved. Magazines may be kept for only one week. The date 'on, which'the b;ok i18 due,, 18 on the slip facing the pocket.' Books, ma enwdby mail, or telephone by noifyïngthe librarian of the title oft-he book and the date due. Any reasonable number of books may be taken at the same lime. Two cents, a day is chariged for each book k-ept overtimc. Borrowers are asked to notify the* library ýof- a change cf address. The Iibrary will appreciate it very miuch if everyone wili keep these rg--ýRihrdTreÈo. Today I amn reconimending three' ene books: "The Winged Girl of Knossos," "The Pueblo Girl" and, 'The Fight for the Pueblo." Another thing I am writing about is this library. It is truly the coziest and hpaniest place I ever saw, es- pecially when you want 'peace andý of New Books *On January 3ô0 the Stolp Assembly club was given a talk on newbooks from the children's librariai, of the Wilmette Free P..ublic 1library, Mrs. Graham. -She.told the children about Som e new bocks in the ibrary such as a bock on "Stamp Collecting." She aIso told us about some old favorites, including "Little Wome" and "Littie: Men?, The children were told that if they wrote an' article. for the, JuN>iOR Lipwt about the.library and gave theart.icIqWý to the librarian they could get a ticket *to -the Wilmnette theater, the same as they get a ticket when they write- for the school news and the- Recreation board. Yiertatk *às enjoyed by all.-Ber- nice Stein, Stolp IC. February Has'Rirthdays .of Matsy Famous Mens In the month cf February there are twenty-eight birthdays cf famous mien and twenty-eight famous events. Some of these birth- days are as follows: mi all plannea out :tIat my sister and Burlinge 1 -would go haîf way to work with born, mny father, s0 he could take us te Bowen, the street car, te the 'house of my grandmother whe lives in Chicago. H w 1 asked Miss Van Horne, my teacher, H w if we were going te get eut of school 011m on Thursday and Friday, and she' Howas said "no." I was dlsappointed becausç ew all 1 could npî go te nsy grandmether's. Matthem -Doris Carison, Howard 5A. other0 ard 7A Clams Bleu icers for Room ( tr 7A clasa recently el âcers fôr its room club.. -Bd iour.-Mzary Jane McCue, St. Fra,;i,-nomas.. Jdason9 ciud s shol 847; Abraham Lincoln: 189; Gorge Washington, 1732; James Russel Mus.c MaingLowell, 1819; W. F. (Buffalo Bill). mu i upsls M k 'gCcd3, 1845; Henry Wadsworth Long- '2üb Instruments by Hand fellow, 1807., These are just some of In Mss cKays rom te msicthe birthdays in the patniotic month. Iected MosMKys~o h ui f Eebruary.-Diclc Hooker, Stolp 1C. teacher suggested that we- make _________ Jean handanade instruments for volunteer -- t. and qy - -. i, neiU5nE -4ee eue, Issule 'LU.